May 30th, Starting 30 Day Shred, who's with me?

treime Posts: 22 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I have done 30 Day Shred here and there and never for a full 30 days. In fact I don't think I've worked out in any fashion for 30 days straight :)

I invite anyone to join me (or with "Ripped in 30"), I'm pretty much posting to ensure that I do it :P Hold myself accountable.

Starting today! Here goes nothing!


  • corbansmom
    corbansmom Posts: 71
    I'm starting 30 day shred today as well. Never done any of Jillian's workouts, but ready for a butt kicking!
  • elouise86
    elouise86 Posts: 12
    I've been doing it on and off for a while now - but from today i'm going to do it for 30 days straight !!
  • treime
    treime Posts: 22 Member
    Yay Us! :)
  • dani0626_diary
    dani0626_diary Posts: 38 Member
    what is 30 day shred?
  • cgirly422
    cgirly422 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on day 6 today and so far I love it! I'll post with you to make sure I complete the full 30 days:)
  • karenslims
    karenslims Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join - need a motivator!! Is there a link that you can send that details what it is?
  • I just started the 30 Day Shred today as well. I am doing 5k training also but wanted to add something else to my workouts. So today I jogged for 2.5 miles straight and did the 1st workout of 30 day Shred, this should get me out of my plateau!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Starting the 30 day shred today, but I'm not allowed to use hand weights yet (Drs orders). Yay!
  • daintycake
    daintycake Posts: 23
    i'm down! I was going to start 30 Day Shred today too.. great idea to do it together so we can encourage one another!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    For those who are lost - "30 Day Shred" is a workout video by Jillian Micheals. It's 20 minutes of circuit training a day, for 30 days (or more). The video can be picked up at Walmart/Kmart etc for ~ $10. Just requires a couple hand weights (your choice of weight), a yoga type mat, and good shoes.
  • MamaJilldo
    MamaJilldo Posts: 63 Member
    Way to go Kelli!! I can't join you, but I'll encourage you all the way! I mean I do sit right next to you at work...i will whisper shrrreeeedd all day.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    IM IN! Although I have just started the ripped in 30, Im on wk 2 (LOVE IT!) I have all of JM's DVD's ..ya I was hooked on the 1st :)
  • klkozy
    klkozy Posts: 9
    I am in. I used it for about a week and didn't see any results, but I am willing to try it again. see you in a week
    sw 180
    gw 140

    goal is 10 pounds by July 1
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    May have jumped in this too fast... my bum shoulder is not a fan of pushups just yet. Made it half-way through today before the pain was just too much. Doc said no weight, so I boycotted the dumbells... but I didn't think about the pushups. *sigh* Little bit at a time, right?
  • I'm in!!! Whats our weight loss goal supposed to be like? Im hoping to loose about 5-10 lbs in our 30 day challenge!!
  • DollyPat
    DollyPat Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Started today. :smile:
  • Me too! I started last week, but I diddn't finish as I went out of town on friday/saturday. Started back yesterday as day 1 and completed day 2 today. I would love to be held accountable as well, so anyone on this thread please feel free to add me as a friend, just make sure to write something in the message so I don't think you"re a creeper! lol! Let's do this!
  • modelina
    modelina Posts: 6
    I'm in on this 30 day Shred plan too.I did it earlier today and feel so much better already. I'm not doing it everyday though but every other day (alternating with cardio). Good luck everyone! Let's do this!
  • treime
    treime Posts: 22 Member
    Exactly right. I have kinda messed up knees, tore and ACL, had it replaced but the other knee got really painful. I just modify things (for me lunges/squats can be rough) or replace with other of her exercises. Do planks hurt your shoulder, I think those are useful in lieu of pushups? Or just do something completely different! :)

    And thanks for explaining what 30 day shred is.

    Thanks EVERYone for participating.

  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Exactly right. I have kinda messed up knees, tore and ACL, had it replaced but the other knee got really painful. I just modify things (for me lunges/squats can be rough) or replace with other of her exercises. Do planks hurt your shoulder, I think those are useful in lieu of pushups? Or just do something completely different! :)

    And thanks for explaining what 30 day shred is.

    Thanks EVERYone for participating.


    Thanks for the idea... I'll try a modified plank tomorrow instead of pushups. :)
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