C25K Day 1 nearly killed me

joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
anyone else doing C25K? I haven't been sitting on the couch for some time (walking, cycling, step aerobics) and I found Day 1 really hard, more challenging than a 20 mile bike ride. Does it get easier and when? Need to do something on top of cycling to get fit!


  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    I've done C25K and am currently doing C210K - trust me, it gets a lot easier if you stick to it!! I remember week 1 vividly, I thought I was going to die, but then throughout the week I did it twice more, and the third time it was a breeze - I am confident the same will happen to you! This is my favourite running program (I hate running!!) so keep it up and you will be so proud when you reach a milestone!
  • karisrunning
    karisrunning Posts: 8 Member
    It does get easier, just keep at it. I also went through those days when I thought, what have I gotten myself into.. just take your time, make sure you are not over doing it (to avoid injury) and keep it going. Consistency is key..after a week you'll be shocked how much you have improved. I never thought I could jog in my life! Hopefully you will find it enjoyable when you find your rhythm. Good luck and have fun with it :smile:
  • cyronius
    cyronius Posts: 157 Member
    If you can do a 20 mile bike ride, but struggled with Day 1 of C25K, it sounds like you were running way too fast. Jog, don't sprint. If you can jog slower, you're not jogging slow enough. Speed will come later.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    +1 for run slower. It shouldn't be that much faster than walking pace at first.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm in Week 1, I've started it a few times but things intervene, most recently a chest infection. But today I did it at lunch and it was pretty brutal. I totally agree with going slow. Today I noticed that I did pretty much the same amount of steps and covered the same ground as I do on my lunchtime walk, maybe only 5 mins faster.

    Also, remember it is using different muscles and is higher joint impact than a bike ride, so it will feel a lot harder than a ride, if you're used to riding.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    The amount of force it takes to get your body off the ground in a running motion rather than a walking one takes a lot of energy, and the muscle requirements are slightly different to walking. It took me months of fast pace walking and elliptical to get to the point where my joints would even allow it.

    Saying that, week 1 is a total PITA, but you'll find you'll improve in leaps and bounds. Don't rush it, and never be afraid to repeat a week. Also, ditto on the running slower. I used to call my workouts a walk/shuffle, because that's what I felt like I was doing.

    I find it helps to get some of your favourite faster beat tunes to listen to whilst you're running. Helps you keep up a groove.
  • kathryntyne74
    kathryntyne74 Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes, it gets easier. The first time I went out, I came back a horrible heaving sweaty heap, feeling like I might just die. Nine months later I ran a half marathon. I'm unfit now but I've never had to go back to run/walk since working through C25K about 15 years ago, it teaches you how to breathe and modify your pace to suit the environment and your level of fitness. Just keep at it, 20 minutes, three times a week, and by the time you're jogging for 5 minutes at a time you'll be just fine.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Yes, it does get easier. Sometimes I run at snails pace but I keep moving! Good for you for doing it! Keep at it!
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I will repeat what everyone has said - it does get easier. The amazing thing about CT5K is that it works physically and mentally. Right now you are thinking 'that was tough but I did it'. The next session will be just a tiny but easier and the 3rd one a tiny bit easier still. Every time you think there's no way you can run further you do. I constantly amazed myself when I thought I couldn't run for another second but I stuck with the programme and did what the lady in my ear was telling me. I went into my Monday run thinking there's no way I'll do this and by Friday I was thinking I'm going to do this!

    You totally can do this, we all know you can do it, because we have been there and we did it too!
  • hanknitspip
    hanknitspip Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on week three and it is getting easier whilst still being challenging, by the end of the programme we will be running for 30 minutes, brilliant. The pace is brilliant and keeps you motivated. Stick with it. You can do it.
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    Don't give up, it will get easier as you build your endurance up! I did C25K and am now training for a 15K, so that's a little proof that if you stick with it, it will work. Keep telling yourself "I can do this!" even when it's really tough. I do that every time I run!
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks! I have been active for around 2 months now so it took me by surprise that day 1 of C25K was hard. I was still breathing well but just felt very tired when I got home. Still want to cycle but have some nerve damage in my hand so allowing that to recover. Need a good calorie burni
  • mhooge
    mhooge Posts: 42 Member
    I'm starting this too. I used to run a couple of years ago but I did it on my own- as in running from fire hydrant to fire hydrant. Lol. But now I'm going to use this app. Please add me for support!
  • cyronius
    cyronius Posts: 157 Member
    joolieb1 wrote: »
    Thanks! I have been active for around 2 months now so it took me by surprise that day 1 of C25K was hard. I was still breathing well but just felt very tired when I got home. Still want to cycle but have some nerve damage in my hand so allowing that to recover. Need a good calorie burni

    How fast are you running in the run sections?
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    Very slow, just jogging wouldn't really call my effort running so far!
  • JMAI1002
    JMAI1002 Posts: 1 Member
    Yesterday (Tuesday July 21) I completed Day 2, Week 1 of C25k, I've run before but am starting all over again, it appears. I found some free C25k Podcasts to listen to, they have music pre-selected which keeps the pace for you, and they're cheering you along the way with countdowns for each interval --- I've fallen in love with the W1 Version 4 of the C25k podcast by Chubby Jones (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-chubby-jones-podcast/id286596177). Day 1 was harder than Day 2, Day 2 felt bad until I realized I was feeling tired because I was at the end of the intervals lol. Keep at it!
  • Edjeep
    Edjeep Posts: 65 Member
    On W1D1 i felt the same way, except I had just recently got up off the couch! I'm in to week 7 now, have repeated a few days where I had a gap and the first day back was a big one, but have been amazed at how I am progressing. Last night I ran for 25 minutes with no walking (well, warm up and cool down). I remember the first day when the routine jumped to "Run 20 minutes", but I made it. And I have made every day I started since.

    Pay attention to your body, stretch and address any pain issues that come up. Early on I had some Achilles pain, and recently a tinge of plantar fasciaitis. Learn how to properly stretch and recover to avoid injury. If feeling something come on deal with it before it becomes and issue.

    I'm thinking I might start looking for a 5K in August to seal the deal.
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
    i am currently on week 8 day 1 and it does get easier. As everyone was saying you need to go slow... it really does make a huge difference. You can do this!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I agree with everything that everyone else said. I used this and currently run a 5k about 2 times a week now. I'm still a fat girl too at 5'3" and 190lbs. Anyway, the other thing I wanted to add was that I don't think 5 minutes is an adequate warm up time for a beginner. I used to walk 10 minutes and get loose, then stretch and then I'd turn the app on. 5 minutes is good for me now, but until I got almost to the end of C25K I needed the extra 10 minutes of warm up. Also, don't be afraid to repeat a week if you need to. I repeated most of them as I never really exercised a day in my life before I picked this up.
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    My legs KILLED me the first week. Stuck with it and finished with flying colors. Couldn't run a mile straight before C25k, now I can run 5-6 miles straight with no breaks or pain.
    First mile that I ever ran without stopping; 15 minutes.
    Today: 8 minutes.

    C25k was one of the best things for my fitness journey!