Holy Calories!

RichGebs Posts: 345
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
When I first started dieting, I stopped eating fast food. I then went to check the nutrition in McDonalds and found out there are soooooo many calories in their food!!!!! And also the ingredients and everything are so unhealthy!!!! So from the start, vie given up fast food and replaced them with more healthy versions of burgers and chicken :). What have you given up since you started watching what you ear and what have you replaced it with?? It would be cool to see all of the variations and healthy choices made by everyone :)


  • mekaihau
    mekaihau Posts: 4 Member
    I've stopped eating fast food as well... There is a restaurant that offer quick healthy meals in my area: Zoe's Kitchen. I love it.
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    I've given up crisps.....:cry:
    Replaced with cracker bread! :smile:
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Gave up fast food for at-home healthy cooking and gave up soda for water. :)
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I sort of gave up regular Coke and switched to Coke Zero...but I still treat myself to a regular Coke now and then :-)
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i haven't completly given up anything.. except full calorie soda... but i haven't had mcdonald's in over 6 months... i usually go to subway or qdoba if i need food fast.

    it is amazing to look at the amount of calories i would consume in 1 meal at some fast food places... almost my entire day of calories now!
  • MsKittyCAT
    MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
    no more soda. Instead Sobe 0 or Mio water enhancers or Ayala's waters. All have yummy flavors without the sugars and calories.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I've given up soda, for the most part. Every now and then I'll have a diet, and rarely I'll splurge on Strawberry Fanta because I loooovee strawberry soda [and grape].

    When I was in school, every Friday I'd have one small thing from fast food, but now school is over for the summer so no more of that! I've switched to Morning Star burgers or Boca burgers, and I'm trying to figure out how to make a substitute for a spicy chicken jalapeno sandwich...I LOVE those things from McDonald's.

    I don't eat out much anymore, period :)
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55
    I have stopped going out/ordering out for lunch during the week. Hate not having Qdoba every week tho. Their Gumbo rocks -- but over 1,700 calories -- that's an entire day's worth in one meal.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I gave up soda and pizza (except for rare occasions)
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    I'm taking lunch to work rather than buying it there - so veg soup, yogurt and and 2 apples rather than a cheese sandwich or a full cooked meal (with chips[fries] or pasta usually) and a choccie bar!

    I haven't given up anything completely (mind you, only started this 'healthy' thing a few weeks ago), as I believe the key is moderation. Less pasta, less potatoes, less chocolate, less chesse etc. If I gave up something completetly I know I'd cave and end up eating twice as much as before once I gave in to temptation,
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    All these sound pert great and about the moderation eating I agree with you guys! I've gone back to eating all the stuff I love except fast foods and other resturaunts and take outs but in moderation since I'm not trying to lose weight anymore
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I still eat a lot of fast food, but make sure I'm under my goal as much as possible.... a lot of times its not the healthiest option, but it works for me. I've tended to change from going to McDonalds to Jersey Mike's or Chipotle or somewhere where I can see what is going into my food. I've cut out snacking more than anything.... this has really helped cut back my intake.
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I gave up my mocha frappes. Used to have about 2-3 a week, (LARGE or MED) and now I rarely treat myself to one. In fact its probably been a month since I had one. When I saw they have 400 + cals in the small ones, I couldn't bring myself to order them anymore!
    I eat small children's size burgers instead of the double burgers I'm used to. I also skip the fries.
  • I hear you on the fast food nutrition/calorie thing! I gave up McDonald's sweet tea, couldn't believe how much sugar was in that. Now if I have it I'll ask for non-sweet with Splenda instead. I've really given up a lot of fast foods, still have it in moderation, but not like I had before. Also I mostly drink just water. I REALLY like restaurants that will list the caloric value for each item on the menu, it really helps me to make smarter choices. I wish that would become mandatory everywhere.
  • tuacsmm
    tuacsmm Posts: 24 Member
    I still struggle with the McD & Wendy's fries! However, when I go there, I get the kids meals instead. I have replaced most of my sugary things with no sugar items such as my Log Cabin Maple syrup and Smuckers grape jelly.
  • MrsSchmidty7
    MrsSchmidty7 Posts: 45 Member
    I have also pretty much given up soda & McDonalds - if I am in a cruch, I'll have a whopper jr. with no mayo and sometimes take off the top bun.
    However, the other night I tried to make a burger from RedRobin, I used a veggie burger, grilled a pineapple ring, teriyaki sauce, 2% cheese, and sandwhich thin - and it was actually pretty good!
    I think the key to replacing meat burgers is to make sure you have a good quality veggie or soy burger though because I have had some pretty off putting ones before!
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I still struggle with the McD & Wendy's fries! However, when I go there, I get the kids meals instead. I have replaced most of my sugary things with no sugar items such as my Log Cabin Maple syrup and Smuckers grape jelly.
    That's great just to take it down a notch and not completely cut it out :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I thought i would have to give up the things i love (fastfood) but i can eat them if i want i just have to know ahead of time and work it into my 1200 calories. If i went to mcdonalds i can get a diet coke 6 nuggets and small fry for a little over 600 calories. I havnt had it yet but i will eventually. Right now i just want to lose lbs.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    We haven't really given anything up, just changed things around a bit.

    Instead of fried, breaded chicken burgers I make grilled chicken burgers, water instead of juice, less chips/chocolate, oatmeal waffles instead of chocolate brownie waffles (we make waffles every Sunday for the kids) Everything in moderation :)

    I do make almost everything myself, I don't buy any frozen foods, and we don't eat out alot now.
  • sweetness48
    sweetness48 Posts: 61
    I know!! It's INSANE! I never looked at calories or NI...which was the reason I got to where I was! Holy Cannoli! When you start looking at what you're feeding yourself, it's a major reality check! Not gonna lie, I still eat fast food...but probably only once a month..IF THAT! I don't even miss it..after I eat it I always feel kinda yucky!
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