Ladies with Aunt Flo issues! Help!!



  • suzwriter
    suzwriter Posts: 8 Member
    Currently on my third Mirena coil - works brilliantly, haven't had a period in a veeeerrryyyy long time! Have had no children - uncomfortable putting it in, but after that, all fine.
  • suzwriter
    suzwriter Posts: 8 Member
    Currently on my third Mirena coil - works brilliantly, haven't had a period in a veeeerrryyyy long time! Have had no children - uncomfortable putting it in, but after that, all fine.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    In the past, I've gone up to 7 months without a period! Then I started working out and losing weight and it became regular.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I was the exact same way when I first got my period. It was awful. I once had my period for a whole month. Went to a gyno, got put on The pill (Yasmin) and haven't had an issue since (it's been about 9 years). But if u really don't want the pill then go back to your gyno and ask him what the best option would be. They know your history better then anyone else. Best of luck in finding a solution! :)