I want to lose 44 pounds by the end of october



  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    excellent post Samantha, Ashley only asked if it was possible to lose 44 lbs, next thing you know, these so called experts are telling her how to raise her kids...really sad.
    well Ashley, you can lose it, I did in only 12 weeks and have kept it off......and people like Serah judging her is uncalled for ,none of us are raising her kids, so they need to back off of Ashley.........

    hang in there Ashely, you do have people her that do support you and your decisions.......we support you
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    lloydrt wrote: »
    excellent post Samantha, Ashley only asked if it was possible to lose 44 lbs, next thing you know, these so called experts are telling her how to raise her kids...really sad.
    well Ashley, you can lose it, I did in only 12 weeks and have kept it off......and people like Serah judging her is uncalled for ,none of us are raising her kids, so they need to back off of Ashley.........

    hang in there Ashely, you do have people her that do support you and your decisions.......we support you
    If you dole out advice like losing 53 pounds in 12 weeks is healthy, yes, you're going to get judged. It is bad advice to try to accomplish, and it easily have health consequences, some of which are the exact kind OP is trying to avoid.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    lloydrt wrote: »
    excellent post Samantha, Ashley only asked if it was possible to lose 44 lbs, next thing you know, these so called experts are telling her how to raise her kids...really sad.
    well Ashley, you can lose it, I did in only 12 weeks and have kept it off......and people like Serah judging her is uncalled for ,none of us are raising her kids, so they need to back off of Ashley.........

    hang in there Ashely, you do have people her that do support you and your decisions.......we support you
    If you dole out advice like losing 53 pounds in 12 weeks is healthy, yes, you're going to get judged. It is bad advice to try to accomplish, and it easily have health consequences, some of which are the exact kind OP is trying to avoid.


    Support does not mean endorsing unhealthy goals.
  • vedra_b
    vedra_b Posts: 135 Member
    Please don't let the negativity get you down. most want to support and sometimes don't know how to do it in a gentle way. 3 pounds is a hefty goal but I would say go for it mine is 65 pounds by my 40th birthday which is in 9 months. if I make it YEA ME!!! if not I am sure I wont say dang it I only lost 50. keep up the good work and remember that you body needs energy to provide energy don't dip to low. have a great day and journey on!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    let see, for my age, 60 my blood pressure averages 110/60 ,resting heart rate of 60, I work out 5 times a week, and I have had no problems health wise ever......never been in a hospital and according to my Internal Medical doctor, he stated ' if all my patients were as healthy as you, I would go broke"......again, I didn't do anything unhealthy when I lost 53 lbs.....just ate HEALTHY.........the weight just came off, I didn't set out for breaking a record..........again, I can sympathize with Ashley and all these judgmental attitudes.......
  • julzbennett
    julzbennett Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ashley losing weight is totally achievable and well done for making the decision to do so. I started my health kick about a week ago 'officially' (with a practice week beforehand. I tend to agree that losing gradually is better for you; I know that it CAN be done, but it puts stress on your body in other ways. You may find your energy levels drop which cannot be fun with a house full of young people demanding your attention.

    It sounds like you're doing a great job with raising your family, and particularly doing it without your partner on hand for support. FOr that reason, I would reiterate the need for your healthy lifestyle to me a loving, rather than punitive one. Don't get me wrong I had fish and greens for lunch - but I will have some complex carbs (brown rice) with my dinner because I know that carbs are essential for creating seratonin (too little of that and you get depression - a particular danger post-pregnancy). Enjoy eating and use every damn calorie that you can...

    I'm still working out how to use all of mine without maxing out my carbs, fats or sugars - but most of those I don't use are earned through exercise rather than pure deficit. Trying to figure out how to increase my proteins without maxing our my carbs/fat before I get there. That said, I also like some sweet treats too because when I get to my goal weight/size, then I want some balanced lifestyle habits in place.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    lloydrt wrote: »
    excellent post Samantha, Ashley only asked if it was possible to lose 44 lbs, next thing you know, these so called experts are telling her how to raise her kids...really sad.
    well Ashley, you can lose it, I did in only 12 weeks and have kept it off......and people like Serah judging her is uncalled for ,none of us are raising her kids, so they need to back off of Ashley.........

    hang in there Ashely, you do have people her that do support you and your decisions.......we support you

    Excuse me, I never judged her, I gave her excellent advice, nor did I judge her kids, have no issues about pizza, chips, soda, etc. I eat those myself.

    You sir gave her very, very bad advice!!!!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Good luck. With eating well and moderate exercise, I only took off that amount in a 7-month period, not 3. Unless you have a huge amount to lose, you may want to rethink your goals.
  • nicki003
    nicki003 Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2015
    Seems like a high loss per week goal but it's probably doable. Just remember that it won't likely be 3 pounds a week, it might be 1 pound this week, 4 next week and then nothing for a couple weeks, weigh loss is rarely stable or even. You will have to do it the way that works for you but I figure I'll share what worked for me.

