How do I cut down on my soda intake?



  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    I cut them out cold turkey. It took 3.5 days. Every day, when I felt the headache coming on I would take a couple of over the counter pain killers and chug lots of water. The second day in I really, really needed a I took one. After that I was fine. I didn't drink any soda for well over a month until 1) I was certain I wouldn't have a withdrawal headache the next day and 2) I new I could keep it limited. Now I sometimes drink one on my free day but not always.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    Don't buy soda...quit cold turkey. That's about it. If you cant control yourself when you have it, the only way to help is to just cut it out.

    Probably part of the reason you drink a lot is because you are constantly hungry (blind guess). Maybe look into the root cause as to why you drink all that soda.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Follow Troutsy's advice.
  • Apud85
    Apud85 Posts: 74 Member
    La Croix! I don't drink soda, but I love the La Croix flavors when I'm bored and feel like I need to eat/drink something. It's just sparkling water, so no sugar, chemicals, etc. The coconut, grapefruit, and lime flavors are my favorite. The lime tastes just like Sprite.
  • chasingthesun85
    chasingthesun85 Posts: 22 Member
    Don't buy the crap, I refuse to buy anything but almond milk, green juices, tea, coffee and we have filtered water and sometimes I buy the flavor pouches for the kids. And that's all we drink, don't buy it, don't drink it! I used to drink nothing but soda, no water, nothing else. Got fat and felt miserable. Had kidney stones, high bp, bloated, etc etc. ever since cutting it out I am skinnier and feel so much better!! You can do it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Try seltzer water.
  • kilbyrunning
    kilbyrunning Posts: 5 Member
    If you don't drink coffee or tea, start! Try them black, or with a little milk, but no sugar.

    Then, replace all your sodas with sparkling water! If you can't handle the taste of regular sparkling water, add in some fresh herbs, fruits, or veggies like cucumber to give it some flavour. You can even do that with regular water.

    And most of all, get rid of all the soda in your house. Just do it. Throw it away. Nobody needs that in their body. When you go out, don't carry cash you could use in a vending machine. At restaurants order water with lemon if you can't do plain water.

    Clean drinking can be amazingly delicious!
  • yurtgirl2000
    yurtgirl2000 Posts: 3 Member
    I quit cold turkey and I realized it's the bubbles I missed. But I'm over it now. I have 2 options, non-bubbly, tho.
    1. Home brewed ice tea. I also brew one tea bag of a fruit tea, Celestial Seasonings is the brand I like. I use one large family size Lipton bag and one small fruit tea bag for one pitcher of tea. Since I don't do artificial sweeteners, I put just enough organic sugar to sweeten it for me as a treat, otherwise, no sugar at all.
    2. Ice water with a splash of fruit juice. I fill a 32 oz mug with ice and add about 4 ounces of grape juice, then fill it up with water. Gives a slightly fruity taste to the water. I haven't had soda in over 2 months and no longer miss it. I did have a taste not too long ago of my former favorite, diet ginger ale, and hated the artificial flavor. It lingered for quite some time on my taste buds.
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    I find that water displaces the soda effectively. If you are drinking the amount of water recomended (especially if you are being active or exercising as part of your change) it's actually rather hard to fit soda or much else in.

    Yeah soda has water but realistically I can't during the volume of soda needed to keep up with the water I need so soda isn't really a substitute, especially when I'm really needing a drink.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I drank Pepsi all day long at at one point. I simply just stopped. The last time I had a sip,I didn't even enjoy it. I love and prefer my water now.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    When I realized my headaches were tied with being dehydrated it made it pretty easy to hydrate with water before picking up a soda.
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    Replace with lime flavoured Perrier water for the fizz. After a while, go cold turkey. Don't replace with diet drinks as they are supposed to be bad for you longterm.
  • jnz17
    jnz17 Posts: 17 Member
    I quit soda completely and only drank water for a few years. Then I found out I really love tea. It's a lot easier to avoid soda now because I don't even want to drink it--I'd rather try a new herbal tea or infused water. Try and find something else that's good for you that you love even more than soda. I get pretty bad caffeine headaches a few times a year after my semester is over (since I binge on black coffee all through finals), but I really don't think you should give in to those headaches. Even if you need to take a few days to focus on getting away from it, or taper yourself down off caffeine using lower-dose tea or half-caffeinated coffee, I think it's an important exercise of willpower to not let caffeine addiction have any control over your life and decisions. If it ends up being the taste of soda you crave, you could try carbonated water for the feel and fruits for more natural sugar. I feel like diet soda isn't really breaking the habit..
  • sweetochiken
    sweetochiken Posts: 51 Member
    edited July 2015
    Dont buy them.... drink sparkling water with flavors, i drink sparkling ice, and it doesn't have the diety taste and its zero calories. All i drink is water and coffee now, at first i would just ache for a soda, and i would drink half and be like igh so much sugar. After a whilr i stopped thinking about it, and i have seen my weight drop and better skin. Just dont buy them is my suggestion. Out of sight , out of mind.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    just stop drinking is likely the headaches are due to caffeine for that, have some coffee or tea. I eventually weened myself down on this as well and really only have coffee in the morning. I drink a lot of green ice tea as well, but I drink it in the evenings so I do decaf.

    i used to drink a ton of soda and now i will very rarely have maybe one every few months or so or when i'm out camping or something. i drink a lot of sparkling water now...i drink a lot of La Croix grapefruit.

    just be forewarned that it will also take some time adjusting to your beverages not tasting like a sugar bomb went off...but you'll be a lot better off in the long run. now when i do have a soda i'm like, " did i used to drink this stuff multiple times per day"...just too sweet for me and i'm good for another few months until i get a wild hair and want a sarsaparilla.