PLATEAU...I'm so frustrated



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Chiema wrote: »
    I am DEFINITELY not at a maintenance phase. I have 100+ pounds to lose. Plus I don't think a half a pound was unreasonable in a two week period. I have small goals set to reach my long term goal. I understand that the goals are not always going to be met but my recent expectations are by no means unreasonable. I know many people would say that I was wrong but I had a fast day yesterday and dropped 2.8. I drank plenty of water to stay hydrated but it was enough to get me over the bump. With having 150 pounds to lose I think that a fast day or an all liquid day every once in a while is perfectly acceptable. Everybody is different and everybody doesn't need to be as extreme as I have been. I have not hurt myself and over the next few days I will ease my way back into eating normal. My only wish at this moment is I hope the 2.8 I lost does not creep back over then next few days. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks! ☺️

    Just becayse you have 150lbs to lose doesnt mean you cant be at a maintenance level in terms of calories in v calories out. There are alarm blls going off over what you are posting and your undersanding of how the weight loss journey will work, but I feel you are quite headstrong and are going to do it your way no mayyer what other people might warn you about. Good luck.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm so frustrated by people who ask for advice. Are given tried and true advice by people who have been successful. People whom are giving the same advise, that I have followed for two months, and lost an average of 2 pounds a week. Then people say no thanks for giving me that advise, I would rather keep doing what I am doing. Go ahead don't weigh your food, do sloppy logging, as for me, I will take the advice and the loss that goes with it. If i fast for a day, which I do once a month for religious reasons, and lose weight I will not be upset if that loss was temporary because I know what over time really works.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm so frustrated by people who ask for advice. Are given tried and true advice by people who have been successful. People whom are giving the same advise, that I have followed for two months, and lost an average of 2 pounds a week. Then people say no thanks for giving me that advise, I would rather keep doing what I am doing. Go ahead don't weigh your food, do sloppy logging, as for me, I will take the advice and the loss that goes with it.

    :) claps.....

  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    JudithNYC wrote: »
    What's with the "mandatory" weighing? So long as you are not fooling yourself and saying that a cup of ice cream or whatever includes an inch high mound I think it's fine to use cups and spoons. I also go by serving size as posted in food packages. In fact, I never measure anything, I just eyeball it. But then I have been cooking for 50 plus years and am very good at it, not recommended for everyone.

    From the comments all over MFP I know that I am in a minority on this weighing/measuring cup issue but I think the only benefit of weighing vs cups is that weighing has a smaller margin of error. But who knows. I dont think most of us are using highly calibrated scientific scales. Who's to say that the scale is telling me 30 grams when it's really 33?

    PS I am 65, losing an average of 1-2 lbs a week, no exercise except daily activities of living. 1200 to 1400 cal a day.

    I was cooking rice, on the package it said 1/4 cup dry (46g), I measured a cup and thinking it will be 184g. Just to be sure, I tossed it on my scale, and it was over 250g. :(
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    Try not to get discouraged when some of the weight yo lost doing your fast comes back. I guarantee a significant percentage was water weight. Just keep logging, if you do it accurately the scale will eventually go down.
  • Chiema
    Chiema Posts: 13 Member
    I get the feeling that some peoe are actually mad at my choices here! Is this not an OPEN forum where support, advise, and encouragement is one of the goals to help people through their specific issues? Everyone is different and where something works well for one person doesn't for other, is that cause to be snippy and discourage the person by telling them they are headstrong? If you don't want to give any positive feedback I really don't want to hear it. If you don't like people, such as me, asking for advise then don't read the posts!! Pretty freaking simply I think. I enter EVERYTHING into my diary every day. I log into MFP multiple times through out the day just look at at forums and articles of interest that may be of help for ME on MY specific issues. The people here who have said to stay strong and science will win out I applaud your good nature toward what I see as my problem. For the people that call me headstrong and say that I am going to whatever I want to do, I do not need your comments. It only weakens my strength to push through this already difficult time. I do not appreciate you being sarcastic toward me. You don't know don't know what I have been don't know what struggles I may have had in the past! Don't pass judgement on a stranger!
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    I truly do not think people are passing judgement, Chiema. They are giving advise that truly does work, if you are willing to listen to it. Many of them, I suspect, were once (or still are) overweight and they know the struggles. They might not know the specifics of your situations, but because the basic formula for weight loss is so simple, it applies to basically everyone. If there is information you need them to have so you might get advice you are willing to hear, it would be much more prudent to provide that than leave us a post like above.

    To me, it seems like you are treating weight loss as a sprint--drop as much as possible in a short amount of time by whatever means possible and hope it magically stays off. Unfortunately, that is not how you achieve sustainable results. You need to change what you eat, how much you eat of it, and you 'relationship' with food. You need to know what food does to your body and what it needs to be sustained throughout the day on lower overall intake calories. There are basic mechanisms in play that work against you now but will be your greatest aids once you realize what they are.

    People in the thread have been very supportive. They are telling you that you should relax, settle in for the long haul, and try to enjoy at least some of the ride. The problem with treating weight loss as a sprint is that you are going to burn out long before the actual finish line emerges. If you eat at a deficit, you will loose weight. The greater the deficit, the quicker you will loose. You also have a body that needs to be nourished, though. One that needs a basic amount of fuel every day to do what it needs to do. There is nothing wrong with intermitten fasting if you understand the practice enough to know when it is appropriate to try--and I am frankly not sure that just skipping a day of food is in your best interest right now. Try working on your relationship with food instead.

