Foods to Avoid?

im just curious what foods everyone stays away from or rarely eats now that you are trying to lose weight.

For me the #1 thing I stay away from is Nutella + Pretzels.


  • jeebieheebies
    jeebieheebies Posts: 68 Member
    Chocolate in all forms!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    liahna wrote: »
    im just curious what foods everyone stays away from or rarely eats now that you are trying to lose weight.

    For me the #1 thing I stay away from is Nutella + Pretzels.

    Not a single one

    You can eat absolutely everything so long as you have a generally nutritious diet, hit your macros and micros and stay within your calories across the week

    No point in demonising any food .. just learn how to include them healthily in your diet

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Low fat cheese - that stuff is nasty

    Lightened up ice cream - blergh! Better off having a small serve of the real stuff!

    "Diet" versions of food. Seriously some of those things aren't worth saving the calories for.

    basically anything that the eating of which makes me sad and craving the real thing. it's the change that's had me sticking to this for 18 months plus now :)
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I haven't omitted anything really ..I just reduced my portion size. This is a lifestyle change for me so I want to be able to sustain it.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    I don't limit myself in what I can eat (except for the things I am intollerant to), but there are certain things I don't buy because I have zero portion control with them and I will finish it no matter what. Chips are my vice. If I buy a family bag, it will be gone by the end of the day. Period. With epic amounts of self control I might make it span two days. I really do not need 1200+ calories added to my diet. Really. So I stopped buying it and when I have an epic craving for them, I make myself walk to a nearby train station where they sell one portion bags of my favourite chips (Pipers' cheddar and onion), buy one, walk home, and go to town on it! Making that ~215 calorie sacrifice fits into my day easily most days and it feels soooooo good!
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Dark chocolate just because it's Nasty
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    liahna wrote: »
    im just curious what foods everyone stays away from or rarely eats now that you are trying to lose weight.

    For me the #1 thing I stay away from is Nutella + Pretzels.

    Not a single one

    You can eat absolutely everything so long as you have a generally nutritious diet, hit your macros and micros and stay within your calories across the week

    No point in demonising any food .. just learn how to include them healthily in your diet

    Why this assumption everyone is demonising food? Personally I don't stay away from many foods but a lot of people find some foods trigger foods and much more likely to make them binge or overeat. So staying away from those foods isn't demonising it's just knowing yourself and limitations.

    I agree demonsing foods is not a good idea but the idea that because someone avoids foods they have demonised is a bit simplistic
  • woodhouse_j2
    woodhouse_j2 Posts: 20 Member
    Large Stuffed crust meat pizza, dominos or pizza hut. That would blow my calories for 2 days. Owe how i miss you pizza.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Mixed nuts as a snack

    It is easy for me to eat too many calories and not feel full.

    So because of the calorie density I rarely have them. There are other more filling things to snack on

    They Are 170 calories for a quarter of a cup!! What the heck! Yummy but not worth it
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I avoid anything I'm allergic to. Anything is fine in moderation,.so nothing is off limits
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Nothing. I eat all the food. Just not In the same quantity as I used to.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    liahna wrote: »
    im just curious what foods everyone stays away from or rarely eats now that you are trying to lose weight.

    For me the #1 thing I stay away from is Nutella + Pretzels.

    Not a single one

    You can eat absolutely everything so long as you have a generally nutritious diet, hit your macros and micros and stay within your calories across the week

    No point in demonising any food .. just learn how to include them healthily in your diet

    Why this assumption everyone is demonising food? Personally I don't stay away from many foods but a lot of people find some foods trigger foods and much more likely to make them binge or overeat. So staying away from those foods isn't demonising it's just knowing yourself and limitations.

    I agree demonsing foods is not a good idea but the idea that because someone avoids foods they have demonised is a bit simplistic

    Only because you see it again and again, not just here but in the world of tabloid dieting .. you mustn't eat carbs / sugar is the devil / ice cream makes you fat etc etc ad nauseum

    when it doesn't

    eating more calories than you burn makes you put on weight. If you personally can't moderate with a specific food then fine, but that doesn't then become a tip for someone else
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    i dont actually avoid any foods .. I just keep small amounts of them in my home.. I have a problem when getting a big package of cakes doughnuts or cookies and eating the entire package in 1 sitting :p

  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    liahna wrote: »
    im just curious what foods everyone stays away from or rarely eats now that you are trying to lose weight.

    For me the #1 thing I stay away from is Nutella + Pretzels.

    Not a single one

    You can eat absolutely everything so long as you have a generally nutritious diet, hit your macros and micros and stay within your calories across the week

    No point in demonising any food .. just learn how to include them healthily in your diet

    Why this assumption everyone is demonising food? Personally I don't stay away from many foods but a lot of people find some foods trigger foods and much more likely to make them binge or overeat. So staying away from those foods isn't demonising it's just knowing yourself and limitations.

    I agree demonsing foods is not a good idea but the idea that because someone avoids foods they have demonised is a bit simplistic

    Correct - a lot of people need to avoid certain foods for a bit until they can learn to better control themselves around it. It is not a matter of demonizing, just a matter of learning control. Sometimes it takes fully staying away from something for a bit to figure it out. Once you have figured out the control, you add it back. Not a matter of demonizing, a matter of learning.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    It depends.

    1. Everything in moderation is a more normal approach becayse its a lifesyle thing and just earing to eat in the proportion your body can handle. The other side is restriction cna lead to binging and uneccessary misery. Pizza and icre cream ok every day if you cnat fit it into the allowance etc.
    2. This does not work for everyone, so avoiding and not buying some foods is a viable solution. Trigger foods are easier to avoid if you dont have them in the house because not everyone has the willpower to moderate.

    I do 1, but I also choose not to have certain foods becayse id rather spend my calories elsewhere. If I want them I will still have them, but then im not a restricting sort of person.

    One of the secondary benefits of exercise is you cna earn yourself more calories to eat. rarely eat is different from avoid.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Large Stuffed crust meat pizza, dominos or pizza hut. That would blow my calories for 2 days. Owe how i miss you pizza.

    Psssst, cauliflower pizza base! :love:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I limit a lot of the nutrient poor, heavily refined carb foods. They waste my calories, and tend to give me the munchies. Not worth it to me most of the time.
    They aren't "off limits" just not something I choose to spend my calories on, especially since I find it harder to stick to my other goals when I eat them.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Beets. Because they taste like dirt.
  • wrrly
    wrrly Posts: 26 Member
    I am a firm believer (and follower) of everything in moderation. Portion control and planning works for me. Have said that, I feel better when I avoid eating processed sugars found in cakes, cookies,... For me, sugar leads to craving more.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I never stayed away from any foods that I liked when I was losing weight and I don't stay away from anything now that I'm maintaining either. If it fit my calorie goal and I liked it, I simply ate and logged it.