How could I get her abs?



  • MarieAnneN
    MarieAnneN Posts: 205
    OMG - I want YOUR abs...How do I do that?


    I thought the same thing haha

    Same here! Can we do a switch, you would see imporvement easily on mine! lol!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    In my opinion your abs are much better looking. hers dont look soft and feminine, if that makes sense

    Couldn't agree more, you have a gorgeous belly...MUCH sexier than the other pic.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I agree with those who say your abs are sexier.

    Women can seriously mess up our reproductive health by lowering our body fat to extremes.
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    OMG - I want YOUR abs...How do I do that?


    I thought the same thing haha

    Same here! Can we do a switch, you would see imporvement easily on mine! lol!

    Lol, You guys are funny, I havent really got 'abs; though, it is not propperly toned! Will be though after these exercises that people have suggested :wink:

  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    OMG - I want YOUR abs...How do I do that?


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    FWIW the first pic is more attractive.

    Not that the 2nd pic isn't, but that's a little much for my tastes. Very impressive though.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I would like to add that as much as I agree with everyone that I prefer the OP's abs to the other girl's, if the OP wants the other girls abs that's her choice. It's her body and her opinion of what is attractive is the only one that matters.

    As far as getting the totally ripped ab look, I have no idea. However, I was told by my very ripped female step aerobics instructor that the only way to build an actual six pack (besides getting off the layers of fat...which it looks like you have done) is to contract the abs twice. In other words, to crunch, hold the crunch, and then do mini-crunches on top or crunch even higher. Here's an article talking about shocking your abs
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    I think your abs look great and you look MUCH healthier than the other person. She seems to be to be WAY to skinny but that's just my opinion.

    P.S. I would love to have a stomach like yours but haven't seen anything like that since maybe Kindergarten!! ;)
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Your stomach is smaller than one of my thighs! I think yours looks fantastic - I'd swap ya no problem! BTW her boobs look fake so maybe her abs are lipo'd too?
    I agree with the other poster who said abs are all about diet.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    It is all about the diet, and we are not talking about starving yourself, it is all about the food you put in your body, plus it is also about full body workout.

    Your abs are dependent on your back muscles as well, a strong Core is really the key.

    Try reading this book.. New Rules of lifting for Abs

    These two guys are some of the best in the business, I plan on getting this for myself as well.

    But teh Diet is the key and you can't target one area, you need to target the whole body.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I would really concentrate on your diet- eat paleo for a few weeks and see if that helps your abs pop out more. Veg, meat, a little fruit, nuts. Low carb, no sugar, low sodium- I bet that would do it. Good luck- I think your abs are great now, but I also see the appeal of super-ripped girl's.

    Edited for punctuation.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't think 10 minutes a day is going to cut it.

    I do slant board crunches holding a weighted medicine ball - am up to 50 at a time at slant lvl 8 (max). I do planks - regular and side every other day. When they get too easy, I'll add weights. I do hanging crunches - bent leg, sideways, and straight leg. When that gets too easy, I'll add weights. I spend a heck of a lot more time on my abs than 10 minutes a day. It's starting to show, as the fat is disappearing, the muscles are there, underneath. I don't really want to look like the 2nd picture, but I do want solid muscle on my tummy area, and to do that, I have to work for it.

    While losing they show.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Thinking you look far better.....
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    First your abs are definitely more attractive!

    Second, abs are just like any other muscle they need to be brought to failure to get stronger and they need time to recover. You should not do abs more than twice a week.

    Your core has 4 focus points-
    Upper abs- Sit-ups
    Lower abs- knee ups
    Obliques- twist movements
    lower back - back hyper-extensions

    It shouldn't take you more 10-15 minute per core workout

    Stick in the 12-15 rep range, use weights to bring on failure in that range.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    i agree with everyone... i like your abs! ;)

    butttt.... your goals are totally your own!

    what about trying "military cruches"? also known as the "bicycles"? like... like on your back and then bring one knee up and touch it to the opposite elbow in a cycling motion...those really do wonders!
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I'll bet that girl knows exactly how much sodium she's eating. That look is 80% diet for sure. I'll bet she spends more than 10 minutes on abs, too. You could probably get her abs with some focus on your diet and a little more working out. I'd skip that tan, though, LOL.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Your abs are great!

    The second picture looks sickly. I would not want those abs.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Your exercise selection seems appropriate. (Others that I like are planks, T-pushups, weighted crunches (hold weight above your head and go heavy for lower reps), dragon flags) Mix it up with lower reps for weighted exercises and higher reps or failure for bodyweight exercises. Also agree with Russell that they shouldn't be done everyday.

    Also, remember that compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, chinups, dips really utilise the core strength as well so including these in your exercise program will help a lot.

    As others have said it is all about BF%. She is obviously very lean (veins in arms on a chick is pretty damn lean). That being said, looks pretty close to in season BF% for a bodybuilder and that generally is not sustainable ie. she may look like that for 2 weeks a year.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Your abs freaking rock!!!!