566 calories for a taco.



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    The meat is cooked in fats and dripping with it, cheese is not low fat, and a deep fried shell. Plus if there was whole fat sour cream on it... Mmm And that is why tacos are off my menu fot now unless i am making them myself with a soft whole wheat wrap and ground low fat meat. Going to try the romano lettuce taco wraps this week. Hope my 6 year old will like it instead of the hard shell.lol
  • msunique133
    msunique133 Posts: 10 Member
    Going out to eat even if it is a salad has more calories than if you are eating at home sometimes. When you know that you are eating out you must remember to save calories for that occasion that's what I do. When I crave something fast food I make sure I save the calories,fat,protein etc. because it can add up to half or more than half of your days calories. So until then I have a low calorie snack and fill up on water and watermelon.
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Could 566 calories be for an adult serving of tacos, which is probably 2 or 3?

    I figured out the calories for Chipotle: 3 crispy chicken tacos, with sour cream but no cheese: comes in at about 600 calories. So about 200 each.