What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • Livenonstop
    Livenonstop Posts: 5 Member
    Three straws broke the bank:

    I followed weight watchers 15 years ago and reached my goal weight. I kept it off for a while, then went up & down, and recently crossed over that "I will never weight this again!" number.... I've been hovering around the number, but finally hit it.

    We have an annual vacation trip & every year on the way home I tell myself "Next year, when they see me, they will be so impressed at the weight I've lost". I just booked our rental for the vacation and I'm the same weight I was last year. Booking the vacation made me think of my empty promises to myself from the prior years.

    Finally - I just booked a girls cruise with AWESOME friends! I can't wait to go. Except for the fact I'll be in a bathing suit 50% of the time and be taking pictures the rest of the time. I want to feel great, look great and have great pictures to remind myself of this trip!

    I think this last one really did it, because I have successfully tracked for 7 days in a row. I know 2-3 weeks is all it takes to form a habit & I'm half way there. I started to feel a bit wavering & found the community message boards. I think I'll be reading and posting more, just to keep motivated.

    This time - its for me. This time - it's for my health. This time - I'm going to succeed!!!!

    31 weeks to the cruise and 20 pounds to lose. I can and will do this!

  • eilxxnh
    eilxxnh Posts: 1 Member
    I was at a dance, having a good time for the first few hours with my friends. But as we sat down to take a break a couple guys walked over to us and asked both of them to dance completley ignoring the fact that I was there. They said yes and left me there sitting feeling mortified. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've always been the "fat friend". It's time to change that.
  • lindarpolk
    lindarpolk Posts: 70 Member
    I was the last one to leave work as usual. While I was in the restroom, I noticed that I had a 6-inch hole running along the seam in the back of my pants. All I had with me was a big sweater, so I think it covered me in back on the way to the car. I put off getting new clothes if I can because I want to lose weight so I can wear the ones in the closet instead of buying bigger sizes.

    Another time I was getting out of a friend's car. I didn't realize that my girdle made my pants slip down easier. My friend informed me that I was losing my pants. Fortunately, he was able to forget about it because now he's my boyfriend. I appreciate him loving me for who I am.

    There have been other times when people thought I was pregnant.
  • Steam_Powered_Awesome
    Steam_Powered_Awesome Posts: 301 Member
    The last straw for me was when I hit 180p on my 5'4" - 5'5" frame and wanted to cry every time I saw myself plus the negative effect it had on my already bad health. Changed my diet dropped around 15p. Then joined a gym and lost 26 more pounds. Now I'm at 139p

    MFP stats are only based on when I joined my gym.
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 415 Member
    We were supposed to go on a cruise and 9 months and I wanted to feel good about my self for the cruise. I ended up losing 30lb with about a 100 more to go and I found out I was pregnant with our first (we didn't think we could have kids too.) So weight loss was put on hold for the time being. We ended up missing the cruise because I was too far along. What kept me motivated to continue afterwards was what happened during my second trimester. My husband and I were out walking around the mall and a car full of teenagers pulled up and said, "Wow, you have a fat a**" and drove off. Lucky for them they were in a car because my husband tried to chase them down and teach them some manners.

  • kryss247
    kryss247 Posts: 120 Member
    The moment was when I went on my first date when I was 22 and he was embarrassed to be seen with me. I was almost 300 pounds :/
  • musicismymotivation
    musicismymotivation Posts: 4 Member
    I had lost 20 pounds last year, with 153 being the lightest I had been in a very long time. I had this new found confidence, got a new boyfriend- things were great. Then a few weeks ago I got on the scale an I was at my all time high, 175 lbs at 5'7. I'd always been the bigger girl growing up and that always made me self conscious. My mother is overweight and I wanted to do something before I grew into her shoes. I love her so much, but not always her style in health.
  • Mark_Joseph
    Mark_Joseph Posts: 101 Member
    edited July 2015
    After gaining a significant amount of weight, that I worked my butt off to lose, I realized that this is my reality. From being an everyday proactive being, to disliking the very thought of even working out/exercise. Then Eating poorly everyday from the chips, to the ever so often ice cream consumption, and finally junk food that my sister would buy every other day. I realized that the choices I made til the "final moment" proved to me as individual that I was comfortable with this sedentary life and poor choice of nutrition. I was either quitting on myself or pointing fingers to others. The most ridiculous part of it was that I accepted this. My depression had nothing to do it with it. It was the mere fact that I running away from everything and not taking responsibility of my actions. I did this to myself and it is about time I take my life back.
  • marthaelisa80
    marthaelisa80 Posts: 1,572 Member
    When I seen this pic of myself 10 years ago this month!


  • x_blackrainbow
    x_blackrainbow Posts: 439 Member
    When my mom said "I hope you're just bloated and that's not anything else," implying that I looked pregnant. Following up with "I didn't mean no offense" didn't make it any less offensive. :/
  • Spike_G
    Spike_G Posts: 149 Member
    Being called fat by a bully. . .

    Don't laugh it was the trigger I needed (he wasn't bullying me btw, I had stepped in to stop it)
    The obnoxious **** was a steroid abuser and prone to massive mood swings and subsequently has been sacked for attempted physical assault on another member of staff.

    So I'm ~40lbs lighter (with 30 to go) and he's unemployed still, I won't say why the assault was only "attempted" in case I incriminate myself. ;)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • SomewhatSkinnySara
    SomewhatSkinnySara Posts: 3 Member
    My moment was when I realized I'm moving to university come September and I do not want to be the fat one boyfriends and friends are ashamed of anymore. Time to be a more confidant, beautiful me for this stage of life!!
  • Angela26point2finisher
    Angela26point2finisher Posts: 105 Member
    i was creeping up on 200 again. I freaked... I also was training to PR a 1/2 marathon in August 2015 and realized that I was just too heavy, it hurt too much to run. Now i'm planning to walk the 1/2 marathon and have taken control over my eating again. The 1st time, about 12 years ago was when I discovered the clothes that my "fat friend" wore fit me great :neutral:
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Two things really.

