Anyone having trouble giving up that evening drink?



  • rushbabe0214
    rushbabe0214 Posts: 105 Member
    I always save room in my daily calories/macros for a glass of wine or a pour of bourbon.
  • sajerd
    sajerd Posts: 28 Member
    It was much easier for me to give up the alcohol than to give up the occasional bread, pasta, dessert, so that is what I've done. I will have a cocktail about once a month when out on a special night, but the whole evening tends to go off the rails, so I keep it very seldom. But I'd rather be thin than drunk. Ha-ha
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    however long your goal takes , wether it be 4 ,5 ,6 months to reach a certain weight is the hardest. You can up the calories once you reached your goal . I would love to knock back a few beers but im not going to until i reach my desired weight. Stick to your targets and once you reached them , bring on the beer and wine :)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    There are a lot of things I will give up before my nightly glass of wine! I've gone from 32% body fat to 23% and I've rarely missed a glass. ;)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Easy to drink too much. Not only empty calories, but makes you hungry for junk. Moderation is fine, but if you can't give it up for the better good, perhaps that's not moderation. I know from past experience.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Easy to drink too much. Not only empty calories, but makes you hungry for junk. Moderation is fine, but if you can't give it up for the better good, perhaps that's not moderation. I know from past experience.

    Empty calories? Doesn't a glass of wine count as one serving of fruit?
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have trouble giving up that evening 6 pack. It's a shame weed isn't legal here yet.
  • tudric
    tudric Posts: 1 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Easy to drink too much. Not only empty calories, but makes you hungry for junk. Moderation is fine, but if you can't give it up for the better good, perhaps that's not moderation. I know from past experience.

    Empty calories? Doesn't a glass of wine count as one serving of fruit?

    ha ha, wish there was a like button! When I'm seriously trying to lose weight I cut out wine most of the time and have gin & slimline tonic instead. my problem with wine is that once the bottle is open it's never just one glass! !! ( & don't even go there with boxed wine! !)
    Another tactic is to only let myself drink half my exercise calories. That one really motivates me! yes i know I'm an old soak & if it wasn't for alcohol I wouldn't be overweight in the first place.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like you've got a little problem with alcohol.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I've pretty much plateau'd and am maintaining. One thing I'm noticing -- I'm not willing to give up my evening glass of wine (sometimes it's a beer in the summer). I'll even go over a little or not eat as much to have the glass of wine. For instance, tonight I chose not to eat rice with my meal so I could have the wine. Anyone else do this?

    I guess if I tried to give it up I may have trouble but I don't see the point.
  • mark18q
    mark18q Posts: 6 Member
    Skipping food for wine calories? Yep, guilty as charged. Seriously trying to cut it out though - its not the alcohol that's the problem, its the snacking and grazing that comes along after a couple of glasses.

    Mind you, I've said I'm trying to cut it out for, oh, maybe 10 years lol
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    Alcohol is a terrible drug. It messes with the brain and can have other negative effects on the body. I know people swear by the occasional drink but needing to have a drink everyday is a bit much.

    I quit drinking years ago and I don't miss it anymore. I don't know for sure what the effects of having the occasional drink but if the body doesn't need it why deal with the risks.

    I do believe the risks of being overweight far outweigh the risks of having the occasional drink. It sounds like your problem is more serious though.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    edited July 2015
    FitnessTim wrote: »
    Alcohol is a terrible drug. It messes with the brain and can have other negative effects on the body. I know people swear by the occasional drink but needing to have a drink everyday is a bit much.

    I quit drinking years ago and I don't miss it anymore. I don't know for sure what the effects of having the occasional drink but if the body doesn't need it why deal with the risks.

    I do believe the risks of being overweight far outweigh the risks of having the occasional drink. It sounds like your problem is more serious though.

    Wow, that's scary. I didn't think one glass every evening made me a problem drinker. I usually have it with dinner, not by itself, for those folks who say alcohol makes them snack. I tend to eat a late dinner, 7:30 or 8:00 and then don't eat anything afterward because by that time, it's 9:00 PM, time for TV and bed. By the way, I'm not "overweight" at this point, normal BMI, but I had a goal on the low end of normal, which I gave up because I decided I wanted to continue enjoy life (a week-end meal out for instance, a glass of wine or occasional dessert) rather than attain a number.
  • Altrez74
    Altrez74 Posts: 72 Member
    So this is an issue I am struggling with. There is no way I am going to quit drinking every night so what I am doing is cutting back on everything else and upping my walking. I reserve 1500 calories for my evening drinks and yes I know it's unhealthy but so is being overweight! Once I drop 50 pounds I will start working my way down to six drinks or less a nite.

    How many of you out there are drinkers finding it hard to lose weight?
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    There's no way in hell I'll give up wine. I just fit it into my calories and have it as dessert.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    jlutz193 wrote: »
    So this is an issue I am struggling with. There is no way I am going to quit drinking every night so what I am doing is cutting back on everything else and upping my walking. I reserve 1500 calories for my evening drinks and yes I know it's unhealthy but so is being overweight! Once I drop 50 pounds I will start working my way down to six drinks or less a nite.

    How many of you out there are drinkers finding it hard to lose weight?

    I think anybody who was drinking 1,500 calories of alcohol a day would find it a challenge to lose weight.
  • robynmoosehead
    robynmoosehead Posts: 66 Member
    tudric wrote: »
    Another tactic is to only let myself drink half my exercise calories. That one really motivates me! yes i know I'm an old soak & if it wasn't for alcohol I wouldn't be overweight in the first place.

    What a wonderful idea! If anything is going to motivate me to exercise it would be not being able to have a drink unless I did some!

    I don't know where everyone else in here is from but the idea that enjoying a glass of wine in the evening is an alcohol problem is laughable.
    Not being able to stop, or not being in control is a sign of a problem. If you've got the space for it, why not?
    I don't see any difference between your morning coffee to perk you up or your evening drink to relax you.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I don't see any difference between your morning coffee to perk you up or your evening drink to relax you.

    Coffee, even if loaded with cream and sugar, has a LOT less calories than alcohol.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I don't see any difference between your morning coffee to perk you up or your evening drink to relax you.

    Coffee, even if loaded with cream and sugar, has a LOT less calories than alcohol.

    It depends what you're drinking. A 5 oz. glass of white wine (which is my nightly pour) is around 100 calories. A 12 ounce Dunkin Donuts coffee with cream and sugar is 120 calories, and don't get me started on those Starbucks coffees that are 300+. 12 ounces of beer is also around 120. If you're drinking cocktails or more than one drink, it's a different story, especially if it's a cocktail that's mixing fruit juice or other high calorie beverages with the alcohol. I would prefer to drink my coffee with skim and splenda and have that glass of wine.
  • ap_marie
    ap_marie Posts: 1 Member
    What about vodka and lemon juice??? Hey less carbs than wine :D