Hungry all the time



  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    If I drink regular coffee without eating, the caffeine makes my blood sugar drop and I get very hungry, but decaf doesn't bother me. Everyone is different, but you might try switching to decaf (or tea which has less caffeine) for a while and see if that helps.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    Lea_8D wrote: »
    If I drink regular coffee without eating, the caffeine makes my blood sugar drop and I get very hungry, but decaf doesn't bother me. Everyone is different, but you might try switching to decaf (or tea which has less caffeine) for a while and see if that helps.
    Hmmm... I'll try anything at this point.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    Easy solution! Use substitutes so you can eat 'more', but with the same calories. Switch your small-sized 200 calorie snack for a large-sized 200 calorie snack! Rather than a small bag of chips, that makes for a LOT of grapes at the same calorie [so many, you'd be stuffed]! Did not see if you ate snacks or anything, just an example.

    I'm at 1200 calories/day, and I have no issue. I'm not quite a morning eater, so I tend to skip breakfast entirely, have a light lunch, MAYBE some low-cal nibbling during breaks to cut through any hunger I get, then stuff my face for dinner within calorie limit so I don't fall asleep hungry. Sipping water will help when stomach starts to growl, too, in case you realize it was DEFINITELY a day to eat breakfast.. -cough- Today for me...

    I dont eat chips (i like pizza, beer, chocolate, and icecream though i fight to refrain most of the time :smile: ). My usual snack is a cucumber. I drink a gallon of water a day. :disappointed:
    If i ate just 1200 in a day, id be crawling out of my skin/in tears by the end of it.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »

    I dont eat chips (i like pizza, beer, chocolate, and icecream though i fight to refrain most of the time :smile: ). My usual snack is a cucumber. I drink a gallon of water a day. :disappointed:
    If i ate just 1200 in a day, id be crawling out of my skin/in tears by the end of it.

    That is actually how it was with me at the start. But my appetite was... Crushing. Every day, even before diet, was a struggle to not binge until I threw up [not on purpose, just from overeating that much]. Once that urge finally dissipates, and 'hunger' is no longer a 'habit' rather than actual hunger, it gets a lot easier. There are extremely low-cal ice creams [which are really yummy], low-cal pizza... Unsure of beer, I'm not a fan... Chocolate is my weakness. I plan around having a nice ol' Hershey bar occasionally. Yum!

    Also, weigh ALL of your food if you can! Eyeballing is terrible on the calorie counting. I'll admit that I don't weigh my food as often as I should, but I see HUGE differences in weight loss of when I do vs I don't.

    That video mathandcats posted is REALLY eye-opening. If you did not click it, I really recommend doing so.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    It'll be about trial and error. I think it is for most people, as we're all different. I do better with higher protein and fiber in multiple smaller meals, at least during the work week.

    I have my hungry moments, but over all, I feel pretty good.

    Figure out something to try and give it at least a week. I try to make it fun, like a game "On today's episode of 'How Can I Outsmart My Appetite ...'" :smiley:
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    katepace1 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Some people who overeat at night find that it helps to skip breakfast and eat later.

    Do you eat a lot of fruits and veggies? It is very difficult to go hungry eating fruits and veggies. Try working more of them into the diet. If you're hungry at night, have some green beans or edamame or something.

    I do love edamame. But i love dark chocolate more. :)
    Also a valid choice, lol. :)

    You'll get to where you want to be. It's not easy. New habits take time and work.

    Find me anyone who spent a long period of time accomplishing something big who says they never had a setback, they never stumbled...I'll find you a liar! :)

    I've been at this for YEARS. started my journey at 155 lbs and a size 12. Now, im 140-145 and a size 4 or 6. I'm 37 and can fit in my prom dress. Lol. I can run for hours at a time and lift very heavy weights.
    A couple years ago, i got down to 128. I was really depressed at the time and was on meds that killed my appetite. I want that back, minus the constant sobbing and pharmaceuticals. :)
    It is really hard to do when i constantly feel like i could eat a horse. :/
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    katepace1 wrote: »

    I dont eat chips (i like pizza, beer, chocolate, and icecream though i fight to refrain most of the time :smile: ). My usual snack is a cucumber. I drink a gallon of water a day. :disappointed:
    If i ate just 1200 in a day, id be crawling out of my skin/in tears by the end of it.

