Weight is up 1.2 lbs after my lowest cal/highest workout yet.



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    I think we need a sticky as to how people should weigh themselves! So far on page 1 today, I've run into I weight myself at the gym and I am not losing enough, and the OP here who gained after exercise.

    Anyway: OP:

    Water weight fluctuations can be as large as 3, 5, and even 7lbs in a day or two.
    Your weight loss is 0.5, 1, 2lbs over a week.
    A water weight fluctuation can easily mask your underlying weight change.

    --you are probably retaining water from exercise.
    --women's weight often fluctuates in relation to monthly cycles.

    You may want to weigh yourself in the morning, after using the bathroom, and before eating or drinking anything, using a scale with a good battery that is located on an un-yielding floor surface.

    A good idea to help you look at your underlying weight change as opposed to concentrating on a single outlying number is to use a web site such as www.weightgrapher.com or www.trendweight.com or apps such as Libra on Android and Happy Scale on iphone.

    All of the above show you your weight trend as opposed to a single day's weight and help you cut out extraneous noise.

    Observe how in the graph below of a month with a 5lb weight loss we have three distinct periods of time where weight loss not only appears to be plateaued, but when in fact the special snowflake's weight seems to be going up! Without looking at the trendline the special snowflake would have been quite upset with all this happening!


  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I think we need a sticky as to how people should weigh themselves! So far on page 1 today, I've run into I weight myself at the gym and I am not losing enough, and the OP here who gained after exercise.

    Anyway: OP:

    Water weight fluctuations can be as large as 3, 5, and even 7lbs in a day or two.
    Your weight loss is 0.5, 1, 2lbs over a week.
    A water weight fluctuation can easily mask your underlying weight change.

    --you are probably retaining water from exercise.
    --women's weight often fluctuates in relation to monthly cycles.

    You may want to weigh yourself in the morning, after using the bathroom, and before eating or drinking anything, using a scale with a good battery that is located on an un-yielding floor surface.

    A good idea to help you look at your underlying weight change as opposed to concentrating on a single outlying number is to use a web site such as www.weightgrapher.com or www.trendweight.com or apps such as Libra on Android and Happy Scale on iphone.

    All of the above show you your weight trend as opposed to a single day's weight and help you cut out extraneous noise.

    Observe how in the graph below of a month with a 5lb weight loss we have three distinct periods of time where weight loss not only appears to be plateaued, but when in fact the special snowflake's weight seems to be going up! Without looking at the trendline the special snowflake would have been quite upset with all this happening!


    This is really cool! Thanks for sharing!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself daily.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself daily.

    Why? More data is always better from a statistical standpoint.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself daily.

    Why? More data is always better from a statistical standpoint.

    Some people are bothered by daily fluctuations.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I really killed it yesterday with about 40 mins of cardio and a bit of strength training, plus I worked a 6 hr server shift so lots of moving around all day. I also stayed well below my 1200 calorie allowance. I got on the scale this morning and my weight is actually UP over a lb. Anyone have thoughts as to why or advice on anything I may be doing wrong?

    Weight loss isn't linear and water weight

    But bold bit ...don't do that
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Weight at maintenance over 3 months ...logging accurately

    This is normal and this is stable weight

  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    snikkins wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself daily.

    Why? More data is always better from a statistical standpoint.

    Some people are bothered by daily fluctuations.

    Then they would be really bothered by weekly fluctuations. Working hard for a full week, getting ready for your weigh in, then find out you gained 2 pounds.... You need to get over the scale as being a motivating factor, weighing yourself every day will get that done faster because you will realize a lot sooner just how much the scale fluctuates.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    snikkins wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself daily.

    Why? More data is always better from a statistical standpoint.

    Some people are bothered by daily fluctuations.

    Then they would be really bothered by weekly fluctuations. Working hard for a full week, getting ready for your weigh in, then find out you gained 2 pounds.... You need to get over the scale as being a motivating factor, weighing yourself every day will get that done faster because you will realize a lot sooner just how much the scale fluctuates.

    This is true, and these people weigh once a month. It is up to personal preference and not everyone cares about this from a statistical standpoint.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It's normal daily fluctuation and most likely water retention from the lifting.
  • msjanjan337
    msjanjan337 Posts: 8 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    I'm sorry and don't mean to be rude.........but why does someone seem to ask this same question every single day? It is nice of people to answer though, but a simple search of the forums will also answer the question.

    I think everyone know this answer as well as the next person. It isn't that they need us to tell more than it is just to reassure them. This is a support system we have and they are a bit down about the increase in weight and just need some support....Let's just continue to give that support, no matter how many times we are giving the same advise, and not make them feel stupid for asking for it.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member

    1200 is the lowest setting in mfp for a reason isn't it?

    It's the minimum calories a women should eat. Especially on a day someone killed it with work and a work out.

    I can understand being a little under but you said well under, is that like 300 calories under?
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    ahoier wrote: »
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'
    Not this. Not this, at all.

  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    ahoier wrote: »
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'

    Starvation mode in this sense is a myth. If you are eating less than you burn, you will lose weight; otherwise, people wouldn't die of starvation.

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    ahoier wrote: »
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'

    Pretty sure starvation mode like your describing isn't real.

    Also I don't think it matters how you get the water. Tea coffee watermelon probably even coke are all things that contain water for your body.

    Now plain old water is probably the best option but it's not the only option.
  • sheisolivia
    sheisolivia Posts: 10 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    It's normal daily fluctuation and most likely water retention from the lifting.

    I think this is what I was looking for. I hear someone else say today that if your muscles are inflamed, your body will retain more water. If this is true it makes a lot of sense about the jump upward, I definitely had too much physical activity vs. calories. I'm not trying to crash diet, work just forced me to miss dinner which had my total calorie intake around 600 (dinner is usually my big meal). Thanks so much!
  • sheisolivia
    sheisolivia Posts: 10 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    1200 is the lowest setting in mfp for a reason isn't it?

    It's the minimum calories a women should eat. Especially on a day someone killed it with work and a work out.

    I can understand being a little under but you said well under, is that like 300 calories under?

    I was like 600 cals under because work popped up and I couldn't have dinner. It's a fine line it seems-the app suggests no more than 1200 calories a day but most people here are saying don't eat less than 1200/day.
  • sheisolivia
    sheisolivia Posts: 10 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    ahoier wrote: »
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'

    Pretty sure starvation mode like your describing isn't real.

    Also I don't think it matters how you get the water. Tea coffee watermelon probably even coke are all things that contain water for your body.

    Now plain old water is probably the best option but it's not the only option.

    I guess I wouldn't count things that aren't just plain water toward my water goal because coffee and tea are diuretics, they'd cause more water loss than hydration if I understand correctly.