How do I fix this?

Okay so I completely lost control

I'm 5'5 130 pounds and 18 years old. I ate 2490 calories already. If your wondering, I'm trying to maintain my weight.

What fitness would you recommend to burn the excess 800/900 calories? My stomach is still recovering a little from so much food, but I think in an hour or two I can start doing to try and lessen the blow.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If you are trying to maintain then you do not need to burn off 800/900 calories. You probably aren't too far over your maintenance, if at all, at 2490.
    Even if you are over, one day of being over isnt' going to hurt you.
  • Brokecoffeeaddict
    Brokecoffeeaddict Posts: 21 Member
    How do I figure out what my maintenance is? every site I try is different
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    You can google your BMR. Once you find a site with them, you can find all kinds of other cool calculators but the BMR will help you figure out things.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    How do I figure out what my maintenance is? every site I try is different

    Every site is an estimate. They are meant to be a starting point. The only true way to find your maintenance is to start with one of those numbers, log accurately and monitor your weight of a period of time (several weeks).
    Most sites will give you similar numbers.

    I'm the same height as you and older (which means I need less). Even with little exericse you should be close to 2000 calories for maintenance.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    rwhyte12 wrote: »
    You can google your BMR. Once you find a site with them, you can find all kinds of other cool calculators but the BMR will help you figure out things.

    BMR isn't maintenance
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Without knowing what your maintenance is ... it's one freaking day ... it won't make or break you. Log it, do better tomorrow.