21 Day Fix



  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member

    There's the link --- hope you find it helpful!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    chesves wrote: »

    There's the link --- hope you find it helpful!

    @chesves thanks for sharing the linking!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    @summerdaze120 I was actually able to keep up, which kind of bummed me out. I did 3 reps of the original Insanity workout, so the slower pace of 21 Day has me questioning the results I want.

    I may go for Insanity MAX 30 with the eating plan of 21 Day.

    @SnozzberryJuice I felt the same way. I have been going to the gym twice a day for 6 days a week for the past month (so a total of 3 - 4 hrs per day). When I did the first 21 day video I couldn't believe how quick it went by. I guess I am used to a class lasting an hour long. I did work up a sweat though and told myself that within those 30 minutes I was going to push as hard as I could.
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    It sounds like you might be better suited for the 21 day extreme videos .... coming from someone who is not in shape (yet), the regular ones were just fine for me!
  • Gr84cstr
    Gr84cstr Posts: 61 Member
    brooktini wrote: »
    For those who have completed at least one round: did you do the doubles option? That's my goal and I'm anxious to push myself to do it plus walking/running I do on my own.

    @brooktini I have completed P90X, Insanity, P90X3, and Body beast and never tried the Doubles Option. My time is limited and it would be difficult for me to squeeze two workouts in the day.
    carlypie84 wrote: »
    I've recently started P90X3 and I am now just using MFP for my nutrition (I weigh and measure what I eat for a more accurate calorie intake). I never did the shakeology.

    @carlypie How are you enjoying P90X3? I liked it more than P90X, especially the shorter version of Yoga.
    I did 3 reps of the original Insanity workout, so the slower pace of 21 Day has me questioning the results I want.

    I may go for Insanity MAX 30 with the eating plan of 21 Day.

    @SnozzberryJuice I have to admit I was disappointed with Insanity also. Even though my fitness tests improved dramatically, it did not help me run faster or lose any body fat. And I am a guy who weighs/tracks my food routinely, almost to the point where people think I have OCD.

    Right now I am doing a self-designed hybrid of Body Beast and half marathon training. I do not use Shakeology simply because I have always enjoyed the brand of protein powder I use after each workout. Menu planning and bringing my meals/snacks to work comes easy for me. Maybe the military turned me into an anal-retentive person in that regard?

    Anyway, I would love to hear how everyone else is doing. Feel free to add me.

  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Just an update on my progress...

    If you don't know, I am doing the 21 Day Fix along with a strength training program called Strong Curves and a 5k prep program called C25K. I do the 21 day fix workout videos everyday, strength training with SC four times a week, and C25K training three times a week. I also go to an hour long class everyday (except Sunday's) at my gym; so it varies on the class (Zumba, Cardio, Toning, Yoga, Pilates, etc.). I usually spend two hours at the gym in the morning working out and an hour in the evening before dinner. I have been going to my gym for a month now and have been doing the 21DF, SC, and C25K for almost a week now. I really like the programs I am doing and usually look forward to working out; it is amazing to feel yourself getting stronger. In the beginning I was motivated by pictures of people on MFP or posts, but now something just clicked...I am motivated from within and I think that is what is really keeping me going; seeing results and being able to do things that I wasn't able to do before!

    SW 166
    CW 157
    GW 120ish

    5 pull-ups
    Run a 5k in under 35 minutes
    Be able to go rock climbing
    10 push-ups
    Inspire my family

  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Random curiosity - I wasn't familiar with 21 Day Fix, so I googled it and found the Beach Body site. One of their big selling points is "No Calorie Counting" so what do you use MFP for exactly?
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Random curiosity - I wasn't familiar with 21 Day Fix, so I googled it and found the Beach Body site. One of their big selling points is "No Calorie Counting" so what do you use MFP for exactly?

    I use MFP mostly for tracking my weight/progress, looking at motivational posts, and joining groups that are similar to my workout routines (C25K/Strong Curves).
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Yeah that's a thing that happens on a lot of forums. Only about half the people are there for the thing the forum is "about". The rest have just grown to like the community. A lot of people on here don't "use" MFP.
  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Random curiosity - I wasn't familiar with 21 Day Fix, so I googled it and found the Beach Body site. One of their big selling points is "No Calorie Counting" so what do you use MFP for exactly?

    I use MFP mostly for tracking my weight/progress, looking at motivational posts, and joining groups that are similar to my workout routines (C25K/Strong Curves).
    Yeah that's a thing that happens on a lot of forums. Only about half the people are there for the thing the forum is "about". The rest have just grown to like the community. A lot of people on here don't "use" MFP.

    Gotcha - sad to say, that never even occurred to me. lol
  • tamarawisniewski
    tamarawisniewski Posts: 24 Member
    I am happy to have found this thread! I attempted 21 day fix months ago, but didn't plan my meals the way I needed to, but I liked the workouts. Unfortunately, I fell off the healthy eating/working out wagon and really need to refocus my energy. I too have to portion control and stop snacking.
  • CoordinatedKate
    CoordinatedKate Posts: 14 Member
    I just ordered the 21 Day Fix today and it should be here by Monday. I'm super excited to jump start my weight loss again. I definitely need help when it comes to portion control so I'm thinking this will work well for me. I'm not as excited about the workouts but we'll see how it goes. I read a lot of reviews that stated that their DVDs didn't work, so I'm hoping I don't get a bad batch - haha!

    Anyways, good luck!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Nutrition is my biggest nemesis! I love working out at the gym and sweating my booty off, but when it comes to food :'( I lose control and make bad choices. I am not following the 21DF nutrition program, but the program I am following is helping.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    How how how how is working out and dieting a SCAM? ) lol I don't get it!! That's the number 1 way to lose weight. They give you a diet plan they give you exercise yet it's not good and not worth it? Don't knock it till you try it people have lost a LOT of pounds using these products

    Is this the one where you you spend 100 dollars on plastic dollar store containers?
  • jamie91107
    jamie91107 Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2015
    Alluminati wrote: »
    How how how how is working out and dieting a SCAM? ) lol I don't get it!! That's the number 1 way to lose weight. They give you a diet plan they give you exercise yet it's not good and not worth it? Don't knock it till you try it people have lost a LOT of pounds using these products

    Is this the one where you you spend 100 dollars on plastic dollar store containers?

    The plastic containers alone are $17 dollars. Where did you get that price from???
  • Carlenemarie34
    Carlenemarie34 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm currently on day 13!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm currently on day 13!

    @Carlenemarie34 awesome! How do you like it so far? Have you noticed the workouts getting easier?
  • Carlenemarie34
    Carlenemarie34 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, after the couple of weeks I'm progressing out of the modified.