Stomach area



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    No one said muscle tone didn't exist.

    Anyway, have fun! I'm off to the gym.

    You said that muscles can't be tone, so yeah, you did.

    It's pretty ridiculous of you to presume to know more than I do about the changes that have occurred in my own body. Especially since this is my third kid, and especially since (unlike MOST women with three kids) I have zero long-term stress incontinence after any pregnancy.

    I had diastasis recti with every pregnancy. That, too, makes your stomach larger without a weight change. And that, too, is addressed through working on strengthening the correct muscles so that they maintain proper TONE to support your organs.

    But, you know, muscle tone can't make your stomach smaller, oooooh, no.

    Just like you engage your back and legs to stand up, you also engage the muscles in your stomach and pelvic floor. If they aren't working hard enough, all kinds of nasty things happen. "Mommy tummy"--and I'm not talking about fat--is only one of them.

    I actually haven't read your responses about your own body because I was responding to the OP about hers.

    If you read my post again I said you can't change the tone of your muscle, not that muscle doesn't have tone.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Anyway, since I have been no help, perhaps the OP will like and learn from this thread
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    @arditarose But it is a word that describes the lose of fat that allows the muscle to be shown that is easily understood by the majority of the population. Most people don't want thing that their body is eating it's self or that when you lose fat, muscle is being used up is smaller amounts and replenished if the person is on a healthy diet (body is getting all the nutrients and caloric intake that it needs) and workout regiment.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My two cents, but it may not be all abdominal fat. Google Diastasis recti, like @MamaBirdBoss was saying. My abs were split badly from carrying around a kid who was 12 pounds when he finally decided to come out and then a few years doing traditional ab exercises made the split worse. At 16% BF, I could see ab definition, but it was still pooched out (so seeming to look bigger in comparison than it did before, like you). Transverse ab exercises are the only direct core work I do now, outside of compound lifts, and they're awesome!
  • Roxanne_Isazombie
    Roxanne_Isazombie Posts: 6 Member
    Take pictures and you will notice changes...i never notice and felt i was getting bigger...that thought stayed in my mind and gained back 40...when i saw i didn't fit in clothes like i used to and lookes at pics from then to now i hated myself for thinking my stomach wasn't shrinking...when it really was.