    Last June I was 210ish and could not lose weight no matter what I did. Took me having to do a ketogenic diet (I don't like the term diet though because it was a lifestyle change not a diet but anyway) to lose weight. I went from 210lbs at the beginning of June (June 2, 2014 to be exact) to 160lbs by October 30th.

    As for calorie intake, on keto I was taking in 1500-1600 calories a day (with some intermittent fasting of anywhere between 4-12 hours) not exercising in the slightest (literally sitting on my butt playing games all the time, being unemployed at the time) and losing pretty steadily because I was eating productive food; that got me down to 160lbs.

    Before that I was eating 1200 or less calories, run/walking 2-3 miles a day and gaining weight because I was basically eating garbage, sweets, breads, pasta etc. Not all calories are equal.

    I plateaued at 160 for a few weeks until I started my new job in a factory so the increased exercise (which was still like nothing, maybe 200-300 calories burned extra a day) helped me drop the next 19 pounds. Now I have been at hovering between 144 and 139 for about 3 months.

    I started back at the gym about 6 weeks ago and it hasn't made me lose a single pound because I eat a lot of junky food (not nearly as bad as before, but out to restaurants a lot and I don't really want my new bf to see my semi-obsession with monitoring my food) That mixed with the fact that muscle weighs more than fat of course.

    Overall I have lost about 70 pounds between June 2014 and April 2015 but only about 4 inches all over. But like I said this wasn't steady. I lost 50lbs in about 6 months then only 19lbs in the following 5ish months.

    Moral of my post is that not all calories are equal, not all fruits and veggies will help lose weight, exercise is amazing and you should keep at it to increase health and strength but it won't do much for weight loss right now. Weight loss is CREATED in the KITCHEN then MAINTAINED with exercise. When you get down to the weight you want to be at, and I am sure you can do it with the support of this site and the people on it. (I also suggest reddit.com/r/loseit for some support) then the exercise will have more effect. Muscle burns more calories than fat but if you still have lots of excess fat then that amazing new muscle won't be visible beneath it.

    In fact if you have lots of belly fat, you can do thousands of crunches but it will just make your stomach look bigger until you lose the fat covering it.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    lloydrt wrote: »
    let see, for my age, 60 my blood pressure averages 110/60 ,resting heart rate of 60, I work out 5 times a week, and I have had no problems health wise ever......never been in a hospital and according to my Internal Medical doctor, he stated ' if all my patients were as healthy as you, I would go broke"......again, I didn't do anything unhealthy when I lost 53 lbs.....just ate HEALTHY.........the weight just came off, I didn't set out for breaking a record..........again, I can sympathize with Ashley and all these judgmental attitudes.......
    There are people that have those same numbers, and have HIV. Would you recommend someone get HIV just because you CAN have HIV and still be healthy?
  • Goodfellow34
    Goodfellow34 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to MFP don't mind if you add me to your friends list, no judgement here. I am 224lbs want to lose 30lbs by the middle of November as going on holiday which is just over 1.5lbs a week. I work out at the gym at least 5 time a week doing a varied amount of thing but the 1 thing I have learned very recently is that eating right is the most important think you can do to lost weight. Eat a healthy diet and you with lost weight a healthy way. I had to recalculate my calorie intake as I didn't think it was correct on MFP after speaking to a personal trainer they gave me http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ and told me to use this to calculate my daily calorie intake. Depending on your height, age, activity level it will tell you what your calorie intake should be to lose weight.

    And can I just say 4 kid and you have time to exercise big well done, I am sure if you put your mind to it you will achieve your goal, and if you don't it is not the end of the world you just have to keep going until you get there.

    Good luck x
  • Chuckermyfitnesspal
    Chuckermyfitnesspal Posts: 11 Member
    Goals mean nothing without a SYSTEM. The difference between a destination and the route you are going to travel. I would not focus on the goal it will only demotivate you. You need to focus on your SYSTEM. I highly recommend coffee with unsalted butter (usually called bulletproof coffee) in the AM to remove hunger pangs, and skipping breakfast (its a total fallacy that you need to eat breakfast). Also, Green smoothies with kale, collard greens, chard, banana, apple, lemon, MCT oil, flax seeds, coconut, lots of h2o; This gives you energy but also a lot of fiber that will not cause gas. You need the fiber to keep you system moving which is a large part of your metabolism. Besides that, eat all the animal and vegetable fat and animal protein you can get. Fat does not make you fat, cholesterol does nto give you high cholesterol, calories and carbs make you fat, unless the carbs are in vegetables or low sugar fruits because the fiber slows the carbs down in that case. The above works well for me, I've lost 30 pound over the last 9 months without really trying and little to no exercise. Exercise is overrated... better to focus on daily movement, like walking to the store instead of driving. My 2 cents. Best wishes.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I really thought mfp was about helping you reach your healthy weight and support, but so far it's mostly judgement. .

