Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Ravenclaw



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    spent the day at a huge mall 1 1/2 hours from here with daughter and her friend. watched the people, bought a couple of smaller shirts (yay), sat in the food court knitting and watching the people. i had an absolutely fabulous salad and yummy fresh fruit + yogurt parfait. stayed below calorie goal and walked right past the gelato stand!! :bigsmile:

    Good for you - sounds like a great day! :happy:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    spent the day at a huge mall 1 1/2 hours from here with daughter and her friend. watched the people, bought a couple of smaller shirts (yay), sat in the food court knitting and watching the people. i had an absolutely fabulous salad and yummy fresh fruit + yogurt parfait. stayed below calorie goal and walked right past the gelato stand!! :bigsmile:

    Good for you - sounds like a great day! :happy:

    sounds like a fabulous day!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    After a long day of studying and completing quizzes for both of my classes, I enjoyed a nice swim under the stars. It felt so good to stretch my muscles after sitting at my desk all day! One of the nice things about living in AZ is that there's a pool in almost every yard - so I can swim whenever the mood strikes. :smile:
    And then my husband offered me some strawberry shortcake but after I looked at my calories for the day, I opted for some more watermelon instead. Binge averted!

    Good luck tomorrow everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    Starting Weight: 242 lbs
    Week 1: 240 (-2)
    Week 2: 239 (-1)
    Week 3: 237 (-2)
    Week 4: 236 (-1)
    Total Loss: 6 lbs!
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    I ate chicken wings last night even though I knew I shouldn't have. I wish my husband was on this journey with me then the temptation would not be so high. I wasn't even hungry but I had 5 anyway.

    My weigh in for today is 132.4
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    I also started a new video this week so I guess I get a point for the exercise challenge and I don't know maybe I can get a point for those wings and turn it in to a not so bad thing. lol
  • the_accountinator
    I'm not going to be able to weigh in until tomorrow morning. I'm so sorry! I hope that's okay. I'm feeling good about this week, so fingers crossed!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i only lost .4 this week :sad: im sorry guys, i'm plateuing...it's pretty depressing. i just raised my calories and i think that's helping, so hopefully next week will be better...

    no new exercises other than the 2 i posted earlier, but for the food challenge: my mom made this awesome cake for my cousin's graduation party (my mom's taking professional cake decorating classes, so she could seriously bake some crazy *kitten*) so at the party, i ONLY TASTED IT!! plus, there were 2 other cakes there (my fave :frown: napoleon and nutella...) and i didn't have any of those...just tasted my mom's cake of awesomeness :bigsmile:

    hope everyone had a great week! i'm starting to get really excited for the movie!! :love:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    weigh in today i was 196.4-down 1.8lbs. house points this week-0 for trying different exercises (creature of habit) and binges avoided=5 and if i counted right 6 for daily check ins. should come to 11 house points. GO RAVENCLAW!!
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    Checking in at 198! down 3!!! Whoo!!

    As for house points I have 2 for exercise (I posted about them earlier in the week) and I've avoided binges 5 times this week (although I completely failed at it yesterday :-P)

    So I should have 7 new house points plus however many times I've posted which I honestly don't know :-/

    GO RAVENCLAW!!!!!!!
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Checking in for the week.......sadly I didn't lose anything..stayed firm at 187 :( If it wasn't for this water I'm retaining I would have a loss...ugh! However, I did manage to earn some house points...4, I think. I hope everyone else had a better week than I did!!!

    Have a safe and happy weekend!!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning friends!

    I'm currently at 339 lbs!
    I've also earned 3 more house points since Tuesday.

    Hope everyone's having a fabulous day!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Checking in three pounds lighter! Current weight: 234!!!!

    Let's go Ravenclaw!!!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Checking in three pounds lighter! Current weight: 234!!!!

    Let's go Ravenclaw!!!!

    WOW!! awesome week :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning everyone! Sadly, I didn't lose anything last week. Still at 178. But I've got good food in the house again, so next week will be better :)

    House points for the week: I avoided 3 binges and tried 1 new exercise - so that's 4!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    SW- 143lbs
    Week 1- 140lbs (-3lbs)
    Week 2- 138lbs (-2lbs;5lbs)
    Week 3- 136lbs (-2lbs;7lbs)

    **Week 4- 135lbs (-1lbs; 8lbs total)
    Not as well as I have been doing but I think TOM is on his way :noway: would rather that then a plateau though

    House points: 5 for checking in
    3 for new exercises
    2 for not binging (I really wanted those damn oreo cookies- so glad they are officially OUT of my house)
    So 10 pts for the week
  • kittycatcookie
    Checking in....

    0.4 pounds lighter at 151.6 . down from 152.

    I know this is abysmal! Sorry! I worked away this week and ended up having to eat my main meal at 9pm each night...trials and tribulations of ecology work.

    This week im in the office all week which means time for the gym and healthy eating!
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    House points: 5 for checking in
    3 for new exercises
    2 for not binging (I really wanted those damn oreo cookies- so glad they are officially OUT of my house)
    So 10 pts for the week

    I threw the Oreos out of my house... they were just TOO tempting.

    Weigh in: Gained 162.6lbs ... but we can pretend that that is all water weight, right? (I'll weight myself tomorrow morning to see if there's a little bit better number.) So no weight lost. But, it's my TOM and I had my birthday yesterday... so I know that I definitely did not get enough water and was not eating well. However, when my birthday cake came out (from coldstone!) I had a TINY sliver of a piece, and made my friends, (All of whom are over 6ft tall... the boys at least) eat the rest! So... two house pts for me? One from earlier in the week and one from last night?
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm just checking in to say I will weigh in tomorrow. This week/weekend has been so hectic, I started a new job, had a b-day party yesterday, setting up for and attending a bridal shower today and yet ANOTHER b-day party this afternoon. So hopefully I can avoid going overboard. :)
  • ashiesmash
    ashiesmash Posts: 32 Member
    Phew! Finally back on track!

    Lost 1 pound since last week, checking in at 253.5! (That's 10 pounds since I started yaaay!)

    there was a whole damn pizza in my fridge all week long. But what did I do? Once slice a day. Thin crust, low cheese, low sauce, tons of veggies. I'd say that's 4 days of not binging, how about y'all?

    Bought Just Dance 2 with super interesting bollywood dancing and other stuff I'd never tried before :) 1 day of new exercises!

    In conclusion:
    1 pound down
    4 didn't binge days even though I could've (whoops, miscounted! it's 4, not 6)
    1 new exercise!