Suggestions on low carb, high fiber foods?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    because if she is cutting carbs based on some woo woo reason like "carbs make me fat" then maybe she does not need to cut them in the first place and won't have to do back flips to eat "low carb" just because she thinks she has to....

    I was not aware that asking a question = being critical...

    Wether you think her diet choice is "woo woo" or not is irrelevant. She didn't ask "Is eating low carb a good idea?", she asked about low carb food with fiber content.

    I am merely pointing out that answering her question first is not unresonable.
    It's a bit like asking directions to the train station and being answered "Oh no honey ! What you want is the bus station ! Buses are so much better than trains !"

    But you are free to ask anything, pal. I didn't mean to be confrontational !

    yes, and we can't give a proper answer without having full information as to reasoning behind said decision.

    you can use cute names in an attempt to be passively aggressively name call ore we an have a discussion. When you descend to that level it is in indication that you do not have the mental capacity to have a reasonable discussion.
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    edited July 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    yes, and we can't give a proper answer without having full information as to reasoning behind said decision.

    you can use cute names in an attempt to be passively aggressively name call ore we an have a discussion. When you descend to that level it is in indication that you do not have the mental capacity to have a reasonable discussion.

    Wow....just wow...

    Again, was not trying to be confrontational.... Maybe it's just me, but having a "reasonable discussion" usually starts by not questioning the other person's mental capacity...

    More to the point, you weren't gathering information, you just called her choice of diet "woo woo".

    To be clear, I'm not advocating a low carb diet and nor am I dismissing it . It his HER choice.
    You seem to disagree and that's fine ! You could have explained why, you could have asked questions and offer your expertise.

    But you did no such thing. You just insulted her and me.

    That was your contribution here.... offering insults, not advice.

    Of course, I may just have misunderstood the whole thing !
    If that's the case, I'll just blame it on my limited mental capacity so it's not like I have any choice in the matter !

  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member

    Wether you think her diet choice is "woo woo" or not is irrelevant. She didn't ask "Is eating low carb a good idea?", she asked about low carb food with fiber content.

    I am merely pointing out that answering her question first is not unresonable.
    It's a bit like asking directions to the train station and being answered "Oh no honey ! What you want is the bus station ! Buses are so much better than trains !"

    But you are free to ask anything, pal. I didn't mean to be confrontational !

    Ok - let's use the train station analogy. In central park, someone asks for directions to the train station. The closest is Grand Central, so I give directions to there. The person goes there, only the person or train they are meeting, is actually going to Penn Station. Ooops. Sometimes a question is too vague to answer without clarification. And sometimes an answer to a vague question can be worse than no answer at all.

    To bring it back to carbs - Carbs get a bad rap and as a result, there are a lot of diets out there that involve cutting them that are both healthy and unhealthy. A person making sure his or her answer will not encourage unhealthy eating is a valid endeavor; this is especially true on a site that sells itself on losing weight in a healthy manner.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    yes, and we can't give a proper answer without having full information as to reasoning behind said decision.

    you can use cute names in an attempt to be passively aggressively name call ore we an have a discussion. When you descend to that level it is in indication that you do not have the mental capacity to have a reasonable discussion.

    Wow....just wow...

    Again, was not trying to be confrontational.... Maybe it's just me, but having a "reasonable discussion" usually starts by not questioning the other person's mental capacity...

    More to the point, you weren't gathering information, you just called her choice of diet "woo woo".

    To be clear, I'm not advocating a low carb diet and nor am I dismissing it . It his HER choice.
    You seem to disagree and that's fine ! You could have explained why, you could have asked questions and offer your expertise.

    But you did no such thing. You just insulted her and me.

    That was your contribution here.... offering insults, not advice.

    Of course, I may just have misunderstood the whole thing !
    If that's the case, I'll just blame it on my limited mental capacity so it's not like I have any choice in the matter !

    I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that OP is doing. I simply asked a question as to what is the reasoning behind said choice. To which you decided to jump in and accuse anyone asking a question of being "confrontational," and then tried to get all cutesy with the pet name calling.
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Ok - let's use the train station analogy. In central park, someone asks for directions to the train station. The closest is Grand Central, so I give directions to there. The person goes there, only the person or train they are meeting, is actually going to Penn Station. Ooops. Sometimes a question is too vague to answer without clarification. And sometimes an answer to a vague question can be worse than no answer at all.

    To bring it back to carbs - Carbs get a bad rap and as a result, there are a lot of diets out there that involve cutting them that are both healthy and unhealthy. A person making sure his or her answer will not encourage unhealthy eating is a valid endeavor; this is especially true on a site that sells itself on losing weight in a healthy manner.

    First, thank you for taking this back to a real civil discussion. Apparently, it's worth mentioning in this thread :)

    As I said, I was not trying to advocate any kind of diet, low carb or otherwise. I was merely pointing out that the OP's question deserved an answer first.