    Its about encouraging people to lose weight in a safe healthy sustainable realistic way. That entails learning about weight loss and how its done. Your target is one selected by you, but is very agressive and many would say unrealistic in the arbitrary time frame you have chosen. People are pointing this out to you. If you dont have an open mind an don wnat to learn then good luck. There is plenty of info available on the stickies.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    By the way you don't have to go low fat. If you put good healthy oils in your food it will taste better and the kids might like it. Just skip all the junk food. Keep your protein higher. about 1 gram of protein per 2 pounds of body weight. Eat a wide variety of healthy whole foods.
    protein intake is from .6-.8grams of protein per LB of body weight. you can even go up as high as 1g per pound.(some athletes do even more). oh and pizza has a lot of protein if there is meat and veggies on it. and it can be healthy as well.feeding kids pizza will not make them fat,overeating makes you fat. geez
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    I really thought mfp was about helping you reach your healthy weight and support, but so far it's mostly judgement. My kids are very healthy and most of the time want fresh fruit over candy and I would never put their health at risk, .

    I say if you believe that you can attain it go for it. Once you don't go below 1200 calories a day, you're not starving or overfeeding your kids, they are happy and healthy, you are trying to get happy and healthy, then just do it.

    As long as you are getting in your macros, micros and other nutrients, taking a supplement, and you feel your goal is attainable, I say listen to everyone, take the good in what they say, leave the negative behind and be true to yourself. I lost 60lbs in a little under 3 months just with diet and exercise at one point. I was not starving myself, I just increased my protein intake and it kept me feeling fuller longer than if I had been eating a lot of carbs. A lot of people questioned the amount I ate saying that it was not healthy, but guess what, when I went for my annual check up all my blood work was fine, even my iron, and that has ALWAYS been low.

    Suffice to say, I got cocky, fell off the wagon and I gained back about half of the weight. Once you are not endangering your health, and you get the okay from a doctor, I don't believe that 40lbs is unrealistic for October, HARD, maybe, but not UNREALISTIC...

    If you need another motivational partner add me, I will not judge, because we all are going through this journey together and sometimes you just need someone to hold your hand, not smack you on it.
  • wisediva
    wisediva Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm new here. I've had this app for a long time, but I've never really used it. I too would like to lose 40 lbs, but I would like to do it as the app requested by losing 1.5 lbs per week. I use to set a timeframe for myself which caused me to fail. I want to stay motivated and need to stop snacking so much. I started preparing my food for the day including snacks to see if that will work, so far so good. I made my eating schedule for 9, 12, 3, 6 and 8pm. As I said, I need some motivation, so Feel free to add me as a friend if you choose. Best of luck to all of u especially Ashley considering you plan on renewing your vows soon.
  • ashleysolomon119
    ashleysolomon119 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank yall so much, I was more upset about the comments made about my children then anything else. Yes I would like to achieve my goal, but if I don't I know not to give up, I will eventually get there. I am not trying to starve myself or lose weight the unhealthy way at all. Like I said before I started this most of my calories came from regular soda, (I used to go through a 12 pack in one day) and I wasn't a big eater. I have stopped drinking regular soda all together and now trying to eat 1430 calories in one day is hard for me, I'm still trying though, I haven't been able to make it over 1300 yet.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    HI Ashley, and yes you are right ,your question was about losing 44 lbs, not be be judged by these so called experts........can't imagine why they have to attack, your post was so sincere...You can do it, again, I did and feel much better as well.......I was kinda more than overweight and the benefits outweigh it all....Keep up the good work, well all be rooting for your.......
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member

    Eating pizza and drinking soda will not make her kids fat. Eating enough pizza to surpass their calorie requirement will make them fat.

    Yes, this. Thank you.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Hi Op, I've been on here since April and have set my weight loss goals to be 1 lb per week. I am 5'2 and started at 204. It's three months later and I've lost 25 lbs. It worked out to be about 1.75lbs per week and that could be that I have added walking on top of that, just moving more.

    I think trying to adjust your weight goal for the first three months to a lower weight might be more achievable, and if you lose more than that-great! Then you won't feel so discouraged if you are not losing as fast as you want. Also, I think what people mean by crash diet is basically you are trying so hard/so fast that people can't sustain that and go back to eating how they were and gaining the weight back.

    My focus for myself is long term-I don't want to regain the weight and unhealthy habits. I am surprised that even with 25lbs gone (and still very overweight) I feel so much better and more confident. Even in my rolls! haha. My family is slowly changing their habits as well (have very picky kids and one who likes mainly "white" foods like plain pasta, perogies, mushroom soup, tortillas wraps with sour cream etc). The one thing that they are helping me do is move more. They love that mum is trying to play more active games with them! I think this has improved my weight loss more than the 1lb per week I was set at.

    The other thing is that I noticed with myself is that somedays I'm full before my calorie goal, but then somedays I'm like BAM freaking hungry as heck! I try not to go over but if I do, it's okay-I try to even it out over the entire week. Eat less one day, eat more the other. You may find this over a bit of time as well.

    Best of luck!