Did you get used to new weight and eventually feel fat again?

I have been maintaining a range of 129-132 for almost 2 months now. I have no intentions at all of going below 130, and just want to tone up more.

When I first hit 130 I felt SKINNY. I felt like I was one hot momma to be honest. Problem is, 2 months at this weight and now mentally I feel just as big as I did 7 months ago at 170 lbs. If I fluctuate from 130-132 because I cheated a little or whatever I feel like an absolute cow.

Is it typical to get used to your new weight eventually and feel big again? It's like my clothes fit the same, the scale stays in thr same 5 lb range and yet I swear my thighs look bigger, stomach is flabbier, etc.

Is this normal? It's to the point I'm contemplating going entirely back on a lower calorie range just to drop a few more pounds.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Yeah - I know I have felt like this during times of bloating. I hate it, because I feel like that can start leading down a path of obsession of always wanting to lose more and more.

    I just stare at my before picture for 5 mins. It usually clears up any thoughts of "oh I am so fat"
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Yes, I have been at goal weight for about a year, and sometimes feel bloated, and out of shape. So I go exercise and it cures the problem.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I've lost 47 lbs. and have gone beyond my original goal weight. The lowest I should probably go ultimately is another 7 lbs. (which would put me at 130). There are many, many days where I feel like I'm as big as I ever was. It really is crazy. Some days I feel thin and confident and realize I look better than I ever have, and other days I feel big and unaccomplished. If you think about it though, I bet there has been at least once where you heard a thin person talking about how big/fat they are. If we are not the imagine of perfection we have in our minds, we'll probably always feel bigger than we really are. I wouldn't go back to the lower calorie range though, over time things should start to even out and tone up if you're still working at it. For me, the weight is coming off much slower at this point, and yet I can see my thighs shrinking. But until the belly is flat and toned I'll always think it's big.
    Give it more time. :)
  • Bearoniman
    Bearoniman Posts: 50 Member
    case of phantom weight? ya I still have another 20 or 30 lbs till ive hit my goal, but i still feel alot of times the same weight as i was years ago when I started.. :( but I try too look forward and see past as past.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yep. I hit 130-132 and felt skinny. I maintained for 3 months and I now I don't like how I look anymore. Too much fat. I'm back in a deficit to get into the 120s at least.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Yes i would say this is normal and then you need to go find ways to get a reality check. You may not be perfect but I am sure you would look perfect wonderful to most people. We are our own harshest critics.

