weightloss plan by body type awesome info

just found this book to help you determine if you are an apple (carry weight in middle and lose it there last) pear (carry weight in butt and thighs) or avacado (carry weight all over and lose it uniformly)

I guess you take your hip to waist ratio

Divide waist in inches by hips in inches and if you are above .85 you are an apple and need to reduce carbs to 100-125g a day 20-30% of you daily total foods 35-45$ fats or 60-70 grams and 30-35% proteins or 120-140 grams

if you are below .8 you are a pear and and if you can eat 35-45% carbs 150-180gr , 25-35% fats which is 50-55gr and 25-30% protein at 100-120 gr a day
if you are in between you are an avacado and can pick amounts and ratios between the apple and pear amounts.

shoot for 25gr of fiber for every body type.

I guess this book also said you need at least .6-.8gr of protein per your body weight and if you are actively exercising more than 4 times awekks 1 gr of protein per body weight is more like the goal for you.

calorie formula is weight x 7.18 divide that # by 2.2 and add 795 and that is your resting caloria comatose needs

if you are 35 or under and less than 30 lb to lose that coma tose # x 1.5 for physical activity calories needs
under 35 and 30 or more lb to lose take that coma # x 1.4
over 35 yrs and under 30 lbs to lose take coma # x 1.4
under 35 yrs ad over 30 lbs to lose coma # x 1.2

that will give you maintenance calories to sustain your body weight

to lose weight take the last #( maintence #) -300 calories= active exercise days
maintenance # - 500 on days you don't exercise or exercise less intensely.

This is the exact things i was looking for!!!

Hope this helps those of you like me that were so in the dark and lost about calories, ratios, and body types and how to get of this roller coaste ride of plateaus.

Also I read that if you use gluccomannan fiber caps in at least 3 gr for 3 main meals OPEN the caps and mix it into a liquidy part of your food to help reduce insulin production and soak up calories and take them out of your system. If you don't open the caps and mix them in (they willthicken your food) they will not take out the calories becuase they take too long to activate with stomach acids and hit the wrong part of the intestine vs stomach and don't take as many fat and calories out of your meals.

I am going to start it today but have to go out to buy the right fiber and will post progress if you all are interested.


  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
  • irisannRN
    irisannRN Posts: 121 Member
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    it was very accurate actually, i caculated all of mine and i eat 1200 on non active days and eat close to 1400 on active days . wow , this was close in numbers . and i switched my % to see if theres a change, i wasnt very far off from the beginning
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you for sharing this! It's interesting... I'm a pear shape and I was noticing looking through my journal I have been unknowingly eating close to the ratios you describe. I actually manually adjusted my numbers the other day because I was always going over the preset protein and fiber for my daily goal. I guess this explains why I am finally doing so much better in my losing weight this time around compared to the countless times at weight watchers. Great info!
  • ecahill91
    ecahill91 Posts: 69
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    Great info, did the calorie calculation real quick and it's pretty close to what I do now. I want to do the body shape ratio and aim for some of the ca/fact/carb/etc percentages for a few weeks - see if that helps! Thanks for sharing!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Thiis is some great info annnd i'd be interested in reading the book. What's the name of it?
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Saving for later!
  • kacollins1970
    kacollins1970 Posts: 45 Member
  • Heather3186
    Heather3186 Posts: 67
    great info! thanks for sharing!
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for this great information! Can you please give the name of the book and the author?
  • kheaudet
    kheaudet Posts: 18 Member
    good stuff!
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
  • beccaboo1021
  • Tophermak
    Tophermak Posts: 69 Member
    If i follow all the formulas do i still deduct and eat back all my excercise cals? Or does the 300 calorie subtraction count for that? i currently work off more than 300 cals a day at gym. Usually 500 and upwards of 700 on weight training days. Ive been plateuted for almost a month now so any suggestion is a good suggestion. Thanks.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Great info. Thanks for sharing.
  • lisarota
    lisarota Posts: 12
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    *so i can find this later*