Realistic loss



  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I don't mind a walk with man's best friend. I know it's good for him and me, but 95+ degrees out right now, uhmm, NO! And the gym is full of "monkey men" grunting and huffing for the ladies - puleeeze.

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom and encouragement.


    I am sorry your gym experience has been unpleasant. At my age, I just ignore the youngsters and go about my business. Ear buds are great at blocking out grunts and huffs.
    I wasn't ready to go there at first. I started walking early in the spring. I kept getting up earlier and earlier to avoid the heat. I really enjoyed the walk so now I do the treadmill while watching an enjoyable TV program.
  • i6Shot
    i6Shot Posts: 51 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I hate exercise. Refuse to do it.
    I know it would help, but I just don't want to.
    What do you have against exercise?
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I got a friend who is dropping weight like crazy on the HCG plan, but who wouldn't on 500 calls a day?
    Probably lost a lot of fat burning muscle too I'm sure of it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As they have all pointed out, eating more than you think which undermines your whole expectation. the refusal to do exercise is extraordinary considering your age and its importance to our general health. Your choice though.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    paxbfl wrote: »
    ^^^^ THIS. You're doing fine, and I respect that you're losing weight your way. (I have a friend who doesn't exercise, limits his food intake and drinks beer every night. He's losing weight, so who am I to judge?)

    But bpetrosky is right. It's hard to lose 2 pounds a week without exercise. I'm a 48-year-old guy, and I have to work out pretty hard 6 days a week (burning at least 600 calories) to consistently lose 2 pounds a week. (I'd still encourage you to get out and go for a walk or something, since exercise brings other benefits too. You don't have to kill yourself in a gym.)

    Still, the bottom line is that you're losing weight, doing it your way. So just keep going and remember you're in this for the long-term. There's no sense losing a bunch of weight in a short time and then gaining it back later. Stay focused on your goal and be consistent every day.

    I don't mind a walk with man's best friend. I know it's good for him and me, but 95+ degrees out right now, uhmm, NO! And the gym is full of "monkey men" grunting and huffing for the ladies - puleeeze.

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom and encouragement.


    There are also quite a few easy ways to exercise at home, when you're ready for that step.
    And don't worry about the gym - when you're there, I think you'll find the concept of 'monkey men' was all in your head, most of the people there are just like you. Regular peeps just trying to do their thing. If you spend your time worrying about everyone else, how are you going to exercise?
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    Many have expressed it already but invest in a food scale and be proud of what you've lost thus far!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    paxbfl wrote: »
    ^^^^ THIS. You're doing fine, and I respect that you're losing weight your way. (I have a friend who doesn't exercise, limits his food intake and drinks beer every night. He's losing weight, so who am I to judge?)

    But bpetrosky is right. It's hard to lose 2 pounds a week without exercise. I'm a 48-year-old guy, and I have to work out pretty hard 6 days a week (burning at least 600 calories) to consistently lose 2 pounds a week. (I'd still encourage you to get out and go for a walk or something, since exercise brings other benefits too. You don't have to kill yourself in a gym.)

    Still, the bottom line is that you're losing weight, doing it your way. So just keep going and remember you're in this for the long-term. There's no sense losing a bunch of weight in a short time and then gaining it back later. Stay focused on your goal and be consistent every day.

    I don't mind a walk with man's best friend. I know it's good for him and me, but 95+ degrees out right now, uhmm, NO! And the gym is full of "monkey men" grunting and huffing for the ladies - puleeeze.

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom and encouragement.


    When my husky was alive and we lived in South Florida, we hated walking in the heat and humidity, so I'd take him right after sunrise and at sunset.

    I don't like crowded gyms so when I have a membership, I go at off hours. Right now I'm getting plenty of exercise from gardening, swimming, and yoga, and when it gets cooler and the garden is less needy, I'll be walking in the woods again.

