Getting ready for a juice reboot!!



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    firstsip wrote: »
    Troutsy wrote: »
    You're body isn't a computer, you don't need a reboot.
    There is no kick starting weight loss.

    You can incorporate juice into your diet, but I wouldn't recommend an all juice diet. You're missing out on a lot of fiber of the foods you are juicing.

    What's wrong with setting MFP to one pound a week and then counting your calories? I recommend that you go read some of these links:

    But what if I'm a cyborg?!?

    Come with me, if you want to live.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Am I the only one that watched the 2nd movie and thought if you needed a "reboot" constantly that meant the plan was a failure and not anything that should actually be followed? It just promotes unhealthy yo-yo dieting - crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat regular food, get fat again - time for re-boot! crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat food, get fat and repeat - over and over. Why not just eat at a calorie deficit and skip all the nonsense and be kind to your body.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    It seems weird to me that you're going to "plunge" into 60 days of juicing to transition into healthier food choices. How can juice help you transition to solid foods? But hey, you're an adult and you can choose what you think will work for you... BUT... what if you just cut out the "middleman" (juicing), and just begin to transition into healthier food choices now? You can search for delicious recipes online using foods you already like. Little by little you add other foods that you think you'd learn to love... if that's the case, that you hate certain foods. :flowerforyou:
  • wendik140
    wendik140 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been juicing for over 3 months and I love it. I started with a 17 day juicing only. It took care of my addictions such as caffeine, sugar, and carbs. I now crave and love veggies, fruit, nuts, etc. My skin is glowing now. I have lost 23 lbs and have no problem keeping that off. In fact, 13 of those are from the juice fast. My blood pressure has gone down, and I have a lot more energy. My taste buds have changed. Yes, the truck driver (Phil) gained all his weight back, but he maintained it for a few years. After a divorce, he went back to fast food. Duh, anyone who resorts to their old eating habits will gain it back. Also, I am friends with Phil on facebook, and he just finished another 30 day juice fast. He is getting back to it. Juicing isn't a once and for all. I have a juice for breakfast and then eat the rest of the day (which has been totally different than before juicing.) I have had no sugar treats since I have started, and it has been so easy. I don't even crave those foods now. As far as the bathroom, yes, you will pee a lot. That's good. Your body is flushing out toxins and fat. As far as the bowel movements, maybe the first few days, you will have a few bouts. Your body is cleaning out. After the first few days, it's easy. But, not everyone does a juice fast. Many juice and eat. I know that once you start juicing, you will be addicted. Yes, you will be addicted to nutrients! Crazy, I know.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited July 2015
    wendik140 wrote: »
    I have been juicing for over 3 months and I love it. I started with a 17 day juicing only. It took care of my addictions such as caffeine, sugar, and carbs. I now crave and love veggies, fruit, nuts, etc. My skin is glowing now. I have lost 23 lbs and have no problem keeping that off. In fact, 13 of those are from the juice fast. My blood pressure has gone down, and I have a lot more energy. My taste buds have changed. Yes, the truck driver (Phil) gained all his weight back, but he maintained it for a few years. After a divorce, he went back to fast food. Duh, anyone who resorts to their old eating habits will gain it back. Also, I am friends with Phil on facebook, and he just finished another 30 day juice fast. He is getting back to it. Juicing isn't a once and for all. I have a juice for breakfast and then eat the rest of the day (which has been totally different than before juicing.) I have had no sugar treats since I have started, and it has been so easy. I don't even crave those foods now. As far as the bathroom, yes, you will pee a lot. That's good. Your body is flushing out toxins and fat. As far as the bowel movements, maybe the first few days, you will have a few bouts. Your body is cleaning out. After the first few days, it's easy. But, not everyone does a juice fast. Many juice and eat. I know that once you start juicing, you will be addicted. Yes, you will be addicted to nutrients! Crazy, I know.

    Name one toxin you have flushed out that your kidneys and liver are apparently incapable of doing.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Juice is fine, whatever, although I really don't see what's so hard about just eating vegetables and fruits with the fiber included.

    The problem is with a 60 day juice fast. And specifically (IMO) the absence of fiber and adequate calories and protein and fat.

