What just came out of my mouth?!!??



  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I told my daughter to "cut it off" the other day...I started to say "cut it out" but finished with "knock it off"

    Did you burst out laughing? Did she?
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I have done this many many times before. So far we have Grunchy (Grumpy + Grouchy), Scootle (Scoot + Scuttle) and I recently did another one that I can not remember right now lol

    HAHA, I like Grunchy
  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    I do this all the time and everyone makes fun of me. The more excited I get telling a story or speaking in front of people, the worse it gets and I mix up letters or run words together.

    Once I had a marketing presentation for my company. We had just started working with Nickelodeon so this was a HUGE opportunity and I had the owners and about 10 executives in the conference room for the meeting as well as my direct bosses. My plan was to present our idea for a trade show which was to have someone dress up as SpongeBob. On off times, while the character actor took a break, we were going to have a large cardboard cut out made for attendees to take photos with. I was so nervous and did my part and did great until I got to the part about the cut out. Let's just say due to my nerves I added an extra letter in "cut."

    The silence was deafening. I thanked everyone and fled the room. The moment the door shut, the room burst out laughing. No one ever mentioned the incident directly to me thank god but I was mortified and haven't been able to watch SpongeBob since without wincing inwardly.
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I once asked for strawberry sauce at mcdonalds instead of ketchup. (they're both red) This was only a few years ago, I was an adult. :-/

    HAHA!!! That's so awesome...bet the servers face was priceless!
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    Shopping at store and want some Chris and Pitts BBQ sauce and asked where the piss and crits was. At work my bosses names were Julie and Joe and I asked where is Jew and Jolly. And many years ago when the had Regular and Ethal gas the attendant asked my if i want Rethal and I told him no I'll take eggular Almost forgot I was working drive thru and I was handing back the change instead og saying here's you change I said here's you name. go figure

    Yeah, I think asking someone for Piss and Crits wins, that's so great! Wonder if that person went home and said "Honey, you won't believe what some woman asked me today...." HAHA!
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I do it all the time too, Al Pacone, instead of Al pacino, bigel instead of bagel, burrow instead of borough, you should hear me TRY say ciabatta bread lol. Ive also done canoli oil instead of canola oil, Im sure my husband could tell you a lot more lol!

    LMAO...Umm...I would've thought AL PACONE...was instead of Al CAPONE...where the heck did Al pacinio come from???
  • vannaceej
    vannaceej Posts: 4
    The other day at work I was going to tell my co worker that I wished another co worker would STOP being GRUMPY, well as you may have figured from my emphasis on the words, it came out STUMPY. So now, whenever my friend sees me she says "What's up, Stumpy?". You are definitely not alone. It happens to all of us.
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    All the time! I always forget the word that I am trying to say so I substitute it with thingy, doo-dad, whatsit, so a usual sentence for me would be, "does anyone know where my wotsit, thingy ma-jig is??" of course people always know what I'm on about... I am a great cause for amusement at work and not just for that!

    The other day instead of annoucing I was going to the bathroom, I was going to shout I'm off for a wee but I thought, no, I'm an accountant and I should say something more professional so I came out with "I'm going to the place where I can be alone to do something private for a while".... WHAT AN IDIOT!!! Now when anyone is going for a wee they reel off my stupid sentence :grumble:

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! Um...first...that takes WAY too much effort to come up with...second...YIKES...that sentence could get a person into trouble!
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I'm an ex-Sailor, so... yeah... :embarassed

    *edit* I guess I should have taken a sec to read the responses before replying lol. I assumed by the title that this was a thread about cursing. :laugh:
  • chevysarah
    chevysarah Posts: 188
    I answer the phones occasionally at our office. Once, after the caller thanked me for the information I provided I responded with "Not my problem". A cross between "my pleasure" and "not a problem".. yeh it came out rather rude. I'm smooth like that.
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I answer the phones occasionally at our office. Once, after the caller thanked me for the information I provided I responded with "Not my problem". A cross between "my pleasure" and "not a problem".. yeh it came out rather rude. I'm smooth like that.

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!! (SO glad I have my own office and no one can hear me right now!)

  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I have a friend nammed Bobbie but one day I just ended up calling her Boobie.....oh there are many many more. My mouth and brain do not work at the same speed.
  • mcqlove87
    mcqlove87 Posts: 59
    Haha! I do this all the time!!!

    When I was still in school, and I needed to cash my checks from work, I would always say "Mom can we go check my cash?" Every single time!! I still catch myself saying it and many many other mixed up words.
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    Another great running family joke was something my mom said. She was ordering a sandwhich at a deli, and the guy asked her "Do you want hot peppers?" My mom answered "A few"...the guy looked shocked and said "EXCUSE ME?" (Mom quickly realized that her "A few" sounded like F~you" ....so she just said "Yesssssss".

    So now if anyone says "a few" in my family whom ever hears it automatically replies "Yesssssss"
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    I know this is an old thread but just came acrossed it -- and had to share mine in case someone needed a smirk.

    I used to be a counselor for adults with mental illness. I had this one client with the biggest boobs you've ever seen. She was very proud of them and dressed to show them off. Well -- we were talking about her getting back into work and she told me she had an interview for a waitressing job. I smiled -- said "that's wonderful!! You're going to love getting all those big tits."

    Of course what I meant to say was "tips."

    And then we have "pickled tink". Several years ago -- I was going on and on about how pickled tink I was to be going on a mini vacation. My wasband kept asking me what was I talking about -- and I was like "pickled tink -- you know excited?? duh". He says "I've heard of 'tickled pink' before but I've never heard of 'pickled tink'. The sad part is -- it took my brain a second to figure out what he was saying lol. It's still pickled tink -- but only because I love to say it.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    lol I'm all the time mixing up the beginnings of words, tat flire (flat tire). The all time favorite of my friends that they wont' let me live down was when I was driving with a couple of friends and our kids, everyone was being super loud and arguing and I go "Don't make me pull this car over, don't think I will." ...It took me a minute to get why they were laughing.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Let's see, just the other day I told my daughter to "stop chewing her cow like a gum!"

    She's 16, and she had a field day with it! Awesome!
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    For some of the examples given, there is an actual name for this: Spoonerisms
  • Krustarella
    Krustarella Posts: 12 Member
    LOVE IT!!
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Yes! Happens to me mostly when cooking. Last night it was Potating the Peeltatoes for Peeling the Potatoes.
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