(Opinion) Horrible Workout Days



  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey guys!

    Thanks for all your feedback. I just got back from the park (the gym was a no-go), and I got a good workout in. I'm aware that it's nobodies responsibility to help me lose weight. After all, I lost 120+ lbs on my own, without the help of anyone. But when I lost the weight, I had a plethora of friends and family reach out to me and beg me for workouts; so I teach a fitness class for them every Saturday at our local park. At first, the classes were full, and they began to be my motivation; but overtime, they stopped coming. And those same ones are liking my FB weight loss pics, yet won't respond to my messages about working out. I guess I got used to their company. Hope that adds a little clarification. I'm not dependent, just thought I had some permanent workout buddies.

    I do feel better after that workout. Thanks so much for all the feedback. I read all your messages :)

    Keep up the great work guys, it's a battle! :wink:

    That tends to be how things go. It's why gym memberships always sky-rocket in January, and by March, hardly anyone is using their memberships anymore. I understand not wanting to workout alone, it is more enjoyable with friends, but sometimes it's just not meant to be. That's why I listen to my app or music. At least that way, I've got something to distract my mind from how much I hate exercise and I can keep going! ^_^;
  • fatasstobadass
    fatasstobadass Posts: 24 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    Hey guys!

    Thanks for all your feedback. I just got back from the park (the gym was a no-go), and I got a good workout in. I'm aware that it's nobodies responsibility to help me lose weight. After all, I lost 120+ lbs on my own, without the help of anyone. But when I lost the weight, I had a plethora of friends and family reach out to me and beg me for workouts; so I teach a fitness class for them every Saturday at our local park. At first, the classes were full, and they began to be my motivation; but overtime, they stopped coming. And those same ones are liking my FB weight loss pics, yet won't respond to my messages about working out. I guess I got used to their company. Hope that adds a little clarification. I'm not dependent, just thought I had some permanent workout buddies.

    I do feel better after that workout. Thanks so much for all the feedback. I read all your messages :)

    Keep up the great work guys, it's a battle! :wink:

    That tends to be how things go. It's why gym memberships always sky-rocket in January, and by March, hardly anyone is using their memberships anymore. I understand not wanting to workout alone, it is more enjoyable with friends, but sometimes it's just not meant to be. That's why I listen to my app or music. At least that way, I've got something to distract my mind from how much I hate exercise and I can keep going! ^_^;

  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well done on the weight loss mate. I have days like these when I'm not motivated and don't really see or remember the point. It helps to just try and sit and remind yourself why you do it. Today I went to the gym and it was empty and cold and pouring with rain outside. I sat on the Bench press for about ten minutes before starting. I put my head phones on and just started lifting. An hour and a half later I had finished a great workout and lifted my best Bench press for five reps. The rest of the day went great and I cant wait to go back tomorrow now. So glad I just pushed through it.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Not everyone is ready to stick with things.

    If you want to continue to give your weekly fitness class, you might look into creating a Meetup group. There are a ton of exercise-related Meetup groups near me (Tai Chi, Yoga, Boot camp, walking, running, hiking, biking...), and they get pretty good attendence even though it's not always the same bunch of people each meeting.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    if it they really supported me, they would offer to workout with me.


    okay ummm no. it doesnt work that way. YOU are wanting to lose weight- not necessarily THEM (and even if they do, working out with you is totally irrelevant to the point).

    we all have bad workout days/ periods. right now im having to drag myself to the gym every day. saturday when i went, i barely made it 30 minutes before i said *kitten* it and went home.

    but i went.

    i dont care what my friends and family do. im too busy trying to better MYSELF and lose MY WEIGHT to be bothered by whatever they are doing.