    There's lots and lots of ways to get exercise :)

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    3 pounds in 4 weeks is awesome, WTG!
  • tannibal_lecter
    tannibal_lecter Posts: 83 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I've been following the recommended calorie intake for 4 weeks. I have twice edged over the limit by less than 20 calories each time. Otherwise, usually under by a 100+ calories.
    During this time, I have consumed at least 8 cups of water daily. I hate exercise. Refuse to do it.
    I know it would help, but I just don't want to.
    Given all this information - only 3 pounds loss. Before trying to limit caloric intake, my daily intake would probably be somewhere in the 3-4,000 calories or more daily range. Lot of fast food, processed stuff and soda. So, getting a little discouraged here.


    3 pounds a month is good and realistic weight loss if you don't want to build muscle. Keep up the good work.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    3 lbs in four weeks is nothing to sneeze at! Congrats!

    While I absolutely understand your sentiments about exercise, I would still urge you to try to find something you like doing that provides physical activity. Because of health limitations, I bought a stationary bike (you can get some great models for under $200 online). Four times a week, I ride 30 - 60 minutes while watching TV. That has helped my breathing so much, I then found a seniors volleyball group and joined. It is chair volleyball and I have a great time playing twice a week. Two hours of volleyball just flies by and I spend much of that time laughing. The trick is to find something you enjoy doing. It's so important to our health as we get older.
  • VHrivnak
    VHrivnak Posts: 1 Member
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I haven't been weighing portions. I need to do that. Everything else I use the bar code information within the app.
    I got a friend who is dropping weight like crazy on the HCG plan, but who wouldn't on 500 calls a day? I don't think that's healthy. Our bodies need fuel to operate correctly. Right - Wrong?


    Your friend will lose weight quickly, but they will not be learning healthy habits that can last a lifetime. If you learn now how to eat the appropriate amount for your body by logging your food and weighing portions, you'll have the knowledge and understanding of how to keep a healthy weight for the rest of your life, which will far out-last HCG (or any other low calorie diet) plan.

    I've done two rounds of the HCG diet (injections) and have lost a total of 55 pounds since March 11th of this year. I just started my third round this past weekend and I can tell you from my own personal experience that this diet has been life changing and life saving for me...I have struggled with my weight for years and when I started this protocol, I was at 302...VERY unhealthy. It hurt to move, walk or exert myself...I was miserable and unhappy in my skin. Now, I'm at 250.2, I'm feeling amazing, have WAY more energy, have a clear understanding of what a small cheat can do to stall my weight loss and how to correct that with high protein, low carb choices. I make healthy choices, even on maintenance, and I have continued to drop and/or maintain, depending on the part of the diet I'm in. This diet has helped me feel...FEEL...the difference between eating clean and healthy (organic as much as possible, and unprocessed foods) and not eating that way. It has completely changed what I WANT to eat (clean, healthy, whole foods) and what I DON'T want to eat (all the junk food and processed crap) because of how it makes me feel. I have consistently chosen to make every next right choice to improve my health and my body. I know when I'm full now and I only eat to hunger. Once I'm not hungry anymore, I'm more easily able to stop. When I move into phase 3 (maintenance) I'm able to slowly add in carbs and more fruits/protein without seeing any jumps on the scale. I'm under a Doctor's supervision and weighed/checked weekly. I have labs drawn, urinalysis, and I'm completely comfortable that the HCG diet is working for me and has worked for others I know personally.

    The 500 calories a day in Phase 2 is possible without hunger or being "Hangry" because your body is burning it's fat reserves instead of the extra calories from food. It works to preserve your lean muscle and burn those areas of fat that are sometimes resistant to normal dieting and exercise.

    I have gone from a size 26-28 to an 18-20. I'm drinking half my weight in ounces each day, mostly lemon water, and people tell me all the time that I'm "glowing". That "glow" is what healthy looks like!!

    To say that someone using the HCG diet would "not be learning healthy habits that can last a lifetime" is COMPLETELY FALSE. If you haven't done this, you might want to consider asking someone who has instead of imposing your uneducated thoughts on others. Sorry for my passion on this, but when something changes my life this dramatically, I'm not going to let someone who hasn't been in my shoes try to speak to it.

