Letting go of booze!



  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    I'd like to join too. I suffer from depression and really shouldn't drink as much as I do. My poison is wine
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well! Saturday night successfully booze-less :)
  • drxl34
    drxl34 Posts: 48 Member
    I am the exact same way. If I drink, I can't just have one.. and it makes me crave junk food. I tried moderation but it wasn't working so I went completely dry.. and I felt sooo much better. Now if I have a drink or two I feel kind of sick - still get the cravings. I just will never be a "drinker" again. If I were you I'd try 30 days sober and see how you feel :)
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    I was a heavy drinker when I was in the Navy - one day I looked in the mirror, and thought "I am already ugly, which I cannot do anything about, but I also had a huge gut, which I could do something about" - I stopped drinking 31 years ago, and have never looked back, nor missed it ... lost 30K in the process, as I did not eat all the crap food which is very nice when you are drunk :(
  • RayneScar
    RayneScar Posts: 44 Member
    I don't know about you guys, but I have lost quite a bit of weight without ever giving up alcohol! I guess it's because I don't really eat when I'm drinking - I seem to be lucky in that I rarely get the drinking munchies!
    Maybe you should switch to vodka if you really want a drink sometimes? I drink about 8-10 in a night (I'm a bit of a heavyweight) and it doesn't make much of a difference in the scale. And if you're out dancing, that'll take care of a lot of the calories too :wink: hahaha!
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    RayneScar wrote: »
    I don't know about you guys, but I have lost quite a bit of weight without ever giving up alcohol! I guess it's because I don't really eat when I'm drinking - I seem to be lucky in that I rarely get the drinking munchies!
    Maybe you should switch to vodka if you really want a drink sometimes? I drink about 8-10 in a night (I'm a bit of a heavyweight) and it doesn't make much of a difference in the scale. And if you're out dancing, that'll take care of a lot of the calories too :wink: hahaha!

    I do not do well with hard liquor...im the girl who ends up crying in the bathroom or making innapropriate sexual advances lol. I think because they're so quick to drink (as opposed to beer at least for me) i dont have time to catch up to how buzzed im actually getting and end up too drunk.
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    I was a heavy drinker when I was in the Navy - one day I looked in the mirror, and thought "I am already ugly, which I cannot do anything about, but I also had a huge gut, which I could do something about" - I stopped drinking 31 years ago, and have never looked back, nor missed it ... lost 30K in the process, as I did not eat all the crap food which is very nice when you are drunk :(

    :) this is encouraging! Congrats on the 31 years quite an accomplishment and lifestyle change
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    drxl34 wrote: »
    I am the exact same way. If I drink, I can't just have one.. and it makes me crave junk food. I tried moderation but it wasn't working so I went completely dry.. and I felt sooo much better. Now if I have a drink or two I feel kind of sick - still get the cravings. I just will never be a "drinker" again. If I were you I'd try 30 days sober and see how you feel :)

    I'm definitely aiming for a shorter goal of a month first. I *hope* it encourages me to stay sober. Because yes, going out drinking is fun but ive always admired those who go out and dont drink and have a blast. Maybe if i actually give it a go it'll happen for me :)

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    RayneScar wrote: »
    I don't know about you guys, but I have lost quite a bit of weight without ever giving up alcohol! I guess it's because I don't really eat when I'm drinking - I seem to be lucky in that I rarely get the drinking munchies!
    Maybe you should switch to vodka if you really want a drink sometimes? I drink about 8-10 in a night (I'm a bit of a heavyweight) and it doesn't make much of a difference in the scale. And if you're out dancing, that'll take care of a lot of the calories too :wink: hahaha!

    You are not alone. I haven't stopped drinking. I probably even drink more since I know now that alcohol has nothing to do with my weight loss. However, my calorie allotment controls how much I drink. If I only have 200 calories left then I can only have an under 200 calorie drink. If I have 1000, then God help me :) I am pretty good at just stopping.

    Not everyone can do that and OP I commend you on making the decision knowing that you have the tendency to not stop.

  • tottie3912
    tottie3912 Posts: 48 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    I was a heavy drinker when I was in the Navy - one day I looked in the mirror, and thought "I am already ugly, which I cannot do anything about, but I also had a huge gut, which I could do something about" - I stopped drinking 31 years ago, and have never looked back, nor missed it ... lost 30K in the process, as I did not eat all the crap food which is very nice when you are drunk :(

    Your awesome. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    tottie3912 wrote: »
    tottie3912 wrote: »
    So funny, I started 6 days ago and was thinking of posting the same! Cleaned up my diet food wise over the past two years, but could not shake the binge. Beer is my go to choice, but I can throw down whatever! And I am not talking about social drinking. It became a daily thing at home. Yes it's wrecked my figure, but what made me drop it was due to health issues rearing their ugly head. I'm In!

    Yeah, i also used to drink home alone. I tried to cut it to only drinking while im out, but that usually leads me to buying more on the way home and chugging and eating.

