Starting the 30 day shred



  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    I just started the 30 day shred last night, I will be doing the video at night.
    I was definately sweating by the end of it!
    What pound weights is everyone using? I didn't have any weights last night, so I just used 2 soup cans,
    but I think they are only 1 lb each, and I need more than that, I wonder if 5 lbs is too much though?
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning!

    Day 3 of level one done today a little earlier this morning! who's still with me?

    Taranj21: I started with 5 pounders but noticed my form wasn't spectacular so I switched to 2.5. I'm going to switch back up when I feel I have the strength.

    However today? I was at the boyfriends, he didn't have weights so I used BBQ sauce bottles! Haha

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    I am still there, second day but i feel fine. This morning i was a little sore but nothing too bad. I still love it though!!
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    Woke up this morning super sore!
    I did the biggest loser bootcamp yesterday morning after having done the 30 day shred the night before.
    there is NO way i can do the bootcamp this morning! instead, i am going to go for a bike ride with my daughter,
    chase after her at the park, and do some crunches! i'm hoping to see some results by day 10 :)
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    We should post starting measurements
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    My measurements as of yesterday (5/25) were:
    Weight: 127
    Neck: 13.5
    Waist 29.5
    Hips 33.5
  • princessbrattycake
    princessbrattycake Posts: 7 Member
    Just did day 3. No more pain, better endurance, and better form. Now that school is out, I want to start walking/running outside again. Great job, girls!!
  • BreBre134
    BreBre134 Posts: 8 Member
    it is a 30 day workout that involves everything to work out your body
  • BreBre134
    BreBre134 Posts: 8 Member
    That is awesome. when i first did it it killed me but i still did it. i saw improvement on day 4.
  • BreBre134
    BreBre134 Posts: 8 Member
    i had to stop at day 5 cause i hurt the top of my foot. but at day 4 i started to see improvement. I am also drinking green tea., they say if you do it is suppose to help you lose weight but i drink it before i do the exercise and i am sweating 3x more then with out.
  • BreBre134
    BreBre134 Posts: 8 Member
    i agree
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    So, I said at first I i lost 3.8 pounds this last week!!!! and I have definitely lost inches...I think the Shred was the key to me blasting through my plateau!!!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    Good morning!!

    I just thought that I would check in! I have just completed Day 2 of level 1 this morning and feeling the ache in my muscles just a tad.

    I will admit that I'm going to try supplementing the 30 day shred with some cardio (running/eliptical etc, at the gym or outside when it's actually nice) to get big results fast. I am headed on a bit of a vacation in 30 days... and I want to look the best I can in the time I have left. Haha (can you say procrastinator? =P )

    Two days in I can say that I'm kinda enjoying the video, I find the time just flying by! And am impressed at how much you actually can sweat in 20 minutes if you push yourself like Jillian aims for you to. The only thing I find that is bothering me about the video is how long it takes to get started, my dvd player does not let me skip the intro at all! I feel like I'm standing there for hours!

    Anyone else have that problem?

    How's everyone's day 2 or 3?!
    Yes, it is annoying. I just stretch while she's doing the intro talking
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    So today was my day 3 of the shred. I love it. I am sore to the bone, but it is worth it. I've lost 1 inch of my tummy in 3 days. I am adding cardio, from my stationary bike, which is low impact. I am also mixing her 6 week abs too. That is tough for me, b/c she does add cardio in the ab training, and I am like "you already had me jumping a few hours ago!" but its worth it. I like her. I do feel like stopping and i hear her say, "push yourself, these abs are not for free.Think about Jean shopping" So i keep pushing anf thinking about those skinny jeans!
  • princessbrattycake
    princessbrattycake Posts: 7 Member
    Day 4: my knee is hurting a little, but I can go deeper into squats and lunges, so it IS making me stronger. I'm taking the weekend off to heal and have a nice long walk tomorrow. I will continue to watch what I eat and will make sure I don't skip the warm up and cool down (I have a bad habit of that.....too impatient). I will re-do my measurements after day 10 whenever that will be :)

    Have an awesome weekend, girls!!
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    Day 4 ladies!!

    Today was a little stressful, I got an emergency work related phone call that got me at work super super early, throwing off my entire day! But! I got my workout in today, just later in the evening...

    My knees are getting a little sore, but nothing unbearable yet. I'm going start icing soon haha. I'm still very excited about this program and I'm going to try and continue working out consecutive days in a row. Wish me luck!

    Have a fantastic weekend guys! Long weekend to my American buddies! =)
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    So today was my day 7!

    I am so excited that I've done this a whole week now! I've decided that I'm doing measurements every level change (10 days). And I'm very nervous about it! I will post them here, as long as you guys are still around.

    I ate a little poorly on the weekend but I hope to pick up that slack this week.

    How is everyone doing? I'm excited to hear from everyone!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    just finished day 8! I can actually do a bicep squat curl w/o my legs shaking.I am sick of the jumping jacks though, they are killling my knees. I am ready for level 2!:bigsmile:
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    I second that! Ready for level 2!!

    2 more days!
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