    I was at work eating lunch at my desk. Indian food. I thought it was super healthy lol! I was eating it so fast I was practically choking on it and the portion was so big it might as well have been a cheat meal. I wasn't even really tasting it and I was multi-tasking. A friend walked by and said "Yeah, I love Indian food too, but too bad it's so bad for you". I googled the nutritional information / calories and threw the plate in the garbage. I could also feel my wide behind rubbing on the arms rails of the chair... like I just fit in the chair. Digustings. Around the same time I was having a wicked arthritic flare up in my hands. They were swollen beyond belief and extremely painful. My rheumatologist gave me a two week tapering dosage of prednisogne and told me I'd probably gain weight from the medication. The only thought in my head was "Hell no!" The very next day I began my journey cold turkey. Low calorie, low fat, exercise every day, tons of water, fruits, lotts of veggies and high protein. I dropped close to 90 pounds in a little under a year.

    That was about two and a half years ago.

    I am still going strong although now I've incorporated additional foods as well as healthy fats back into my nutritional plan. Still low calorie and daily exercise.

  • cctheberge
    cctheberge Posts: 2 Member
    ekvamme wrote: »
    Mine was getting my engagement photos back & seeing how large I looked in all of them. That combined with the upcoming wedding where all eyes would be on me did the trick. I lost 35 lbs (wedding was 2 years ago) and I've slowly been putting it back on. I've gained 20 lbs & again recently saw some pics of me and was shocked at how much I really had gained back. So here I am, again!

    I had a similar problem where I hated the way I looked and felt so I lost about 20lbs and felt awesome. Then I went off to college and gained all my weight back. Freshman 15 and some more. I'm back to where I felt big and unhealthy and I'm having the hardest time with keeping up with my workouts and nutrition. I want to be healthy and fit and back down to a size that makes me feel confident and happy.
    I hope your fitness lifestyle goes well and if you need a motivational buddy I'd love to team up! Fitness and health is a lifestyle not a quick problem fix. But it's so hard when you're doing it all yourself.
  • proudmummytobe
    proudmummytobe Posts: 5 Member
    My moment was I lost weight before getting pregnant got to 13 St . I got pregnant and I didn't really have a bump or show . At 18 weeks I was still in my pre pregnancy jeans feeling fab . I got to 30 weeks I just gained weight like crazy ! 2 stone by 37 weeks ! *28lb*

    After the baby I dropped a stone (14lb)
    But I'm still a stone heavier !
    Killed me when I tried on the jeans I was wearing at 18 weeks pregnant and they were so tight I wanted to cry :( lost a stone now with slimming world but I find weight loss is slow .so now I'm here hoping to shed faster . Hopefully in time I can get to 9 stone :) xx
  • mits5139
    mits5139 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. New to the community.

    I'm turning 35 this year and one day had a look in the mirror back in May and thought omg. I then took a step on the weighing scales to find I was weighing in at 231 pounds. Safe to say it was a big enough shock. Being lovingly nicknamed fat boy by my family over the past few years should have been warning enough lol.

    I decided enough was enough. I joined a gym where they took the initial measurements using calipers. My second shock was that I had 35% body fat. I was gobsmacked.

    So I resigned up to myfitnesspal, started running, swimming and training with the help of a trainer 3 times a week.

    I've learnt a lot about nutrition from my trainer and myfitnesspal has been a god send. I don't omit the bad stuff as I'm only cheating myself. It's taught be discipline lol. I can now walk down the aisle of the sweet section in a supermarket without diving towards the nearest chocolate bar.

    Safe to say I'm getting closer to my goal. Last weeks weigh in was 190lb and 19% body fat. Diets been tough and I've never been so committed to exercise ever before but when you start seeing the results it motivates you so much more. I've found myself trying different forms of exercise that I never would have thought of.

    I'm hoping to push harder. I've given my self a goal of a half marathon in October and a goal weight of 176 lbs.

    My family history reads like a cardiac arrest waiting to happen. I don't want be be added to that tally.

    I wish everyone here all the best in achieving their goals. Sadly all those fitness magazines talking about getting super slim in six weeks don't apply to us unless we're in fairly good shape to start with. It takes some serious graft and commitment and sacrifice to get there. Both nutrition wise and exercise wise. But if we put our minds to it any things possible.
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2015
    Mine was when the cashier at McDonalds remembered my breakfast order since I was in there nearly every day. UGH. I don't want to be that obese woman who stops at Mcdonalds on her way to work every day, but there I was.

    I now make a week's worth of greek yogurt parfaits on Sunday to take with me in the morning. Instead of going out for lunch I have a big, homemade salad. Yum! I'm not going to say I don't miss the breakfast sandwiches, but the yogurt is pretty darn tasty, and is way better for my gut and my pocketbook.
  • xstaylor
    xstaylor Posts: 1 Member
    Mine was when I had a physical in May and the doctor's visit notes had "obese" listed in the "Conditions" block. Not just once, but in 3 separate sections. My blood work is good & I was able to lost 40 lbs a few years ago, but it all came back & I'm just too down about it to even get started. But, I'm starting my bazillon-th time by tracking calories in MFP & walking on my lunch break 3x a week. Baby steps :smile: