Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • vakort
    vakort Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a simliar boat! I actually started around 240 and had some personal issues come up that "helped" jump start my diet in a not so healthy way. BUT the good thing was that I lost about 15lbs fairly quickly without "trying" and that made me WANT to do it. I started myfitnesspal at the end of April at 221lbs and I am now 212. My goal weight is 150lbs and I am hoping to be below the 200 mark by July 4th. It requires me to put in a little more effort to push myself to that goal, but I think it's possible!!

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me. The one friend that I started this with is no longer using it.
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I am all for that as I have 125 pounds to loose. I have been walking everyday uphill most of the way and I've lost 2lbs my first week. We can do this :)
  • I would like to join :smile:
    I need to drop about 80lbs... i have been on MFP since September 2010 im struggling to shift my weight I seem to think i was in a state of starvation believe it or not and my body is still adjusting to my new diet.
    I work out 3-5 times a week doing various exercise: spin classes, eliptical workouts, bike riding and walking...I'm determined to lose this weight for a healthier me
    My diary is open - feel free to add me i am looking for support and would love to support others on your weight loss journey

    SW : 251lbs
    CW :242lbs
    GW: 165lbs
  • grandmanita
    grandmanita Posts: 59 Member
    Just wondering if there is still a spot open? I have 50 pounds to lose and need people who are seriously motivated?
  • freefalling83
    freefalling83 Posts: 31 Member
    Can I join? I have 80lbs to lose. Just got back from my holiday weekend and am getting back on track!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    How do I join? I have lost about 67 lbs, have 33 to lose to get to my goal. For exercise I do the eliptical, kickboxing and boot camp classes at my gym and also I try to run when I can. Interested in finding more support!
  • Bren0128
    Bren0128 Posts: 1
    Count me in!!!! I started at 314 in March and I am currently 288. I have lost 26 pounds so far. My goal is to get to 165.
  • choughton01
    choughton01 Posts: 68 Member
    sounds like a plan to me. I'm in.
  • momandboys4
    momandboys4 Posts: 21
    Count me in..... My journey has been slow and I have 50-70 lbs to lose.... 50 to get to my goal weight 70 to get to what they say I should weigh for my height..... I need all the support i can get..... We all need to be there for one another...... So I am in..... :-)
    Good luck........
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Great, new members, the more the merrier. Someone asked how to join the group. I think you just come on here and post. Today plan to set my goals out on the goals page. Need to have mini goals so that I don't get overwhelmed. My other plan today is to dig out my dusty neglected wii and see what the unused myfitness coach has to offer. Not feeling motivated at all today so going pretend to be until it happens! Anyone else setting goals today or trying anything new?

    First thing I need to do is work out how to add my ticker to posts.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Hope all are doing well. Set for another day of work (Not really but we'll pretend I am). I'm sitting here and I'm hungry but I don't know what I'd like to eat. Drinking some water though while trying to decide.

    Gunna be figuring out my mini goals like abzbargs will be.. Definitely think it's a good idea to do that.

    Exercise? Don't know today. I haven't found one set thing I like to do so mixing it up is good for me.

    Have a wonderful day all of you!

  • eb797
    eb797 Posts: 2
    hey! can i join? i joined MFP today starting at 253lbs, want to get to 150 lbs, but i'll need serious motivation!
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    i dotn mind joining.. ima yoyo dieter and now this is my final pit stop and the journey to sucess.
  • Hey everyone

    first off i changed my username from gossipgirl8723 now to this one!! you can recognize me by my picture still the same me~~

    sooo i am struggling this week with excercise and eating well as i am on my time of the month (TOM)... it is super hard and a challenge, as its the first TOM i get since i started my lifestyle change diet 2 weeks ago today... so far so good... feel bloated but the scale isnt being too mean ahha ... i have noticed some small changes on my face and bust size.. they r finally slowly going down...

    i have set myself mini goals as well and in hopes of accomplishing them...
    going to toronto to my fiance's families place from june 23-june 30 ,,, gonna be swimming there and trying to atleast get to 220lbs by then.. will be hard to loose 7 lbs in 23 days:S but i will try my hardest the right way ofcourse! and if i dont succeed i will try harder for my next goals.!!! I feel extremely tired today, blaming it on the birds that woke me up at 6 am!!! haha and the ridiculous heat during the night!! even with the windows open ... it was hard to get some good rest! Tonight gonna try to head to bed a bit earlier...

    I ate a pretty good dinner yesterday but had to work my *kitten* off on the elliptical just to have a deficit of 450cals ... humm not my best day but i wont be too hard on my self... as i usually say "today wasn't the best, tomorrow is another day and it'll be better..."

  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    good morning everyone!
    Vanessadcampanelli - I DIDNT reconize you so thanks for letting us know you changed! (why)

    yesterday was a good day! we went skating!! man its been years, FUN
    I am so tired of the rain and going to see movies for entertainment, we have to start getting creative.
    Back to the routine for Tuesday tho. only 10 more days till schools out and I'm gonna have to get REALLY creative.
    Zumba this morning and stage 2 of 30day shred here I come!

    for ppl with MSN - the news page has a blurb about kicking up metabolism,
    #1 they said if you are bored your mucles is bored as well, so change up your routine
    #2 dont be a slave to cardio - dont forget strength training
    #3Burn more calories and make more of those calories come from fat by increasing your overall effort. A great way to achieve that is by doing intervals—periods of higher intensity followed by a slower recovery pace.

    So I am going to take all that into consideration this week.
    **I made my goal for May - 10lbs**
    I also joined the memorial day to labor day challenge last night . . 99 days with a goal of 30lbs (10 a month was my goal anyways)
    Have a great week ladys :happy:
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Count me in! I've lost a lot however still have 40 to go!
  • good job guys!!! im starving right now my tummy is grumbing haha .. ive lost inches and only 1.4lbs in 2 weeks .. humm
  • I just joined yesterday and have 96lbs to lose. I am looking for all the help and support I can get. Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I joined in January and had 85.5 lbs to lose.... so far I've lost 33.1 lbs....

    so I'm in.....!
  • epa1112
    epa1112 Posts: 12
    I'm losing in my bust and nowhere else :( My bras dont fit me correctly anymore, alot more shifting through out the day LOL the girls dont stay put. I wish it was my stomach getting smaller this fast.
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