For those Dieting right now..



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited July 2015
    Not for me, and I don't think for most people. Fat stores supplement energy needs when we are eating less than maintenance level.

    Getting enough of all nutrients is important for health and will optimize satiety. But sensation of hunger is individual and may never go away for some, no matter what one eats, and even at maintenance or gain.

    I suspect it is that way for most people, which is why most people fail at weight loss attempts long-term, and why weight loss in general is very hard.

    If you weren't hungry, you wouldn't eat.

    My mother-in-law just came off the appetite suppressant Phentermine/Topiramate, and consequently has begun eating again and gained weight.

    I think hunger is what destroys most weight loss attempts. Since most people fail, I suspect most people are hungry.
    I think hunger is partially a response to depleted glycogen (sugar) stores and not depleting my fat stores. I eat pretty high (healthy) fat with lowered carbohydrates yet I find I am not hungry very often, and when I am hungry it is just a mild thing now.

    From the studies I've read on Adaptive Theomogenesis by Dr. Liebel et al, hunger, reduced metabolism, sensitivity to cold - all of these symptoms are a result of declined Leptin levels and were mitigated by injections of Leptin during the study.

    In other words, it's the decline in fat stores that triggers the hunger and other symptoms.

    I don't know... my reasons for eating too much hasn't been hunger, but cravings, bad habits, denial/indifference/compulsion, little knowledge about hunger/satiety signals, just liking the mouthfeel/taste too much, wanting to eat, difficulty declining when offered food, and the ingrained "clean your plate" from childhood which also pushed me to eat just to avoid becoming hungry.

    When I'm mindful about what I eat (when I deliberately lose weight or maintain), I feel fine. Some occasional cravings, that I mostly can ignore, and just pleasantly hungry before meals, or rather, looking forward to eating.

    I think people fail at dieting because they restrict too much, either by a too large calorie deficit, or cutting out major food groups, totally denying treats, or in some other way eat boring food. And at the same time exposing themselves to temptations, relying on willpower alone.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    No idea because I never experienced either while losing weight.

    Me neither.

    I ate enough to be satisfied and when I occasionally went over my calories I didn't stuff myself. (I also didn't bother with the refeed thing.)
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    What is this feeling of fullness that you speak of? Sounds intriguing.
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    I never "refeed" but I am hungry all the time when I am losing weight. I can tell without even getting on the scale if I'm losing weight or not. If I'm not hungry, the scale isn't going down. It's a natural response to depleting fat stores.

    Thats not the way it has to be though. Seriously, that used to be me, I was sooo hungry all the time. But ever since I started eating clean, I haven't been ridiculously hungry. Lots of fruit and vegetables and lean protein like chicken and a little bit of good carbs like quinoa. Its helped with my bingeing too.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Which feels worse...... being deep into a diet where your stomach seems to never want to get full or the binge/refeed day when you over eat a little and your stomach feels like its going to BLOW?

    Being hungry and/or unsatisfied feels much worse than "overeating a little." And it feels worse than overeating a lot.

    But, I've also never been one to find a full belly to be all that of an unpleasant experience. Guilty feelings for overeating is quite unpleasant, though. Feeling bad for doing what feels so good, lol.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Which feels worse...... being deep into a diet where your stomach seems to never want to get full or the binge/refeed day when you over eat a little and your stomach feels like its going to BLOW?

    Being hungry and/or unsatisfied feels much worse than "overeating a little." And it feels worse than overeating a lot.

    But, I've also never been one to find a full belly to be all that of an unpleasant experience. Guilty feelings for overeating is quite unpleasant, though. Feeling bad for doing what feels so good, lol.

    yep, I agree.
    The constantly hungry feeling is much worse for me than feeling full and content. I've never had the "stomachs going to blow" feeling, even when I go to buffets and can not literally stuff another thing in my gob!

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Don't get those feels brah, sorry.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    I haven't had any of those issues since I started following MFP. I rarely feel full and so far I haven't had any real hunger pangs. I've learned to listen to what my body's telling me. When I get to the point where I feel satisfied I stop eating.
  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    edited July 2015
    WOW---to OP: a lot of responses here sorta attacked you for your post "i don't refeed" ... "i don't diet" ... "yo yo diets don't work" <---- true......but a refeed day is (to some people) an important thing, especially if you are a body builder, for those that are deep into their cuts and i won't call it a diet because a diet is simply the way you eat whether it is over caloric limit or below not just an attempt to lose weight

    the reason for a refeed day is to give your body a chance to get carbs back into your system because i know when i am at the peak and end of my cutting phase i feel like a zombie when my carbs are probably at their lowest point..and the day after a refeed day becomes the best workout of all because you are able to feed the muscles what they need, the night of a refeed for me i eat ice cream, not even low fat ice cream just full blown ice cream and the day after i have the best workouts of my life with the best pump

    just one thing though i disagree with i wouldn't eat until i am about to blow--refeed days are "controlled" cheat days which actually helps people from committing to yo-yo dieting
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Being hungry all the time is the worst. It takes a lot for me to founder. The last time I ate so much I felt like I couldn't eat anymore (for a few hours anyway), I had about 16,000 calories. Even then, I didn't actually founder; I just couldn't eat any more.

