What triggered your desire to lose weight ?



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Not getting diabetes. I've logged almost 4 years and have maintained 3. Happy about it every single day.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    An uncomfortable business trip to Taichung, a visit to a KTV.
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    First push: breaking up with a boyfriend who was a literal feeder and actively rooted for me to gain weight. Second push: decided to run a half marathon and knew that I needed to be just a little stronger for it. Almost there...
  • ATL_Geiger
    ATL_Geiger Posts: 32 Member
    ATL_Geiger wrote: »
    Been 5'10" 128-130lbs since I was 17. Quit smoking and trying to put on weight. Tired of looking like a teenage boy in my mid 30's.

    I was between 105 and 110 until I quit smoking at age 51. I'm almost halfway back there!

    Congrats on quitting! I tried a few times over the years but this time was no problem at all. I guess it was really time.
  • jjmusgrave
    jjmusgrave Posts: 5 Member
    I realized I was starting to not want to play around with my 3 and 2 yr old on the floor and just being exhausted when I came home from work so all I would do is want to lounge on the couch and make excuses to my kids about how I didn't want to play. I don't want to be that kind of mom. I want to be the mom that runs around and throws balls to her kids and is building towers and pretending to be a horse. Plus, because I was tired all the time, I was actually encouraging my kids to come watch TV with me. No, I don't want my bad habits to make my kids overweight. (We have a good diet, I just tend to eat too much and not exercise enough.)
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    My doctor telling me that my cholesterol was high and I was at risk for a heart attack. Got my butt in gear real quick.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    ATL_Geiger wrote: »
    ATL_Geiger wrote: »
    Been 5'10" 128-130lbs since I was 17. Quit smoking and trying to put on weight. Tired of looking like a teenage boy in my mid 30's.

    I was between 105 and 110 until I quit smoking at age 51. I'm almost halfway back there!

    Congrats on quitting! I tried a few times over the years but this time was no problem at all. I guess it was really time.

    Congrats to you! Wish I had done it at your age, but it was so widely accepted back then. It's funny how once you REALLY decide to do it, it's not nearly as hard as all the times you wanted to quit, but hadn't DECIDED!
  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    Mostly vanity, to be honest. Was tired of being the super active, healthy person who still looked thick and slightly chunky in spite of all that. Realized that moderate as opposed to extensive exercise and portion control work better than exercising super intense every time then eating as much food as I want just cause it's healthy.
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    1st)My son was put on medication with increases his hunger. He's a bottomless pit most days. I want him to make better choices in food and excersize. I have to set an example.
    2nd) Having the BP monitor go beep like I won the jackpot at a casino when I went to the hospital.
    3rd) Being able to wear more than the 1 pair of jeans I could still barely squeeze into.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Me being attracted to women that did not prefer my size.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    My amazing friend lost a ton of weight and looked phenomenal. I realized that I was really unhappy with my weight and the constant struggle to find clothes that looked good on me. I figured that if she could lose the weight, I could do it too.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    A mix of things for me. Mostly pictures from my family vacation to Savannah one year. Then, continual prods from my endocrinologist because she didn't want me to develop diabetes since it runs in my family. I was later kinda helped along after getting diagnosed with Celiac's Disease. I was already working on losing, but the diagnosis forced me to be more thoughtful about cooking and meal prep.
  • tedua0526
    tedua0526 Posts: 15 Member
    That would be me too!
  • ATL_Geiger
    ATL_Geiger Posts: 32 Member
    @atypicalsmith - Thanks! I agree completely.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    A trip to Mexico. I wanted to look good in photos & feel confident on the beach.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I always had a desire to lose weight; but pretty much same as you what kicked things off was trying to manage acid reflux by counting calories.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Going to the doctors for a check up, and having a different nurse to usual, who actually took my weight/height and once she'd figured out my BMI actually talked to me about maybe needing to lose some weight. Up until that point no other nurse/doctor I'd spoken to had mentioned it, thank god she did!

    Seeing a photo of myself next to my extremely skinny boyfriend, when we were all dressed up for an event, and looking 3 times his size. Not being able to ever find clothes that fit me, being miserable with how I looked, and realising if I didnt do something soon I wouldn't be able to shop in regular clothes stores anymore...
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    edited July 2015
    In no particular order:
    • Wanting to set a good example for my kid.
    • Feeling like *kitten* mentally and physically.
    • Being attracted to people that were not attracted to me physically.
    • Feeling like I was taking for granted the way my body has taken care of me - I may suffer from mental health issues, but my blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. have always been good, and I didn't want the day to come where my body began to fail me because I wasn't taking care of it.
    • Wanting to help treat my PCOS and mental health with diet and exercise.
    • Hating seeing myself in pictures; my outside didn't match the image I have for myself on the inside.
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    Seeing fat pictures of myself!
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited July 2015
    My son wanting me to go down the slide with him, and I knew I wouldn't fit...

    Doctor told me I had PCOS, and may not be able to have more children due to my weight ( She was so wrong! Going in next week to see how far along I am)