    I wish you the best of luck with your journey and I hope you will listen to the splendid advice you have been recieving. There people care, else they wouldn't have commented. That goes for me, too. Please try to keep that in mind.
  • Chiema
    Chiema Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2015
    By no means have I indicated that I am trying to "sprint" through a weight loss. I am well aware of the science involved in losing weight. A calorie deficit is always the daily goal. If I lose 8 pounds in a month I'm absolutely delighted! I completely agree and appreciate the individuals who are positive and give good reasonable feedback. However, the few individuals that were short with me, said I was head strong, and ones that "are frustrated with people asking for advise" are not the ones I, or anyone else, want to hear from. Telling me to "continue my sloppy logging...I don't care" are not appreciated comments. I do not enter my food sloppy. I weigh my food regularly. I exercise daily with a variety of motions so my body does not get use to one boring thing. I believe my frustration was warranted and was just looking for friendly advise and encouragement. Not everyone on here did that. Some asked "is this serious?" Why would my personal concerns not be serious? Of course they are serious...but TO ME!! Maybe that person thought this forum was ridiculous...well then why read it and ESPECIALLY why comment? It makes no sense. If one thing I have learned from this forum is that not everyone is supportive of others. I sincerely apologize for stepping on anyone's toes. I wish that everyone realized that not all bodies are the same and they do not all react the same way. You can rest assured that I will seek supportive advise else where. For the ones that were supportive and gave meaningful, caring advise I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your professionalism and caring attitude.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Chiema wrote: »
    By no means have I indicated that I am trying to "sprint" through a weight loss. I am well aware of the science involved in losing weight. A calorie deficit is always the daily goal. If I lose 8 pounds in a month I'm absolutely delighted! I completely agree and appreciate the individuals who are positive and give good reasonable feedback. However, the few individuals that were short with me, said I was head strong, and ones that "are frustrated with people asking for advise" are not the ones I, or anyone else, want to hear from. Telling me to "continue my sloppy logging...I don't care" are not appreciated comments. I do not enter my food sloppy. I weigh my food regularly. I exercise daily with a variety of motions so my body does not get use to one boring thing. I believe my frustration was warranted and was just looking for friendly advise and encouragement. Not everyone on here did that. Some asked "is this serious?" Why would my personal concerns not be serious? Of course they are serious...but TO ME!! Maybe that person thought this forum was ridiculous...well then why read it and ESPECIALLY why comment? It makes no sense. If one thing I have learned from this forum is that not everyone is supportive of others. I sincerely apologize for stepping on anyone's toes. I wish that everyone realized that not all bodies are the same and they do not all react the same way. You can rest assured that I will seek supportive advise else where. For the ones that were supportive and gave meaningful, caring advise I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your professionalism and caring attitude.

    Here is your problem

    You ALWAYS weigh ALL your food
    You ar not losing because you are not in a deficit anymore

    you asked for support and you got it. What do you want to hear??

    your doing good?
    oke fine too
    you are doing great keep it up!!!

    <<leaves thread

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Chiema wrote: »
    I am DEFINITELY not at a maintenance phase. I have 100+ pounds to lose. Plus I don't think a half a pound was unreasonable in a two week period. I have small goals set to reach my long term goal. I understand that the goals are not always going to be met but my recent expectations are by no means unreasonable. I know many people would say that I was wrong but I had a fast day yesterday and dropped 2.8. I drank plenty of water to stay hydrated but it was enough to get me over the bump. With having 150 pounds to lose I think that a fast day or an all liquid day every once in a while is perfectly acceptable. Everybody is different and everybody doesn't need to be as extreme as I have been. I have not hurt myself and over the next few days I will ease my way back into eating normal. My only wish at this moment is I hope the 2.8 I lost does not creep back over then next few days. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks! ☺️
    Look at it logically. If it was 2.8 pounds of fat you lost then the calorie count was 9800 calories in deficit. So did you burn off 9800 calories? I doubt it. Could you have lost 2.8lbs of excess fluid? Definitely if you read my thread about the scale.
    So could you easily gain that 2.8 back? Sure because again, weight loss ISN'T linear.
    If you're looking for advice and not willing to accept it, then there really isn't much others can say to convince you. There are lots of people here who are successful and know the ins and outs. You just have to be open to some of the suggestions.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Chiema
    Chiema Posts: 13 Member
    I continually say that I appreciate the advise given. I completely understand the way a calorie deficit works. 3500 calories = 1 pound. Of course I didn't lose 2.8 of fat but it jump started me. It gave me the personal confidence that I needed. I had lost 60 pounds some years ago and I know how my body reacts and doesn't react to certain stimuli. I came to this forum so that I could share and my experience and vise versa. I came to the thread to ask people who may have some similar stories and advise on how they proceeded, which I got. I do not understand why some are angry. It makes no sense to me. Again I apologize if anyone became upset or angry with anything I may have said or done. I had a few weeks where weight lose completely stopped and stress took over. I have started losing weight again since this thread started. I will say for the fourth time, I appreciate the advice I received from most of the individuals on here. Thank you again.