    If you keep on trying to lose weight, you may end up back where you started from. Also this anxiety about how you look could be more an indication of worries about other things and mood issues. Try to focus on things outside yourself and solve any problems in your life. Losing more weight won't make your life better.
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    I understand how you feel! I lost 50lbs and reached the goal weight I set for myself. I feel good in my clothes and confident. However when clothes are off its a different story. Honestly I still have another 30lbs to go for my next goal weight. But I have been taking a break with the calorie deficit and just maintaining. I started strength training months ago and now want that to be my main focus.
    I think toning up will ultimately make things look better!
    There is skinny fat too. All about toning up.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    I've lost almost 20 pounds so far and sometimes I do still feel crappy about my body (not too often though) and when this happens I look at my before picture compared with my now picture and it makes me feel much better. Another thing I do is I look in the mirror and tell myself 10 things I love about my body. It's a great body confidence boost :)
  • KateSm33
    KateSm33 Posts: 12 Member
    For me is normal. 1 year ago I felt happy that my weight was 130 and I was even more skinny but for my health I needed to weight 130 lbs and honestly I feel from time to time like little cow ;)
  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    I think this is totally normal. I feel the same way about my body now as I did when I was 115 pounds. Actually, I probably feel better about myself now than I ever did then, because if I fluctuate 1-5 pounds it isn't as clearly visible. I also feel the same way now as I did when I went into labor weighing 224 lbs, even though I'm 50 pounds lighter (it was, like, 2.5 years ago). It's a weird little cycle and your brain is a crazy thing! But, I always look at pictures of me when I was larger and think, "Well, it could be worse". The worst is looking at pictures of me when I was an anorexic, but I try to remember how awful I felt all the time, the blacking out, the migraines, etc. Just be patient with yourself. Try to focus on toning up as opposed to the weight now that you're where you want to be, number-wise. Give yourself something else to fixate on other than what the scale says. It helps!
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    There are definitely psychological issues surrounding our bodies and self image. As a guy ... I experience them too. Right now I have a ways to go to get where I want to be. But when I lost weight in the past ... I would still deal with not feeling quite right about the shape I was in. I guess it is in large part an "Inside Job".
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm at 136 with about 10 pounds to go, and I can feel when I fluctuate up a couple pounds. In my head, I wait for the sale to read 150+ again but whew, not even close. When I got into the 130s, I thought I would be so happy but I realize how much work is left to do. I do still feel very over weight even though I'm in the normal weight range.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Everyone has fat days, no matter what their weight is. Do you do any resistance or weight training? That's helped me a lot with this.
  • HelensBeads
    HelensBeads Posts: 79 Member
    I started at 16½ stone, am now about 8½, not tall, wear a UK size 8 (down from a UK 22 verging on 24) and yet can see myself in a photo and still think I look dumpy. I know I'm not, but where others see me with clothes on I see me without and can focus on the excess skin around my tummy, along with its layer of subcutaneous fat, not pretty at all. But I know, the same as you, that I don't want to be less than 120lbs (8 stone 8lbs), so I try to keep things in perspective and not drop below.
  • lauren_tankersley36
    lauren_tankersley36 Posts: 6 Member
    This is such a main problem with any diet or workout system you have your body always gets to a point to where its kinda stuck between weight fluctuation girl take it from experience I always fluctuate and Ive been 133-135 for such a long time now but do not look at it as your fat and stuff because of fluctuation you need to worry about feeling good and looking your best continue to watch all your macro intake and calorie intake and remember when working out make sure its something you love to do that way it wont feel like work! Your amazing so my advice is keep up the good work and don't ever let a scale get you down!!
  • RayneScar
    RayneScar Posts: 44 Member
    Yep, I get this all the time! When I was younger I went from 165 down to 135 and thought I was skinny as hell, but then over the years being 135 was too heavy, I'm currently 125 at 5'6" and I STILL have days where I look in the mirror and hate what I'm seeing. I've recently started weight lifting and it's helping a little but I think that nagging feeling that I'm too big is always going to be there.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited July 2015
    There are definitely psychological issues surrounding our bodies and self image. As a guy ... I experience them too. Right now I have a ways to go to get where I want to be. But when I lost weight in the past ... I would still deal with not feeling quite right about the shape I was in. I guess it is in large part an "Inside Job".

    I'm going to pipe in as a guy as well and confirm this. No guys ever speak up, and it's a bit frustrating as at least to me, when I felt this way, I felt like it was something only women worry about, and not formerly overweight people.

    We all face this problem, and it's definitely a bit of work to get over.

    I'm now 5'11", 160lbs and I swear I still see a gut. In reality it's likely some loose skin (mid 30s, that probably isn't fixing itself) and poor posture.
  • transformedbyhim56
    transformedbyhim56 Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah I know where you're coming from. I have been maintaing for about 3-4 months now. I'm am still unhappy with my abs as they still seem flabby so I'm going to start working with a personal trainer and do strength trainer to firm up more. But when I look at my "before" pictures, I see just how far I've come. It cannot be all about what the scale says. It needs to also be about a healthy lifestyle. You can take pride in all the healthy changes you've made. Also think about how much better you feel physically. Make a list of all the good changes that have happened because of being at a healthy weight and read them everyday. You will come to appreciate the "new" you more instead of only focusing on how you look to yourself.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I've been maintaining for a few years now. I've put a few lbs on over the last few months, met my boyfriend and became "happy" lol. To everyone else anything I've gained isn't noticeable but i feel it. I'm a bridesmaid in September and we've had the final fittings, plus a week before the wedding i'm going to NYC. I expect to put a few lbs on but i'm paranoid about the bridesmaid dress not fitting! I have to keep looking at my original pictures, pictures of me in Florida last September and pictures now. Though i weigh more, i look the same now as i did in September last year. It's pretty much in my head but i'm working on changing that.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Kind of. I lost 40 pounds and I've maintained it 3 years. That's now normal. I was noticing in one of my tee-shirts that you can see an indentation where my bra pulls in. And I'm like 'oh, fat, I should lose weight'. This is kind of silly. I'm 56, the same very healthy weight I was at 20, and this is just fine.

    But now it's the new normal. Skinny would be 15 pounds less. I've only been at that as an adult when I had been nursing my kids 3 years. And I get grumpy at that weight because it's too thin.