Kayla Itsines BBG 1.0

katcoram Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
hi I'm staring the BBG again today and am looking for anyone who is doing the same or that have started recently / soon to start.. I've started it a load of times before but only ever got to around week 4 / 5 .. I really want to complete this workout in full - and hopefully progress to BBG 2 - I'm getting married next summer & would love to use the guide as a way to reach maximum health & fitness and to feel my Best for our big day :# xx


  • KaylaMack0215
    KaylaMack0215 Posts: 55 Member
    I just started the pre-training of BBG! So far it's already kicked my butt!
  • katcoram
    katcoram Posts: 7 Member
    Ahh I haven't done the pre-training before.. I did the first day yesterday though (legs & cardio) holy crap I can hardly walk today
  • liftlovelunge
    liftlovelunge Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting week 4 of BBG1 tomorrow if you ladies wanted to add me :) I also did the 4 weeks of pretraining before starting the guides.
  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    I did the first day of pre-training today and holy **** it was a lot harder than I thought :D
  • JustNK
    JustNK Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, Im on week 3 of Bbg. Add me if you like. I didnt do the pre-training Xx
  • PaulinaSterrett
    PaulinaSterrett Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girls, I am on week 2! Love the program so far :) add me if you would like
  • kayleek14
    kayleek14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I started week 1 today! It would be great to help motivate one another and share recipes :)
  • kcrobinson9106
    kcrobinson9106 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies, I wanna start the program today but is it worth doing the pre training? I tried it once before and couldn't keep it up cos I was lazy and unfit :/
  • friendlymush
    friendlymush Posts: 26 Member
    I just started week 5 today. Love this program! Feel free to add me :)

    I didn't do the pre-training per se but I did a week-long squat challenge prior to starting BBG.
  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi ladies, I wanna start the program today but is it worth doing the pre training? I tried it once before and couldn't keep it up cos I was lazy and unfit :/

    I would recommend it! Especially if you're not already used to working out. :) I did the first day of pre-training yesterday and it was tough! Having a lot of muscle pain in my legs today :sweat_smile:
  • acoustophoresis
    acoustophoresis Posts: 49 Member
    I really want to try this. I keep forgetting to look into to it -- thanks for this thread! Just opened a tab to do some research on it.
  • abb117
    abb117 Posts: 81 Member
    This is the best guide ever! It changes lives! I love it so much! Just look on Instagram. It's the most supportive community. I'm on my 27th week of this guide and couldn't be happier
  • katcoram
    katcoram Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello ladies!
    So I did first day on Saturday, which I've done a load of times before but.. I went to hard and hy crap !!!! I I've totally destroyed my legs
  • katcoram
    katcoram Posts: 7 Member
    Has anyone got the pre training they could send me via email? I've looked and I haven't got it and I can't seem to find it online..? Am I being daft? I think I'm better off going sloooow ! Xxx
  • Jessikat1624
    Jessikat1624 Posts: 6 Member
    I downloaded her free 7 day trial guide and then also got the real guide as well. I started the trial guide yesterday, which was leg day. Oh.my.god my legs are in so much pain today. I did 40 min LISS on the treadmill today too. I'm gonna start the actual guide for real on monday. I didn't bother with the pre-training because I have been working out regularly for a few months and didn't feel like I needed it persay.
  • katcoram
    katcoram Posts: 7 Member
    That's great!!
    I've never needed the pre training before but I'm guessing a spell of bad food, Glastonbury festival and alcohol have made me more unfit than I realised! I've got a year to get in shape so may as well take it slow by doing the pre-training! How's everyone getting on?? Xx
  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm dying to start this again....I'd got through pre-training, and was half-way through week 4....and then tore my calf playing tennis. Been on crutches for the past 5.5 weeks.....just walking without crutches, so reckon a couple of weeks and I'll have to go back to the pre-training part of BBG. It's really tough, but so easy to fit in to everyday life.....helps that all the girls in work are doing it too!
  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    I'm doing the friday pre-training of week 1 today. My muscles are so sore so I fear for it :sweat_smile: hahaha
    Hope you get better soon Peggy, that sound horrible!
  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks tinaolsson, it was a real a real pain as I'd finally got into a proper routine of regular exercise. Still I suppose a couple of months is no big deal and I'll get back into it as soon as poss.

    "Pre-training" is pretty much as difficult as the real deal!!
  • piccola1406
    piccola1406 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting BBG today! - Will start with the pre-training workout to avoid any possible injury. Hope I can hear back from you all any feedbacks :)

    what LISS workouts are you guys doing? Is anyone doing swimming for their LISS?