    Also, the levels of woo around the whole fasting thing are cringeworthy.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    wendik140 wrote: »
    I have been juicing for over 3 months and I love it. I started with a 17 day juicing only. It took care of my addictions such as caffeine, sugar, and carbs. I now crave and love veggies, fruit, nuts, etc. My skin is glowing now. I have lost 23 lbs and have no problem keeping that off. In fact, 13 of those are from the juice fast. My blood pressure has gone down, and I have a lot more energy. My taste buds have changed. Yes, the truck driver (Phil) gained all his weight back, but he maintained it for a few years. After a divorce, he went back to fast food. Duh, anyone who resorts to their old eating habits will gain it back. Also, I am friends with Phil on facebook, and he just finished another 30 day juice fast. He is getting back to it. Juicing isn't a once and for all. I have a juice for breakfast and then eat the rest of the day (which has been totally different than before juicing.) I have had no sugar treats since I have started, and it has been so easy. I don't even crave those foods now. As far as the bathroom, yes, you will pee a lot. That's good. Your body is flushing out toxins and fat. As far as the bowel movements, maybe the first few days, you will have a few bouts. Your body is cleaning out. After the first few days, it's easy. But, not everyone does a juice fast. Many juice and eat. I know that once you start juicing, you will be addicted. Yes, you will be addicted to nutrients! Crazy, I know.

    Name one toxin you have flushed out that your kidneys and liver are apparently incapable of doing.

    I didn't know you could pee out fat. I'm going to pee more!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited July 2015
    wendik140 wrote: »
    I have been juicing for over 3 months and I love it. I started with a 17 day juicing only. It took care of my addictions such as caffeine, sugar, and carbs. I now crave and love veggies, fruit, nuts, etc. My skin is glowing now. I have lost 23 lbs and have no problem keeping that off. In fact, 13 of those are from the juice fast. My blood pressure has gone down, and I have a lot more energy. My taste buds have changed. Yes, the truck driver (Phil) gained all his weight back, but he maintained it for a few years. After a divorce, he went back to fast food. Duh, anyone who resorts to their old eating habits will gain it back. Also, I am friends with Phil on facebook, and he just finished another 30 day juice fast. He is getting back to it. Juicing isn't a once and for all. I have a juice for breakfast and then eat the rest of the day (which has been totally different than before juicing.) I have had no sugar treats since I have started, and it has been so easy. I don't even crave those foods now. As far as the bathroom, yes, you will pee a lot. That's good. Your body is flushing out toxins and fat. As far as the bowel movements, maybe the first few days, you will have a few bouts. Your body is cleaning out. After the first few days, it's easy. But, not everyone does a juice fast. Many juice and eat. I know that once you start juicing, you will be addicted. Yes, you will be addicted to nutrients! Crazy, I know.

    Strong first post.....SMH

    OP....that movie is not a documentary & Joe sells juicers (surprise, surprise). Adopting healthier eating habits is a lifetime commitment and a 60 day fad diet is not going to help you develop sustainable habits.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Honestly, it's great to find something that inspires you. Heck, even The Biggest Loser inspires me a bit. Seeing someone lose so much weight and become healthier, that's inspiring. But I think it's another thing altogether to jump head first into something without doing legitimate research. I'd also say before doing anything, you should make an appointment with your doctor and get a referral to a dietician too if need be.

    A 60 day juice fast is not something that should be taken lightly.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    wendik140 wrote: »
    As far as the bathroom, yes, you will pee a lot. That's good. Your body is flushing out toxins and fat. As far as the bowel movements, maybe the first few days, you will have a few bouts. Your body is cleaning out. After the first few days, it's easy. But, not everyone does a juice fast. Many juice and eat. I know that once you start juicing, you will be addicted. Yes, you will be addicted to nutrients! Crazy, I know.

    Peeing out fat and toxins. Well, that's a biological first. Someone should write this up for a scientific journal FAST before anyone else takes credit for the discovery.

    That explains why my pee is all greasy and burny.

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Am I the only one that watched the 2nd movie and thought if you needed a "reboot" constantly that meant the plan was a failure and not anything that should actually be followed? It just promotes unhealthy yo-yo dieting - crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat regular food, get fat again - time for re-boot! crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat food, get fat and repeat - over and over. Why not just eat at a calorie deficit and skip all the nonsense and be kind to your body.

    This is exactly what I was going to say.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    We laughed at that documentary with the full knowledge that it's bull. Plain and simple.

    Eat at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.
  • RainFalls77
    RainFalls77 Posts: 5 Member
    I will take this all into consideration.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Am I the only one that watched the 2nd movie and thought if you needed a "reboot" constantly that meant the plan was a failure and not anything that should actually be followed? It just promotes unhealthy yo-yo dieting - crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat regular food, get fat again - time for re-boot! crash diet drinking juice, lose weight, eat food, get fat and repeat - over and over. Why not just eat at a calorie deficit and skip all the nonsense and be kind to your body.

    The only thing he wanted to reboot was the hype and sales of whatever juicer he is recommending.