    Even more frustrating than being hungry all the time is when being hungry all the time and in a plateau. If I'm hungry all the time, I need to see results. I've gone months with dieting and had no loss to show for it.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    For me, being really hungry feels worse physically. Overeating and being too full feels bad too, but then there's the 'guilt' that goes with it. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Stop dieting and make a lifestyle change. Then you never have to feel either.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    WOW---to OP: a lot of responses here sorta attacked you for your post "i don't refeed" ... "i don't diet" ... "yo yo diets don't work" <---- true......but a refeed day is (to some people) an important thing, especially if you are a body builder, for those that are deep into their cuts and i won't call it a diet because a diet is simply the way you eat whether it is over caloric limit or below not just an attempt to lose weight

    the reason for a refeed day is to give your body a chance to get carbs back into your system because i know when i am at the peak and end of my cutting phase i feel like a zombie when my carbs are probably at their lowest point..and the day after a refeed day becomes the best workout of all because you are able to feed the muscles what they need, the night of a refeed for me i eat ice cream, not even low fat ice cream just full blown ice cream and the day after i have the best workouts of my life with the best pump

    just one thing though i disagree with i wouldn't eat until i am about to blow--refeed days are "controlled" cheat days which actually helps people from committing to yo-yo dieting

    Saying that you don't do something is not the same thing as slamming it. That cutting/bulking/refeeding stuff isn't done by everyone, that's all. I'm not even sure what all it entails. Until I read here, I'd never heard of cutting and bulking. I'd heard refeed, but it was used differently.

    Surely you know someone in your life who doesn't do those things.

    Different strokes! :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I don't really experience either of those things.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Being hungry all the time is the worst. It takes a lot for me to founder. The last time I ate so much I felt like I couldn't eat anymore (for a few hours anyway), I had about 16,000 calories. Even then, I didn't actually founder; I just couldn't eat any more.

    Even more frustrating than being hungry all the time is when being hungry all the time and in a plateau. If I'm hungry all the time, I need to see results. I've gone months with dieting and had no loss to show for it.

    16,000 calories :open_mouth: Impressive :+1:

    What does 'founder' mean?

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Being hungry all the time is the worst. It takes a lot for me to founder. The last time I ate so much I felt like I couldn't eat anymore (for a few hours anyway), I had about 16,000 calories. Even then, I didn't actually founder; I just couldn't eat any more.

    Even more frustrating than being hungry all the time is when being hungry all the time and in a plateau. If I'm hungry all the time, I need to see results. I've gone months with dieting and had no loss to show for it.

    16,000 calories :open_mouth: Impressive :+1:

    What does 'founder' mean?

    Not that it is a contest... just takes a lot to fill me up. I get really frustrated when people say this should be a "lifestyle change." I've been doing this for more than 18 months and I don't know how to eat enough to not be hungry unless I'm in a surplus.

    There are several definitions for 'founder':

    Look at the 5th definition when used as a verb.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    edited July 2015
    Which feels worse...... being deep into a diet where your stomach seems to never want to get full or the binge/refeed day when you over eat a little and your stomach feels like its going to BLOW?

    Don't know ... haven't experienced either. Especially not the binge/reefed thing you describe.

    Even before I started here with MFP, I rarely (like maybe half a dozen times in my entire life) ate so much I felt like how you describe.

    Why on earth would you want to do that?

    Oh, and I feel the best when I feel just slightly empty.

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    WOW---to OP: a lot of responses here sorta attacked you for your post "i don't refeed" ... "i don't diet" ... "yo yo diets don't work" <---- true......but a refeed day is (to some people) an important thing, especially if you are a body builder, for those that are deep into their cuts and i won't call it a diet because a diet is simply the way you eat whether it is over caloric limit or below not just an attempt to lose weight

    the reason for a refeed day is to give your body a chance to get carbs back into your system because i know when i am at the peak and end of my cutting phase i feel like a zombie when my carbs are probably at their lowest point..and the day after a refeed day becomes the best workout of all because you are able to feed the muscles what they need, the night of a refeed for me i eat ice cream, not even low fat ice cream just full blown ice cream and the day after i have the best workouts of my life with the best pump

    just one thing though i disagree with i wouldn't eat until i am about to blow--refeed days are "controlled" cheat days which actually helps people from committing to yo-yo dieting

    I personally do not dispute the concept of refeeds or that they're right for some people, including the OP. I've run them to meet certain fitness goals. However, the OP is not doing a proper refeed if they feel as though they are going to "blow." Refeeds are also not the same as binges (from the OP: "binge/refeed").

    The OP is describing disordered behavior and should be told the proper way to do things.