Share your favorite gym fail

IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
edited July 2015 in Fun and Games
Maybe someone has some personal stories or know someone who knew someone, or maybe has a fave video to share...I've been looking at gym fail videos and thought of the times I'd see some people at the gym that could have used more help.


  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    When I was 14 I signed up at a gym (my mom's) for the very first time and fell off the treadmill first thing.
  • pf1975_NW
    pf1975_NW Posts: 266 Member
    Capsized off the rowing machine - twice!
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I don't know if it's my favorite, but it's the most RECENT.
    I put my lifting gloves on inside out yesterday... I didn't notice until after my first squat set. I had to stop and flip them the other way, felt prettttyyyyy stupid. :D
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Running on the treadmill next to my son while I was wearing my new knee length workout pants. They just kept sliding down and I kept hoisting them up except for one time I grabbed the top of my thong and gave myself a wedgie and showed everyone behind me my thong. My son just about fell off his treadmill he was laughing so hard. I get no respect I tell you, no respect!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Jelaan wrote: »
    Running on the treadmill next to my son while I was wearing my new knee length workout pants. They just kept sliding down and I kept hoisting them up except for one time I grabbed the top of my thong and gave myself a wedgie and showed everyone behind me my thong. My son just about fell off his treadmill he was laughing so hard. I get no respect I tell you, no respect!

    Omg, this has happened to me (minus my son cause he's only 5)!!! The knee length pants are cute but they do NOT stay up!!!
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Running on the treadmill and accidentally passed gas! I didn't know how loud it was because I had on headphones, I had people on both sides of me too, no reactions so couldn't have been too loud...smh FAIL
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Running on the treadmill and accidentally passed gas! I didn't know how loud it was because I had on headphones, I had people on both sides of me too, no reactions so couldn't have been too loud...smh FAIL

    oh good lord...I do that every time I'm on a treadmill.

    I used run by sorority row in college. They may as well have been a cotton field in September...
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.

    :# Did they have to call an ambulance?!
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    I absentmindedly hopped onto a very fast moving treadmill because I was distracted and listening to music in my earbuds way too loud.

    I probably don't need to explain the catastrophe that followed.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    First time I had ever used in a treadmill was in the late 80's. I turned it up too high and got on. That thing flung me on the other side of the gym. Luckily, I didn't break anything or get hurt. lmao.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited July 2015
    my worst is failing on a deadlift with one of those attempts where the weight doesn't really move. People just looked at me like I was a dumb a** meathead.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I don't know if it's a fail, but I was working out to a DVD in the kitchen and didn't notice my brother standing behind me, laughing. He said I looked like a teletubby trying to walk. Apparently this wasn't a comment on my weight but my jerky movements. :neutral:
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    great stuff everyone! My brother flew off the treadmill once and busted his lip. I don't think I ever saw him on another one after that poor guy!
    I got a leg magic machine for a dollar at a flea market and everytime I use it, I expect to hurt myself. I wobble waaay too much getting off and on. It's like standing in a canoe. One on each foot. lol
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Not really a "gym" fail per se but it's close:

    We were shopping for an elliptical machine and the models in this store were all very close together. The whole family were trying out different ones. I stepped down off of the one I was on and my foot got caught between two machines. I fell pretty hard and took two of my kids with me. The kids were pissed and the store employees looked horrified. I wrenched my ankle pretty well, too.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    great stuff everyone! My brother flew off the treadmill once and busted his lip. I don't think I ever saw him on another one after that poor guy!
    I got a leg magic machine for a dollar at a flea market and everytime I use it, I expect to hurt myself. I wobble waaay too much getting off and on. It's like standing in a canoe. One on each foot. lol

    I have a small scar on my shin from where the tread skinned me. Tell your brother to suck it up. I hopped back on (not knowing my shins were cut and one of them was bleeding) and finished off my quickie 3 miler because I was gonna leave with whatever dignity I had left, damnit.
  • Inalienable_Property_of_www
    Inalienable_Property_of_www Posts: 192 Member
    edited July 2015
    I don't have any gym fails, because I hardly ever go to one. I work out at home mostly, but I have several stories from when I was younger and got injured doing sports.

    Fell of a pony once and got my foot stubbornly caught in a stirrup. Pony freaked out, because after flinging me off she assumed I'd be gone for good, but then realised I was still attached to her, so she kicked me in the face and back while still cantering around the arena. I did my best to protect my face, but my back didn't fare too well. I hate ponies, even hot headed thoroughbreds are more sensible.

    As most horse-crazy kids, my friends and I pretended to be horses and we often jumped obstacles pretending we were in the olympics. That particular stable didn't have standard poles, but they were homemade wooden ones and much heavier than your regular ones. I'm a decent high-jumper, so I was jumping a pretty high oxer I think (it was set at pretty much my neck-height) and I was distracted. Stumbled over it, but the pole didn't fall down. I didn't get my hands down quick enough to brace for the fall, so fell jaw first on the ground. ..It was soft, but I now have a disproportionate jaw that pisses off my dentists..

    ..Not a fail on my part, but some kids at my pool (who weren't part of the swim team) tried to drown me.. in the kiddie lane.. and almost succeeded. "Kiddie" lane had a giant foam house on it and I had just gotten out of my swim class and I was just sort of diving and messing about practicing breathing techniques. I was under water when several boys who were my age and slightly older moved the foam house right above me and every time I tried to get to the surface they moved the house where I was trying to resurface. I was running out of breath and the only thing I could think of was to turn around and have my feet face the surface and I managed to kick the stupid house away from me and get out. I was too young and proud to complain to the coaches or anyone really. ..And I never became an olympic swimmer, haha.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.

    :# Did they have to call an ambulance?!


    I couldn't even scream because it was so painful. As I pulled to loosen the weight it only got tighter. I eventually freed myself. finished my workout once I stopped hurting. Didn't realize how bad it cut me until I was in the locker room getting changed for work.

  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.

    :# Did they have to call an ambulance?!


    I couldn't even scream because it was so painful. As I pulled to loosen the weight it only got tighter. I eventually freed myself. finished my workout once I stopped hurting. Didn't realize how bad it cut me until I was in the locker room getting changed for work.

    I'm having like, sympathy nad pain. Is this like what happens to spouses of pregnant people?
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.

    :# Did they have to call an ambulance?!


    I couldn't even scream because it was so painful. As I pulled to loosen the weight it only got tighter. I eventually freed myself. finished my workout once I stopped hurting. Didn't realize how bad it cut me until I was in the locker room getting changed for work.

    That...gave me goosebumps of horror. And I don't even have any junk.

    I don't actually have any interesting all. Not even of gym buddies. Not even in high school athletics, going back that far. I guess I'm just boring, and so are my friends! :D