Chia seeds?

Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
Hey community wanted to know if anyone uses chia seeds , and if yes , any recipes ?


  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I put them in my tea. Anywhere from 1tsp to 1tblsp. I let them soak up some liquid before i drink them. If you don't already you might want rinse your cup immediately after, stuff is like glue!
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Yessss! I love my chia seeds (and hemp seeds) for a crunchy bite in my morning Greek yoghurt with fruit. They go nicely in anything they can absorb, really. Pudding as well. Nom nom nom!
  • hellobirdie_xo
    hellobirdie_xo Posts: 31 Member
    chia seed pudding is great - i blend one banana, about 100ml of milk and a couple of grams of cacao powder, then soak about tbsp of them in the liquid overnight in the fridge, then serve with frozen berries in the morning :)
    if you look on places like pintrest, there's millions of recopies :)
  • MelissaWinborn
    MelissaWinborn Posts: 2 Member
    My roommate told me he has made bread with it. Apparently there is a receipe somewhere online.. Google.
  • MelissaWinborn
    MelissaWinborn Posts: 2 Member
    My roommate told me he has made bread with it. Apparently there is a receipe somewhere online.. Google.

    Sorry I was flax seed bread!! Correction. :)

  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    You can add them to just about anything. I put them in my yogurt, on my salads, in smoothies, on my poached egg.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    Question - what are chia seeds FOR?
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I put a tsp in my overnight oats every morning. I've also made chia pudding - there are heaps of recipes online. The texture is a bit different, sort of like tapioca pudding. I like it though.

    Here are a few recipes to get you started: (this is my favourite, it also works with cows milk rather than coconut which lowers the calories. It's delicious with banana).
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Question - what are chia seeds FOR?

    They're high in fibre, high in omega 3s, protein, calcium, magnesium etc. And the way they absorb liquids makes them useful to play with in the kitchen. You can put them on cereal, yoghurt, fruit. They're often used in vegan baking as a egg substitute. They can thicken smoothies and sauces too.
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
  • shadygardener
    shadygardener Posts: 6 Member
    This is all good information. I bought some yesterday, but didn't know how to use them. Thanks!
  • jacobs18201
    jacobs18201 Posts: 25 Member
    What do they taste like????
  • madeleadele
    madeleadele Posts: 64 Member
    Some general info:
    Chia seeds should NOT be consumed without soaking for at least an hour as they are a choking hazard!!
    They don't have a taste, but plump up overnight, forming a jello-like consistency. They're less flavor and more filling. They can be put in smoothies, chia pudding (recipes below), yogurt, oatmeal...anything liquid-based, really. Chia pudding is just milk and chia seeds, and it forms a pudding-like consistency due to the chia seeds absorbing the fluid.
    I like to put less than a tablespoon in my overnight oats.

    Recipes (pretty basic):
  • jacobs18201
    jacobs18201 Posts: 25 Member
    Oh. Interesting.. I think I'll need to get some.. kinda like tapioca but with nutritional value.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    edited July 2015
    "Chia seeds should NOT be consumed without soaking for at least an hour as they are a choking hazard!!"

    I never soak them, I just throw them in my yogurt or smoothies or salad and eat them. I've even put them directly in mouth and swallowed. I would think it's only a choking hazard if you inhale rather than swallow - which would apply to a number of small things. I've accidentally inhaled quinoa but never chia seeds. I'm just saying this so people aren't scared off of eating them without soaking.

    Edited to add quotations because I somehow messed up quoting it.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    What do they taste like????

    They don't really have a taste which is why they are good for mixing into things. You get the health benefits and they help fill you up but they don't alter flavours.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    What do they taste like????

    They don't really have a taste which is why they are good for mixing into things. You get the health benefits and they help fill you up but they don't alter flavours.

    Thanks everyone !!!!
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    I put them in scrambled eggs along with spinach.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just in case anyone wants health info from a reputable source...
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think chia has a slightly nutty taste to it. I add to smoothies, muffins (easily goes anywhere a poppy seed could) and salads. It has good fiber :)

    Also I don't presoak them either. Just like I don't snort them >:)