5'6 women what is your goal weight/measurements

curious as I know it's different for everyone!


  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    I'm 5' 6". My goal is 130 lbs. My goal was set by my cardiologist. He actually said that my heart may only be able to effectively support maybe 130 - 140 pounds maximum so I'm aiming for the lower end.
  • mamitrano414
    mamitrano414 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'6" and mines 140!!!!
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    I'm aiming for 115lbs. That's where I feel happiest at.
  • AuroraGeorge8393
    AuroraGeorge8393 Posts: 100 Member
    Between 128lbs and 135 lbs. The weight I was several years ago. Given my build, I look emaciated when my weight drops below 125 lbs.
  • LosingitinLondon
    LosingitinLondon Posts: 15 Member
    132-145lbs - ( I think in kg so I just had to look up what that looks like in lbs). I was origially aiming for 70kg (154 lbs), but now I'm here I want to go a bit lower, so I'll continue to assess as I go. I've started weight training as well so now I want to focus more on shape than weight
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    These goals make me feel enormous. :(
    I'm currently 154lbs, aiming for 145lbs which I'm sure is the lowest I can go without starving myself.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm a bit taller, 5'8 and I'm 135now.
  • princessbride42
    princessbride42 Posts: 67 Member
    My goal weight is 160. I have a lot of muscle for Irish dancing and I love my body at this weight. Based on my experience with my own body it would be almost impossible for me to get below 150 with out losing muscle. I've been maintaining 160 for about a year.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    kazminchu wrote: »
    These goals make me feel enormous. :(
    I'm currently 154lbs, aiming for 145lbs which I'm sure is the lowest I can go without starving myself.

    I think I'll make you feel a bit better! haha.

    I'm also aiming for 145, I'm just a few lbs above you right now at 159. Below 145, it can start to get pretty creepy on my body; my current measurements are 35-29-41. I'm thinking we probably just have larger frames than the first few to comment. Don't worry!
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    My goal is 130. My starting weight was 200, 173 now. 27 down, 43 to go!
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I'm maintaining for about 3 years between 110-112.
  • RayneScar
    RayneScar Posts: 44 Member
    My goal is 125 and 34-24-36 measurements :smile:
    I think a lot of it has to do with how your body handles weight and where it sits. I tend to have most of my weight on my stomach, so the lower side of a "good" weight for our height works for me.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    i love to see so many that are comfortable with realistic weights for themselves. I'm 5' 6" and, with a larger bone structure, I'm aiming for 140 ultimately. My initial goal is 150 (which looks pretty good on me) and maintain for a while to get comfortable with maintaining before the really hardwork of losing that last 10.
  • vasumodi
    vasumodi Posts: 23 Member
    I am aiming for better muscle tone and 123 kg. That's what I weighed when I was 40, and then in 2 years I suddenly went to 137. (Started working from home, for one thing) I don't mind being big (for much of my skinny youth I desperately wanted to be bigger), but I feel heavy in an unhealthy way now, and that's my reason for wanting to shed the pounds. I have a tummy for instance, which scares me about heart disease, and I have lost big amounts of muscle tone, which makes me feel weak. I have never exercised, except for Tai Chi and yoga - no cardio but I have recently begun cardio on a treadmill.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm about 131 now, and I'd like to get to 125, maybe even a tiny bit less. That's the weight where I feel I look my best. I'm going to start working on body weight training though, so those goals may change.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Well I identify as 5ft7 (170cm),I often lean onto my toes but am actually 168cm which is 5 ft 6... Still not a massive difference. I'm 75kg/165lb at the moment and I'm planning to reach my goal of 60kg/132lb by my Birthday 8th of October.
    Note I exercise 3 hours most days now which has meant me weight is dropping down without starving myself(12 weeks). I do high incline treadmill walking fast all three hours. In weeks I've been seeing the change and my partner has too. It is hard and 3 hours is a chunk of a day.
    However exercise and diet hand in hand wasn't how I lost weight the first time around I actually got where I am now through food logging pretty much alone. I gained a couple back when I moved house and couldn't get net for 3 months. Lol.
  • SavannahStClair
    SavannahStClair Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'6, pear-shaped. I'm thinking around 145, which looks good, but I wouldn't mind getting to 140 :-) only 20 pounds to go!
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Well I identify as 5ft7 (170cm),I often lean onto my toes but am actually 168cm which is 5 ft 6... Still not a massive difference. I'm 75kg/165lb at the moment and I'm planning to reach my goal of 60kg/132lb by my Birthday 8th of October.
    Note I exercise 3 hours most days now which has meant me weight is dropping down without starving myself(12 weeks). I do high incline treadmill walking fast all three hours. In weeks I've been seeing the change and my partner has too. It is hard and 3 hours is a chunk of a day.
    However exercise and diet hand in hand wasn't how I lost weight the first time around I actually got where I am now through food logging pretty much alone. I gained a couple back when I moved house and couldn't get net for 3 months. Lol.

    That 12 weeks was until my birthday current date 14/07/15, birthday 08/10/1994.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    edited July 2015
    I hover between 5'6" and 5'7", and I would like to get back down to 135, which is what I weighed for a few years after reaching my final height. Then I got married and gained a bit of weight, and then got pregnant. Post-partum, I got into fitness and lifting, and I'm now around 140. I know I have more muscle than I used to, so if I never see 135 again, I think I'm okay with that. (I'm recently pregnant again, so any real weight goals would have to wait anyway. ;) )
  • ronabloom
    ronabloom Posts: 3 Member
    My adult weight has been about 175 but I've been at 165 and working toward that again. Once there, I'll try for lower since I'm getting older and it's hard for a body to carry extra weight (age 54). But when I work out consistently at 175 I'm fit and in size 10.