What are your eating triggers?

I've been on MFP for about 2 years and have had some success. But I've been hot and cold on my food tracking as of late and have plateaued in my weight loss. Now I'm back to getting serious about this whole MFP thing and I started losing again this week.

I'm also starting to understand my food triggers; what causes me to eat too much and what causes me to eat the wrong things. One big one for me is family drama (emotional eating). Another one is visiting certain relatives (being around people who make it easy for me to rationalize bad choices). I find that certain situations and certain people can bring out the worst in me from the stand-point of what I eat and how much I eat.

What are your eating triggers? I'd really like to know.

Incidentally, 2 important things I've learned in my 2 years on MFP:

1. The social side of this journey is important; MFP friends help to motivate and can be powerful role models. Some of the people on these boards are simply amazing.

2. For me exercise is important (I lift weights and/or get some type of exercise on most days), but calories in/calories out is the key. As they say, you can't out-run a bad diet.


  • Sirius_12
    Sirius_12 Posts: 54 Member
    Eating is my eating trigger. Seriously. The "that's enough" switch in my brain just has never worked.
  • vmiller1941
    vmiller1941 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Lessismore: I am a recent participant in this journey to health. I don't know if I have any advise, but I am fortunate enough to be divorced which was a huge eating excuse. My circle of friends strive to make healthier choices. I do take responsibility for my weaknesses. I feel no one is responsible for what goes in my mouth, but me. I LOVE peanut butter. That is a huge trigger. Also not have fruit in the house is another way I leverage toward the pb. I love MFP and seeing what I am eating and the numerical content really helps. I think I've found my ally. I'd like to be your friend and provide some truth in my journey. My name is Vivian.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Eating is my eating trigger. Seriously. The "that's enough" switch in my brain just has never worked.

    Yep, I can relate to this as well......

    Thanks for sharing this.

  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    Boredom. Sometimes just binging :(
  • vmiller1941
    vmiller1941 Posts: 6 Member
    Peanut butter. Urg....
  • kilbyrunning
    kilbyrunning Posts: 5 Member
    Eating is my eating trigger. Seriously. The "that's enough" switch in my brain just has never worked.

    Yep, I can relate to this as well......

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Truth! I could fast for ages, but as soon as I take that first bite, all self-control goes out the door.

    Also for me, when I don't want to do what I should be doing, I use eating as a delay or transition. Not drinking enough water makes me want to eat more. And I take out my emotional frustration with food.

    Accountability and company is a definite must! And if you only keep clean food in the house, you're likely to eat fewer calories even while you're staying full, and not crave more. I have a basic grocery list of dairy, meat, fruits, and vegetables. Anything else is an occasional treat.
  • SnackySnackPants
    SnackySnackPants Posts: 35 Member
    Eating is my eating trigger. Seriously. The "that's enough" switch in my brain just has never worked.

    Same! Full? What's that?

    Other triggers... Feeling sad, happy, sick, mad, bored, being social, being anti social... Just bring awake, I think! :-P
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Stress. Everyone in my family is a bit of a stress eater and we have a lot to worry about so sometimes it's just hell. I'm doing okay though. :smile:
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Chips are a huge one as well as feeling sad. Put those together and I've eaten full bag of chips because my mind thinks 'I'm not full yet, I'm still sad'
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Multiple montly and bi weekly doctor appointments, taking care of my POS mother, living in a POS rural town... I could go on.
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    edited July 2015
    Being around others eating/social gatherings (pressured to eat) also being completely alone at home. :(
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
  • SJanesWeightLoss
    SJanesWeightLoss Posts: 25 Member
    Eating is my eating trigger. Seriously. The "that's enough" switch in my brain just has never worked.

    Pretty much. Junk food in excess most of all.
  • meggrose1985
    meggrose1985 Posts: 15 Member
    My mother in law. She takes it as a personal affront if I don't eat her food, and lots of it. Or her family's food if we're at a gathering.

    Boredom is another one. "Oh, I don't know what to do with myself. Might as well see how the fridge is doing!".

    I don't stress eat. I stress starve, and then stress binge.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
  • Agatefairy
    Agatefairy Posts: 153 Member
    Work. I have a stressful job. Who doesn't though right? I work in mental health.
  • mcollier123
    mcollier123 Posts: 12 Member
    Peanut butter. Urg....

    I feel your pain!!
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Apathy... it's hard to make good choices when you don't care about consequences... or anything else.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    Not having a weekly menu and a meal plan
    Running errands without having lunch first
  • claremason159
    claremason159 Posts: 2 Member
    It's suchlike relief to hear other people have emotional triggers not many people understand them especially if they don't have them so thank you for putting this out there to help others like me x
    I've been on MFP for about 2 years and have had some success. But I've been hot and cold on my food tracking as of late and have plateaued in my weight loss. Now I'm back to getting serious about this whole MFP thing and I started losing again this week.

    I'm also starting to understand my food triggers; what causes me to eat too much and what causes me to eat the wrong things. One big one for me is family drama (emotional eating). Another one is visiting certain relatives (being around people who make it easy for me to rationalize bad choices). I find that certain situations and certain people can bring out the worst in me from the stand-point of what I eat and how much I eat.

    What are your eating triggers? I'd really like to know.

    Incidentally, 2 important things I've learned in my 2 years on MFP:

    1. The social side of this journey is important; MFP friends help to motivate and can be powerful role models. Some of the people on these boards are simply amazing.

    2. For me exercise is important (I lift weights and/or get some type of exercise on most days), but calories in/calories out is the key. As they say, you can't out-run a bad diet.