Pregnant but wanting to lose weight in a healthy way

Any tips on how to loose weight in a healthy manner? I started of at a high weight and want to keep weight under control


  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    talk to your obgyn. esp if pregnant.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    talk to your obgyn. esp if pregnant.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It's not recommended to lose weight while pregnant.

    Also, speak with your OBGYN.
  • jennilee8380
    jennilee8380 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just found out that we are expecting.

    My first pregnancy I started at about 210 and by delivery day I was 253 :( I lost a lot of weight and got down to 182, my lowest since having my son. I am currently at 195 and would like to maintain or lose a little, or at LEAST not gain a crazy amount like last time. I'm going to talk to my OB, but for now I am just trying to stay active and eat healthy... Which is hard when you are exhausted and just want snack food! I have to tell myself over and over that overeating and eating junk makes me feel worse. And being active will help me be more comfortable in the end.

    I was about to post this and then saw your post!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    talk to your Dr, my guess is at the most they would just direct you to not gain if you're overweight. losing weight when pregnant is not the end of the world, but I wouldn't actively try.
  • Lyssie71
    Lyssie71 Posts: 15 Member
    Please do not worry about losing weight while you're pregnant! Talk to you OB/GYN for any health advice....not the internet.
  • newfutures
    newfutures Posts: 113 Member
    Any tips on how to loose weight in a healthy manner? I started of at a high weight and want to keep weight under control

    For the health of your BABY take this question to your DOCTOR. not a public forum. This question really needs to be answered and monitored by a professional.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    My OBGYN said the same thing with my second son. Your baby will get nutrients even if they have to take it from you. You don't have to gain weight to have a healthy baby (if you're already overweight).
  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    First, congrats on your pregnancy.

    When I got pregnant last May, I was about 70+ lbs overweight. However, even so my OBGYN said that weight loss was not safe nor an option, that my only focus should just be eating healthy and light exercise to avoid gaining too much weight. They will probably suggest you only gain 10-15 lbs if you are overweight, if you are a healthy weight you will still need to gain about 25 lbs or so. The health of you child is more important right now then losing weight, that can come after. If you just eat right and do light exercise you will not have trouble losing weight after you give birth, you will already be ahead of the game. Most women see pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they want and just lie around all day, just don't do that and you will be fine.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    Talk to your doctor. This topic is too important to take advice from random strangers on the internet
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    When I got pregnant last May, I was about 70+ lbs overweight. However, even so my OBGYN said that weight loss was not safe nor an option, that my only focus should just be eating healthy and light exercise to avoid gaining too much weight. They will probably suggest you only gain 10-15 lbs if you are overweight, if you are a healthy weight you will still need to gain about 25 lbs or so. The health of you child is more important right now then losing weight, that can come after. If you just eat right and do light exercise you will not have trouble losing weight after you give birth, you will already be ahead of the game. Most women see pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they want and just lie around all day, just don't do that and you will be fine.

    This. Pregnant women need about 300 additional calories per day (above maintenance levels) during the second trimester, and around 450 per day during the third trimester. Definitely make sure to engage in light exercise on a regular basis. As a general rule of thumb, you can keep doing whatever exercise you were regularly doing pre-pregnancy. But definitely talk to your doctor about what would be a healthy weight gain for you and what exercise is best for you.

    And people will encourage you to pig out because you're "eating for two"—ignore these people.
  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    hello OP, you are right to want to keep your weight in check now before it becomes exponential.
    My mum started to pile on the pounds when she was pregnat with me and the doctor saw that and told her to diet inmediately, she did and by the time i was born she was only a few pounds heavier than when before.

    Now, you have to understand that in spain dieting just means dropping all the sweets, bread, etc maybe using less oil when frying.... people don't usually eat a lot of ready meals.

    cook from scratch, stick to lean meats , eat in moderation and enjoy the wide variety of ways to prepare veg, loads of veg, if you want to go further use food combining, you eat a very complete diet just without mixing carbohydrates and proteins, it used to work wonders for me, i did it while breastfeeding my second and lost about 2 kilos a week and the milk was flowing plentifully.