    Not exactly drinking home alone. My husband has been my partner in crime over the past 9 years. Got to the point of him making me drinks or cracking a beer for me without my asking ...would always set before me. Was like it became habit and he knew what I liked. But also was hard on days I just wanted to take a break with a drink always by me. I talked to him of my issue, but it was not until I started having health issues he took me seriously.

    This is me. We are after work cocktail people, but I really don't want to be anymore. I also self-medicate my anxiety with alcohol. If I'm talking on the phone, I often drink more quickly.
    I account for my calories and fit them into my day, but the habit is hard to break!
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    Another binge drinker here -- moderation is not my strong point in any facet of my life. I'm abstaining for awhile and being honest with myself and recording ALL alcohol calories. Glad to find friends in a similar boat!!
  • tottie3912
    tottie3912 Posts: 48 Member
    drxl34 wrote: »
    I am the exact same way. If I drink, I can't just have one.. and it makes me crave junk food. I tried moderation but it wasn't working so I went completely dry.. and I felt sooo much better. Now if I have a drink or two I feel kind of sick - still get the cravings. I just will never be a "drinker" again. If I were you I'd try 30 days sober and see how you feel :)

    I'm definitely aiming for a shorter goal of a month first. I *hope* it encourages me to stay sober. Because yes, going out drinking is fun but ive always admired those who go out and dont drink and have a blast. Maybe if i actually give it a go it'll happen for me :)

    This was actually me back in my 20's. (I had my first drink in late 20's, but did not get carried away till early 30's). I look back now and am like, what happened? lol
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    ... you will be surprised with the things you see when you are sober ... it is tricky to be part of the drunken brawl though ... but either you want to remain a sheep, or have control over your own mind and body, that is your choice
  • tottie3912
    tottie3912 Posts: 48 Member
    Yep, alcohol is definitely something I have made an absolute goal to cut! I was easily drinking 3-4 days a week. And the stuff I like to drink is just FULL of sugar and cals! My drink of choice is the Strawberritas... I would get 3 cans of those and call it a night! I too have the problem that if I am tipsy, then I have to eat ALL the things... and then I just completely de-rail my tracking. I only have 1 week under my belt, but so far I only drank a little bit on 1 of those days... and I already feel so much better and my head is clear! And to be honest, when I did have those drinks the 1 day, they didnt even taste that great. So hopefully I am on the right track :smiley:

    Yeah, it's scary to actually add up the alcohol induced snack calories! I was drinking 6-7 days/wk. I am sure many of you have seen this but if not, check this out:


  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    Another binge drinker here -- moderation is not my strong point in any facet of my life. I'm abstaining for awhile and being honest with myself and recording ALL alcohol calories. Glad to find friends in a similar boat!!

    Yeah another problem is I'll go out, then the next day be like "did i have 3 pints or 4? Oh and my biddy refilled my glass from the pitcher before ibwas done with it...wait that bartender gave me a shot..." no good for honesty when i cant recall lol
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    ... you will be surprised with the things you see when you are sober ... it is tricky to be part of the drunken brawl though ... but either you want to remain a sheep, or have control over your own mind and body, that is your choice

    Im worried dive bars will not be nearly as fun...haha
  • edwardetr
    edwardetr Posts: 140 Member
    Another binge drinker here -- moderation is not my strong point in any facet of my life. I'm abstaining for awhile and being honest with myself and recording ALL alcohol calories. Glad to find friends in a similar boat!!
    Just writing it down is a powerful motivator. I'm like "wha!? how many carbs?"

  • docvic123
    docvic123 Posts: 7 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    ... you will be surprised with the things you see when you are sober ... it is tricky to be part of the drunken brawl though ... but either you want to remain a sheep, or have control over your own mind and body, that is your choice

    My brother realized he had a problem, so quit alcohol very young, in his early twenties, single and in school. He didn't want to give up his friends and his social life, so became the sober one at parties and in the bar with his buddies. (He enjoyed feeling superior as he watched his friends make fools of themselves.) It's been over 25 years, and he still does this, but not as much. He corrected the big mistakes he made due to his problem drinking. Now he is an attorney and family man. I admire him so much, because the rest of our family LOVE our wine (our parents even owned a bar) so there is no escape, but he watches over the rest of us, and volunteers to be the designated driver.

    I am trying to follow his lead, and only had one glass of homemade sangria at our family party on the 4th. It was nice to be able to play games with the kids, eat (relatively) sensibly, not say anything stupid to the in-laws, be awake for the fireworks, and drive myself home. I have been dry ever since, not without cravings, but the support and accountability of MFP is key.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • Beckyacm
    Beckyacm Posts: 4 Member
    Oh man! I didn't drink for about 20 years, then a year and a half ago, after losing 60 pounds, I began to drink. Gained 30 back in 5 months, and have gained another recently. I still have it at times, though I have gone a couple months at a time without it. I was doing good, getting back on track with losing and all, then my dad was diagnosed with cancer and passed a month later. Where those last 10 pounds gained come into play. It's been 3 weeks now since he passed, and I'm determined to quit drinking all together. If at some point I can do it for a celebration here or there, ok. But for now, It needs to go. So I up for joining in!