    That is actually how it was with me at the start. But my appetite was... Crushing. Every day, even before diet, was a struggle to not binge until I threw up [not on purpose, just from overeating that much]. Once that urge finally dissipates, and 'hunger' is no longer a 'habit' rather than actual hunger, it gets a lot easier. There are extremely low-cal ice creams [which are really yummy], low-cal pizza... Unsure of beer, I'm not a fan... Chocolate is my weakness. I plan around having a nice ol' Hershey bar occasionally. Yum!

    Also, weigh ALL of your food if you can! Eyeballing is terrible on the calorie counting. I'll admit that I don't weigh my food as often as I should, but I see HUGE differences in weight loss of when I do vs I don't.

    That video mathandcats posted is REALLY eye-opening. If you did not click it, I really recommend doing so.

    I watched it. I will try measuring more consistently. I've been trying to restrict calories for years. And it has worked for me in the past. It's just been lately that a decline in my metabolism seems to coincide with an increase in my appetite. :/ i think it might be peri-menapausal estrogen withdrawal. :/
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    It'll be about trial and error. I think it is for most people, as we're all different. I do better with higher protein and fiber in multiple smaller meals, at least during the work week.

    I have my hungry moments, but over all, I feel pretty good.

    Figure out something to try and give it at least a week. I try to make it fun, like a game "On today's episode of 'How Can I Outsmart My Appetite ...'" :smiley:

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    If you're a chocolate lover, Coco Polo and Lily's make chocolate sweetened with Stevia instead of sugar. All the chocolatey goodness, waaaaaaaay fewer calories. I like mine with peanut butter or almond butter. :smiley:
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    I would be hungry on that too :)

    it is different for everybody
    But for sure i would add much more vegetables

    My daily intake is around 1300 to 1400 now
    And see what i get for it ( this is one day for me)


    I eat a lot of vegetables But notice that this is still about 150 calories less than you eat.

    Try maybe to change things around...add other kind of foods.

    Only thing i know that i was ( except for about 4 days when i started) really hungry.

  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    I would be hungry on that too :)

    it is different for everybody
    But for sure i would add much more vegetables

    My daily intake is around 1300 to 1400 now
    And see what i get for it ( this is one day for me)


    I eat a lot of vegetables But notice that this is still about 150 calories less than you eat.

    Try maybe to change things around...add other kind of foods.

    Only thing i know that i was ( except for about 4 days when i started) really hungry.

    My god! That all looks amazing. My stomach is rumbling so bad now. :) lol!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    lol sorry hehehe but yeah most my days look like this
    I eat a lot of stir fry's Nice easy and fast
    And keep a photo log every day from what i eat..all meals and snacks Is fun!
  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    How does using measuring cups and eyeballing instantly equal too many calories? I constantly see this jump in logic on this site and it's weird. I agree it's probably not accurate, but why then automatically over? I eyeball and measure and I still lose weight and probably over estimate my calories at times. It is possible for this to be a problem too. I get that human nature is to take all that is available and go to town, which is one reason why many people are overweight. But by the time a person comes to realize they need to be careful and uses a site like this, I think the assumption that were all just constantly under estimating all the time anytime we use a measuring cup or spoon or take a guess can't be true. I'm sure there are a lot of people that have a problem overestimating to be on the safe side and so maybe end up with too few calories. And there are probably people that underestimate sometimes and overestimate sometimes and so it kinda balances out. I thinks it's unfair to tell the poster, who says she is hungry and works out a lot, that she is simply guessing wrong and thus over eating. We all know that guessing calories burned in life and exercise is also and estimate, so how can we be sure that that is not a factor and that it's just her eating too much because she's not using a scale? How precise can any of this be? Anyway I'd say, OP, maybe log more exercise if you're not already, and try to lose at a more gradual rate if you're not already. 1500-1600 calories a day is not "gross" for an active 5'7" woman. I'm 5'1" 128 and MFP has me set to eat 1470, not much lower than 1500, and I've lost some weight. Not a lot, but I'm setting a small deficit and not looking to lose that much.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Here is what a difference it can be And that is only 2 kind of foods a day
    When you have a small deficit it can matter
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    And we are not talking about a couple of calories we are talking about hundreds!