    Add some swimming to the equation and you'll be fine, don't think diet, rather look at what you are eating and get rid of what you know it's not helping, the eating for two is rubbish ( i have three children), also take into account that you'll probably retain a lot of water especially towards the end.

    Do yourself a favor and look up diastasis, no one told me about that and now after three kids i probably will never get my flat belly back.

    My advice is based on personal experience, do your own research to see what works for you, i wish you all the best.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Talk to your doctor about a desirable amount of weight to GAIN during pregnancy. There is a time to worry about your baby, not your weight.

    You can lose weight after the baby is born. If you want to manage a healthy weight gain as recommended by your OB, you can use MFP for that.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Losing weight when pregnant is typically not advised by OBGYN's unless the patient is obese and is putting their baby and themselves at risk of complications. This is why doctors need to stress the importance of being at a healthy weight BEFORE getting pregnant.

    Please ask your OBGYN the same question you asked here. You need to get approval from your doctor before attempting to lose weight.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    hello OP, you are right to want to keep your weight in check now before it becomes exponential.
    My mum started to pile on the pounds when she was pregnat with me and the doctor saw that and told her to diet inmediately, she did and by the time i was born she was only a few pounds heavier than when before.

    Now, you have to understand that in spain dieting just means dropping all the sweets, bread, etc maybe using less oil when frying.... people don't usually eat a lot of ready meals.

    cook from scratch, stick to lean meats , eat in moderation and enjoy the wide variety of ways to prepare veg, loads of veg, if you want to go further use food combining, you eat a very complete diet just without mixing carbohydrates and proteins, it used to work wonders for me, i did it while breastfeeding my second and lost about 2 kilos a week and the milk was flowing plentifully.

    Add some swimming to the equation and you'll be fine, don't think diet, rather look at what you are eating and get rid of what you know it's not helping, the eating for two is rubbish ( i have three children), also take into account that you'll probably retain a lot of water especially towards the end.

    Do yourself a favor and look up diastasis, no one told me about that and now after three kids i probably will never get my flat belly back.

    My advice is based on personal experience, do your own research to see what works for you, i wish you all the best.

    and how old are you????? My son is 21...there were a lot of things told to me 20 years ago that no doctor would allow now...heck I could smoke while I was in labour in the hospital try that now...

    OP talk to your ob best thing...
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I agree with the talk to your OB crowd. I was already fat with my second at 200 lbs pre-pregnancy. My OB said I should still gain at least a little weight but to keep it under 20lbs. I've lost all my pregnancy weight and then some, but I'd still like to get down another 15lbs or so before thinking about another baby.
  • strangeling06
    strangeling06 Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor and consider maintaining weight or minimizing gains as oppose to losing. However, if it were me, I would make sure to eat fresh, nutritious foods.
  • rlwhiting
    rlwhiting Posts: 2 Member
    Well personally I'm with you! They say it's not safe to try to lose weight while pregnant but all the charts say if you are obese you only get to gain 11 lbs. Ha! Since we really ARE gaining 40 lbs during pregnancy, that basically means the baby (+ fluid etc) is gaining while I'm losing = net change of 11 lbs. ALSO I actually attended an appt with a single mom friend and heard her dr say it's common to lose +/- 5 lbs during the first trimester.

    SO my plan (second pregnancy) is to try extra hard to eat healthy and engage in my normal level of exercise and MAINTAIN for the first 20 weeks. Then I know I'll gain 10-20 lbs but I'll come out ahead after delivery! So I'd say talk to your OB and phrase it as "How long is it safe for me to maintain my weight? Not doing anything drastic."

    We can do this!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    talk to doctor a restriction could result in decreased protein or micronutrient content