Do you get prettier with weight loss?

Of course you get healthier (which is hugely important) but do you get prettier? I ask because I've seen some gorgeous heavy women and some more humble looking thin women and vise versa. Can losing weight lower/increase sometimes prettiness?

I guess in short I'm asking for personal experiences with weight loss and subsequent self image?

I never thought I looked ugly even at my fattest... But I'm definitely feeling more attractive as I lose weight!


  • music_lover_103
    i don't know about facial beauty actually changing, but i know that i feel a lot more pretty when i'm slimmer.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Most women tend to look younger in my opinion...depending on their routine for losing their weight...well, and their current appearance of course.

    Youth usually equates to beauty in most people's eyes.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Of course you get healthier (which is hugely important) but do you get prettier? I ask because I've seen some gorgeous heavy women and some more humble looking thin women and vise versa.

    Is "more humble" code for ugly? :laugh:

    Pretty and ugly come in all sizes, however I can't recall ever seeing anyone who I thought looked better overweight or obese. Generally, I think people look their best at a healthy weight.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Sometimes with weight loss your facial bone structure is more noticeable, which can attribute to "beauty" by many people's definitions.
  • trdeming
    trdeming Posts: 4
    I think it's a frame of mind. If we are overweight and 'feel' ugly, we will believe it. When we lose weight, we feel better, thus, thinking we are prettier. It's like when you see a 250 lbs woman wearing shorts - she's pretty much gross. But think about it. If she recently ost 20 plus pounds, she is feeling good about herself and proud of her accomplishment. So I think it's our belief. Just like a size 2 girl, if she gains weight and is then a size 4, she'll feel ugly.

    It's a frame of mind.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I think it has more to do with feeling pretty, more confidence
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Personally I feel much better which comes across as more confident. I think more body confidence comes across as sexier (so I keep reading anyway). My skin is better, my hair looks better and I make more effort to put make up on and dress up; so when I look at myself I think I look prettier. What anyone else thinks; I wouldnt know :laugh:
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    some aspects of "beauty" are reflections of overall health, so in that case, i suppose it's possible. in my own case, i felt like i began to look younger after losing a significant amount of weight, but maybe that's just how i feel. in either case, weight loss is bound to at least make you feel a little healthier and more confident, so that certainly can't hurt appearance.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    I thought I looked "ok" when I was overweight but when I look back...eeeks, not so much! I think, for most people, you have more self confidence which does wonders for the appearance. Also, most people lose it with diet and exercise and when you are eating right and working out, you tend to look younger and have a healthy glow. I'm still not at my ultimate goal but I've definitely changed in appearance, and I like to think for the better! (I just posted before and after pictures today in the "success" forum which shows how much my appearance has changed!
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I thought about this. My Aunt had weight loss surgery so not sure if this had anything to do with it but when she lost over 100 lbs I honestly did not think she looked good at all. I mean granted yes she was considered healthier, no more high BP, better all over medically in all her blood test results . I just felt she looked very drawn in the face, pale and dull luster to her skin, not the glow of a vibrant healthy woman I would of expected after someone drops 100 lbs. I again am not sure if this was a result of how she lost it using the the bypass operation. I know sometimes heavier woman have fuller faces which hide the effects of perhaps aging at least in the face and when you lose weight you can end up seeing lines or wrinkles or something that had been hidden beneath all that fullness you originally had in your face from being overweight. I hope I dont look older as I lose weight as my face thins out I never minded having a lil bit of plump fullness in my cheeks lol. But I still want to lose weight for health reasons and to feel and look better in clothing just hope it wont affect my face too too much.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Friends are telling me that I look ten years younger, but not prettier;)
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    For the most part people get more attractive as they shed weight. However I do live in fear of being the exception to this and getting more troll-like as I lose weight. Currently my face is breaking out from exercising, I've developed a heat rash on my back from said exercise and while I'm thinner than when I started my journey i feel quite self conscious about my loose skin. The only thing holding my jeans up is my stomach roll (as attractive as that sounds...MMMM!) so I certainly don't feel better looking. But I do feel healthier. You take the good with the bad I suppose : )
  • electricnarwhal
    I'll just say that I feel more flattering and confident when I'm thinner haha... But, if no one else thinks I am, then I don't care. As long as I am happy and healthy. :) My friends and family love me for who I am. ;P
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I haven't lost any weight (only here for 10lbs of vanity weight anyway) but over the years I can see my face has thinned out. Even as early as 2 years ago, I look different and I am the same healthy eating & exercising person I have been for the past 7 years or so. I don’t think it’s a prettier look, it’s just me 2 years older and I am ok with that. That being said that comment comes from me looking at photos, no one has said anything.

    I always thought wrinkles would come first but nope!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I think you FEEL more attractive as you become the way you want to be, and that projects outer beauty as well.

    For me, getting my hair done and buying new clothes gives me the same type of confidence boost as losing weight, only I know the weight is a permanent, healthy change so it obviously makes you feel more proud and confident than most other things.

    Although I don't necessarily think that people get prettier as they lose weight, I think they do become more confident as you said, and when that shines through then their beauty does as well. When I was at my heaviest I felt ugly because my clothes started to fight in a not-so-nice way and I would get hotter easier, so I would wear less makeup (coverup was just making me even more hot!).

    I think a lot of people when they lose weight become more outgoing and energetic, smile more and are generally happier. These type of people are attractive, but not because they are skinny, because they are confident. I have seen many overweight, very attractive people, but most of them don't care about their weight and just live life to the fullest. I think no matter your size, if you are happy with yourself, that will come out in your personality and confidence is sexy.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    I totally get that we're all on the track to get healthier and I totally agree that healthy is preferred to at risk or unhealthy. I'm on my own journey to lose weight.

    That being said -- IMHO -- not all women who get to their healthy weight retain their prettiness. I don't think a skinny/healthy woman necessarily looks younger either. What I often notice is that eyes look sunken in; noses, cheeks, jaw and brow often seem more prominen/sharper; and they often look more wrinkled.

    I will be the bad guy and admit that over half the time -- I think someone looked "prettier" in their face before they lost weight. Its just my opinion -- the eye of the beholder thing -- beauty comes in all kinds of packages. I definately admire their hard work and even willingly admit to some jealousy.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    some aspects of "beauty" are reflections of overall health, so in that case, i suppose it's possible. in my own case, i felt like i began to look younger after losing a significant amount of weight, but maybe that's just how i feel. in either case, weight loss is bound to at least make you feel a little healthier and more confident, so that certainly can't hurt appearance.

    I look much better with a thinner face (read: less bodyfat)...younger too it seems to me. Guys are sort of lucky though...when our face thins we almost ALWAYS look more attractive lol. Age helps many of us out too =p. I look better now than when I was in the best shape of my life in my opinion...face wise anyhow.

    So now I'm shooting for the best of both worlds =p.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Personally, if I got prettier it would be a crime. I do however FEEL fantastic, and that shows.
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    I think as we lose weight we become more confident and feel better about ourselves. When we feel good about ourselves it shows on the outside. In turn this makes us prettier.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I think so.. You look happier.. therefore prettier :)