    I don't agree with the HCG drops, because I don't think they are part of the original protocol developed by Dr. Simeon's over 50 years ago and after a tremendous amount of clinical research. Using the original protocol provides a long term solution to obesity when other diets fail...know your facts please before you put this down.
  • AuroraGeorge8393
    AuroraGeorge8393 Posts: 100 Member
    3 pounds in 4 weeks *is* realistic weight loss.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    VHrivnak wrote: »
    Tilly1285 wrote: »
    I haven't been weighing portions. I need to do that. Everything else I use the bar code information within the app.
    I got a friend who is dropping weight like crazy on the HCG plan, but who wouldn't on 500 calls a day? I don't think that's healthy. Our bodies need fuel to operate correctly. Right - Wrong?


    Your friend will lose weight quickly, but they will not be learning healthy habits that can last a lifetime. If you learn now how to eat the appropriate amount for your body by logging your food and weighing portions, you'll have the knowledge and understanding of how to keep a healthy weight for the rest of your life, which will far out-last HCG (or any other low calorie diet) plan.

    I've done two rounds of the HCG diet (injections) and have lost a total of 55 pounds since March 11th of this year. I just started my third round this past weekend and I can tell you from my own personal experience that this diet has been life changing and life saving for me...I have struggled with my weight for years and when I started this protocol, I was at 302...VERY unhealthy. It hurt to move, walk or exert myself...I was miserable and unhappy in my skin. Now, I'm at 250.2, I'm feeling amazing, have WAY more energy, have a clear understanding of what a small cheat can do to stall my weight loss and how to correct that with high protein, low carb choices. I make healthy choices, even on maintenance, and I have continued to drop and/or maintain, depending on the part of the diet I'm in. This diet has helped me feel...FEEL...the difference between eating clean and healthy (organic as much as possible, and unprocessed foods) and not eating that way. It has completely changed what I WANT to eat (clean, healthy, whole foods) and what I DON'T want to eat (all the junk food and processed crap) because of how it makes me feel. I have consistently chosen to make every next right choice to improve my health and my body. I know when I'm full now and I only eat to hunger. Once I'm not hungry anymore, I'm more easily able to stop. When I move into phase 3 (maintenance) I'm able to slowly add in carbs and more fruits/protein without seeing any jumps on the scale. I'm under a Doctor's supervision and weighed/checked weekly. I have labs drawn, urinalysis, and I'm completely comfortable that the HCG diet is working for me and has worked for others I know personally.

    The 500 calories a day in Phase 2 is possible without hunger or being "Hangry" because your body is burning it's fat reserves instead of the extra calories from food. It works to preserve your lean muscle and burn those areas of fat that are sometimes resistant to normal dieting and exercise.

    I have gone from a size 26-28 to an 18-20. I'm drinking half my weight in ounces each day, mostly lemon water, and people tell me all the time that I'm "glowing". That "glow" is what healthy looks like!!

    To say that someone using the HCG diet would "not be learning healthy habits that can last a lifetime" is COMPLETELY FALSE. If you haven't done this, you might want to consider asking someone who has instead of imposing your uneducated thoughts on others. Sorry for my passion on this, but when something changes my life this dramatically, I'm not going to let someone who hasn't been in my shoes try to speak to it.

    I don't agree with the HCG drops, because I don't think they are part of the original protocol developed by Dr. Simeon's over 50 years ago and after a tremendous amount of clinical research. Using the original protocol provides a long term solution to obesity when other diets fail...know your facts please before you put this down.

    This is absolutely not true, and this diet is not safe. The calories while on this diet are dangerously low. Your body is burning up lean muscle, and it's quite likely that you are damaging your organs as well. Lemon water, other than for hydration, does nothing for you.
    Advising this diet is dangerous. Stop doing that.