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What triggered your desire to lose weight ?



  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    My eating habits, if unchanged, were going to eventually lead me to some serious weight gain. It was so slow, I was lucky to have realised it before it was too late.

    It was hard starting, as everyone around me knew me as the "skinny chick" in the office and couldn't understand why I was wanting to watch what I was eating/lose weight.

    It was because I didn't want to be the skinny chick (that would be eventually overweight). I wanted to be the strong chick.

    I have never been sporty but have found a new love for weightlifting.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I was going to Vegas for my 30th and I wanted to look good.
  • arv51862
    arv51862 Posts: 115 Member
    A combination of things... Not happy with the person in the mirror who seemed to keep changing to larger sized jeans, I wasn't going above a 34.... And I was a solid 34.5 lol...
    * A trip to the hospital at work for a regular physical of sorts, the nurse freaked out when she took my blood preasure... Her reaction totally got my attention to be sure, but on the way out of the Drs office I stepped on the scale... 200 !!!
    That has been a mental cut off point for me forever... Last time I saw 200, I did a crash diet straight to 155 (almost 30 years ago)... It was the weigh in that was the final kicker for me, I was in diet mode the next day !
  • WreckaRed
    WreckaRed Posts: 116 Member
    My husband lost 80lbs and is built now.....can't be the fat frumpy wife!
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    For me, it was MFP itself.

    I stumbled on the app when browsing through the App Store and thought...hmmm, why not?

    I installed it and began the next day. That was 6 months and 45 pounds ago.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    My fat initially went to my stomach so it was all the : When are you due questions. Now with my little old lady bumpy body which affected me all over, the idea of going out in public in a bathing suit made me think "Oh God I'm going out in public in a bathing suit" ... I wish it were the roaring twenties because even old ladies bathing suits show way too much of me.
  • Sammbep
    Sammbep Posts: 32 Member
    Absolutely no idea! Just woke up one morning and said "Time to lose some weight, now it goes seriously.".
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    At 5'4 I hit 175. I went back to my office and ran my numbers and found out I'd hit obese suddenly (not really suddenly but it felt like it). I cried, thought about my cancer diagnosis and my gallbladder problems and my Lupus related issues and my kidney failure and cried some more and felt like the huge frumpy wife with zero sex appeal, that poor poor husband of hers! The next day the scale said 176 and I said "F#!* this. No more."

    Did a complete 180 and have been headed down ever since. I'm two pounds away from my high school weight of 124, when my husband and I met, and with that goal I'll shift to lifting more to put everything away nice and tight. I'll be the best damn looking 31 year old we know. Or at least not half bad. Whatever.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I was going to turn 45. I was seriously going to fix it before I hit that day!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I guess my brother was trying to lose weight, get fit.

    His logic was he could go for a walk a few times a week of he could do kick boxing and actually learn some skills.

    He convinced me to go, seemed to enjoy it, on my first night the instructor told me to give mfp a try.

    I did and found it simple, effective.

    A few weeks later I had lost enough weight that my scale didn't say error.

    So I guess my trigger was finding a system or app that worked.

    115 pounds later and it's still working.
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    None of my "fat" clothes (USA 18) fit. Hoping to get back to my "skinny" clothes (USA 8) and beyond. I was complaining about my weight even in the size 8 clothes. Now to pass that!
  • TharSheGoes
    TharSheGoes Posts: 1 Member
    Going to a stadium and not being able to fit in the seats.. It was so tight around my hips that it left bruises for 2 weeks... Then realizing I was 100 lbs heavier since the last time I was at that exact stadium... Follow it with a week of scares at the doctor and wanting to have another baby (but being 30 lbs heavier than the last time we got pregnant), and I had had enough.
  • wilderness2015
    wilderness2015 Posts: 1 Member
    The desire to hike the Inca trail. Looking forward to the beauty.
  • hybridtheory45
    hybridtheory45 Posts: 84 Member
    My brother's fiance asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, and I found out the other 3 (and the bride) are all stick thin, and I would be the token fat bridesmaid. Now that I'm going for it and completely motivated, I've decided not to tell my parents that I'm losing weight, and surprise everyone when we finally go back home next May for the wedding. (we live across the country.)
  • tannibal_lecter
    tannibal_lecter Posts: 83 Member
    Pinched sciatic nerve, acne, and heart problems. I felt too young to have these problems and be medicated for the rest of my life. Exercise and diet was recommended by my doctor as an alternative, and I haven't looked back. That was five months ago. All of my problems have alleviated and I feel amazing.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    My brother's fiance asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, and I found out the other 3 (and the bride) are all stick thin, and I would be the token fat bridesmaid. Now that I'm going for it and completely motivated, I've decided not to tell my parents that I'm losing weight, and surprise everyone when we finally go back home next May for the wedding. (we live across the country.)

    What a lovely surprise that will be to all!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
  • AuroraGeorge8393
    AuroraGeorge8393 Posts: 100 Member
    I have severe IBS (misdiagnosed as Crohn's for years), Hypothyroidism, Endometriosis and GERD.

    My mother has always been thin, and until her late 40s, quite active, but she inherited her (equally thin) father's high blood pressure and heart problems. She had a series of mini strokes (ischemic strokes) in her late 40s and early fifties that went undetected until she woke up on her 56th birthday, bent over to tie her shoes, and suffered the double whammy of a minor stroke and heart attack. She was also told that she was pre-diabetic, which shocked her (and her doctors) because she is thin, and because there is no history of the disease in our family.

    I don't want to experience any of that if I can avoid it. I have enough issues already. Losing weight may not guarantee that I avoid cancer or heart disease, but it certainly won't hurt my odds.

    The weight gain has also adversely affected my energy level and my mood. It makes me feel physically uncomfortable in my own skin. At my heaviest, I actually felt like the fat on my neck was strangling me at night. And - being as vain as the next girl - I certainly didn't enjoy the moment when I realized that my clothes no longer fit me anymore. The sizes kept going up and up, but I stayed in semi-denial.

    Then one day I stepped on the scale and discovered that I was 191 pounds. The heaviest I have ever been. The real shocker came when I checked my BMI and discovered that, technically, at my height (5ft 6in), 191 pounds is low level obesity. I was stunned. I knew I was big, but I didn't realize I was obese. That was the moment I decided (in tears) that I had to lose the weight.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I looked up my BMI on my own - my doctor NEVER mentioned it to me, and I didn't know I was obese for a long time! I went up a whole dang size in ~4 months, which was horrifyingly fast, and I really hated how the new clothes felt so awkward on my body (and still do; nothing feels right). I was having a big issue with buying junk, and I threw out a bag of chips right after I bought them, then went back and fished them out of the trash bin outside in the rain and ate the whole thing. I'd never felt more disgusting in my life. I am so embarrassed and horrified by that moment, so displeased I reached the size I did, and just generally unhappy with myself that something HAS to change.
  • MsTurboSquid
    MsTurboSquid Posts: 8 Member
    so many things. Diabetes and Heart Disease run in my family. I have 3 grand parents living with type 2 diabetes. When my dad was told he was borderline diabetic he did nothing. he didn't change a single thing about his diet and I have always mimicked his eating habits. That was the first push.
    Second push was going our for a bike ride and fainting after a few minutes because I was so unfit and out of shape. It was just the eye opener I needed to stop being in denis I am only 21 and I have always been overweight.