    There are MANY different opinions when it comes to what is considered a healthy diet.
    Some will say low carb is great, some will say it's unhealthy. Others will accept nothing but veganism.

    The list goes on... You will find ENDLESS debates demonizing this diet or that one. And you know what ? Debates are great !

    There are so many things we don't yet understand about nutrition that I value those debates and look forward to learning more.

    What I'm saying is simply I DO NOT know what is the healthiest way of eating is because NOBODY seems to be sure yet. Doctors disagree, patients disagree, people's experiences vary greatly so it seems the jury is still out !

    So for the time being, I'm just happy when people get good results, wheter for weight loss, athletic performance, or health. Whatever the method.

  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,619 Member
    OP, if you're still here, I make a veg soup that has 5 gm protein, 3 gm fiber 61 cals per serving and tastes great. I use a Nutra-bullet to make this.

    1 cup each of raw chopped - broccoli, carrots, onions
    2 cups raw baby spinach
    1 quart chicken broth or stock

    Throw it all in to a medium sauce pot. Bring to a boil then slow simmer for a half hour. Cool until just warm and blend in two batches in a Nutra-bullet to puree it. It makes 14 - one cup servings. I pour each serving into a mug, and just for taste, add a half tsp of butter and a bit of salt and pepper and nuke it about 2 minutes. It's a great way to get veg and fiber into your day.
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,619 Member
    Sorry, I need to correct my post to say, it makes 7 - one cup servings.
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that OP is doing. I simply asked a question as to what is the reasoning behind said choice. To which you decided to jump in and accuse anyone asking a question of being "confrontational," and then tried to get all cutesy with the pet name calling.

    I did not accuse you or anyone ! I said that I (ME) was not confrontational !
    I said that just because you seemed upset by my post ! And I didn't do any "cute name calling" that I know. I just called you "pal". If that was disrespectful, I apologize (english is not my first language).

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    One reason why it's worth asking more details about what she is trying to do is that it affects the answer. How low in carbs? Net carbs or carbs generally? If she's trying to go quite low in overall carbs, the answer might be that she won't be able to meet her fiber goal without supplementing (and would have to decide whether she thinks that's healthy).
    Most leafy green vegatables will be fine. They contain fiber and not many carbs.

    I was surprised at how low these were in fiber, personally. 100 grams of kale has about 4 grams of fiber, whereas 100 grams of spinach has only 2.

    Raspberries are a good source, but people who want to keep carbs low often seem to avoid all fruit.

    Avocados are a good source, but the calories build up quickly, so you can't rely on them too much if at a quite low calorie level.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that OP is doing. I simply asked a question as to what is the reasoning behind said choice. To which you decided to jump in and accuse anyone asking a question of being "confrontational," and then tried to get all cutesy with the pet name calling.

    I did not accuse you or anyone ! I said that I (ME) was not confrontational !
    I said that just because you seemed upset by my post ! And I didn't do any "cute name calling" that I know. I just called you "pal". If that was disrespectful, I apologize (english is not my first language).

    the fun thing about copy and paste is that I can use said function to copy your quote below:

    "A note for others : why criticize her choice of diet before, or even instead of answering her question !"

    so yes, you did say that others were being critical.

    And I am not your "pal" so why would you use that word?
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    the fun thing about copy and paste is that I can use said function to copy your quote below:

    "A note for others : why criticize her choice of diet before, or even instead of answering her question !"

    so yes, you did say that others were being critical.

    And I am not your "pal" so why would you use that word?

    Yes, you're right, I said "why criticize her choice of diet before, or even instead of answering her question !"
    And I stand by that ! Why ?

    You said:
    "because if she is cutting carbs based on some woo woo reason like "carbs make me fat" then maybe she does not need to cut them in the first place and won't have to do back flips to eat "low carb" just because she thinks she has to...."

    Which is not a question it seems....but I'm just repeating myself...

    And what should I have called you ? "Dude" ? "Bro" or "Sir" maybe ?

    This is getting silly...

  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    damn...i clicked on this thread thinking "wow...that's a lot of suggestions for low carb food ideas."

    schooled. :smile:
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    damn...i clicked on this thread thinking "wow...that's a lot of suggestions for low carb food ideas."

    schooled. :smile:

    Yep ! :) We might not be far from the Godwin point.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OP: did you get an answer to your question?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have a table of higher fibre low carb foods here which uses UK / EU labelling conventions ie the "Carbohydrates" are sugars / starches and "Fibre" is completely separate and not part of carbs.
  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe she just wants to have a good BM. Who can question that? :smile:
    Also guessing she's interested maybe in reducing carbs in the sense of sugary, simple or refined stuff. But whatever! How bout some fiber ideas.
    I base my suggestions on what gets me "moving" as it were:
    Crunchy fruits like apples, pears etc
    Garlicky things (fresh garlic)
    Spicy dishes
    Dishes that combine a lot of veggies and/or dried fruits all cooked together (e.g. some Moroccan type cuisine)