    I had a serving size of cheesecake some time ago
    46 gram was 210 calories the label said...I weighed and sure enough it was weigh over...and well by 43 calories!
    Now that isnt much you would say. But over 11 days 43 miscalculating is almost 500 calories ( and we all know that is a pound). So that is what you wipe out. just like that.

    For cups
    the same You dont know the data entree if the person who made that entree squeeze in as much as possible or left much room.
    We know that the databank is made by the users. Now if i make an entree and put in a cup of banana you dont know if i left the cup a bit empty or if i had a whole bunch stacked up into and above the cup.

    So yes specially for calorie dense food it is important

    and for some people accuracy is more important than others. Some have lots to lose some less. Some have a big deficit ( so lots of room for errors) some have a small deficit so not much room for error.

  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    The above makes sense, but my point is that it's possible to both overestimate and underestimate. You could base your loosely packed measuring cup on a number for a tightly packed cup just the same as the reverse. Some package labels might say a lower number than the scale and others might say higher. I get that scales can help and it's probably not a bad idea, for educational purposes if nothing else. I just don't think it makes sense to say no scale automatically equals over calorie budget every time without knowing or discussing more details related to the individual, their habits, what exactly they're eating or their mind set.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    The above makes sense, but my point is that it's possible to both overestimate and underestimate. You could base your loosely packed measuring cup on a number for a tightly packed cup just the same as the reverse. Some package labels might say a lower number than the scale and others might say higher. I get that scales can help and it's probably not a bad idea, for educational purposes if nothing else. I just don't think it makes sense to say no scale automatically equals over calorie budget every time without knowing or discussing more details related to the individual, their habits, what exactly they're eating or their mind set.

    I get what you're saying, but I think that you're missing the fact that the people who are advised they may need to weigh instead of eyeball are the people who are mystified as to why they're not losing. I don't think a soul exists who is going to post a thread asking how to help slow down his weight loss. If you're eyeballing accurately or erring on the side of underestimating, you're not going to have a problem with loss and won't be requesting advice. Make sense?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    well i didn't say that in this thread only reacted on the fact she is always hungry

    I have cup entrees in my diary but than the package say 1 cup 85 grams
    So i weigh out 85 grams and log it. It shows up as a cup or half cup whatever. But that is only when a label said it and when i can find the right entree.
    the point most of the time is that people aren't accurate at all. Test ( there are some links of studies ) proves that there is an inaccuracy of 20% in peoples counting... And for eyeballing it is even higher.
    So ti is all together what makes people stall/plateau/stop losing weight.

    Now there are people who can do it without scale...very well even. But those people are rare.
    Most of us cant. It is a simple fact. It is tested.
    And why if you weigh some food, not weigh it all. You have the scale out anyway

    so like i take my plate i put it on the scale. weigh my meat..write it down. zero it out and put my potato on it...write it down and than i am going to put my veggies in a cup??? why not also putting it on the plate?

    So dont get me wrong everybody have to know them self what to do and how they want to do this. But the overestimation's are a fact. Most of the successful people here weigh their food.

    And sure enough i dont weigh my fiber bar tonight... but i have a pretty large deficit so i dont worry about that. But when my deficit was only for a half pound..sure enough i would.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    btw i dont even know why i explain it lol The OP was talking about being hungry and i said eat more veggies...not weigh all your food lol that was somebody else
  • saeku
    saeku Posts: 11 Member
    I'd be hungry all the time too if I aimed for 1,200 calories and worked out an hour a day every day. Especially doing HIIT.

    Maybe try doing less cardio and logging food intake more rigorously, so you can be 100% sure that you're hitting a reasonable deficit. Based on logs presenting & your attitude it sounds like you're trying to eat at a really aggressive deficit, and then not losing weight because you can't adhere to it. Better to lose weight slowly than to plateau because you can't sustain your plans.