Reccomended amount of treats a day?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.

    I get the sense that you define "treats" differently than I do.

    To me a ribeye could easily be a treat or roasted chicken with the skin on. Or, as mentioned above, cheese or brown butter with my skate or some pasta.

    I definte treats as anything outside my normal diet. Something eaten not for it's nutritional value, but strictly for taste. It may be cake, nuts, pasta, chips and dip, shrimp cocktail, pizza, or anything else I like. It's more about the reason for eating than the food type.

    That's a fine definition, I just have a hard time segregating the two as I make taste a priority for all my food (not saying you don't) and in many cases something has nutrient benefits but fewer than another alternative, so choosing it has something to do with the particular taste.

    For example, like I mentioned before, adding cheese to a pasta or omelet or butter to fish or veggies or choosing to have pizza (with lots of veggies and some lean protein) for dinner or some pulled pork instead of leaner pork chops. Nuts would also fit in this category for me, as would ice cream or chocolate or a Quest bar.

    I don't consider it a positive to keep these as low as possible (while still being happy). If nuts give me some good fats and are filling, the fact I mainly want to eat them because they taste good don't make them a thing to be limited to me. That their calories are high means I have to pay attention to that when fitting them in, that's all.

    I suppose it's just a different way of approaching food; I'm not claiming anyone is right or wrong, although of course I like my way of doing it because I'm me. ;-)
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    I pre-log my entire day of meals and snacks and make sure to include something sweet at the end of the day. It's usually a chocolate protein bar for 190 calories (I struggle with hitting enough protein, so this is a win-win treat for me). Some days I might allow a little more or even less. But I pre-log and try to stick to my plan. As long as it fits my calorie budget, and generally fits my macros, I'm ok with it. I indulge more over the weekend or at special events. I don't see exercise as working it off...I generally exercise to proactively increase how many calories I can eat that day.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.

    I get the sense that you define "treats" differently than I do.

    To me a ribeye could easily be a treat or roasted chicken with the skin on. Or, as mentioned above, cheese or brown butter with my skate or some pasta.

    I definte treats as anything outside my normal diet. Something eaten not for it's nutritional value, but strictly for taste. It may be cake, nuts, pasta, chips and dip, shrimp cocktail, pizza, or anything else I like. It's more about the reason for eating than the food type.

    That's a fine definition, I just have a hard time segregating the two as I make taste a priority for all my food (not saying you don't) and in many cases something has nutrient benefits but fewer than another alternative, so choosing it has something to do with the particular taste.

    For example, like I mentioned before, adding cheese to a pasta or omelet or butter to fish or veggies or choosing to have pizza (with lots of veggies and some lean protein) for dinner or some pulled pork instead of leaner pork chops. Nuts would also fit in this category for me, as would ice cream or chocolate or a Quest bar.

    I don't consider it a positive to keep these as low as possible (while still being happy). If nuts give me some good fats and are filling, the fact I mainly want to eat them because they taste good don't make them a thing to be limited to me. That their calories are high means I have to pay attention to that when fitting them in, that's all.

    I suppose it's just a different way of approaching food; I'm not claiming anyone is right or wrong, although of course I like my way of doing it because I'm me. ;-)

    Re: the bolded part Nuts are part of my daily diet. I eat them literally every day, on purpose, because they are good for me and I like them. But, I also sometimes eat them as treats.

    I don't think I ever eat any food that offers no nutritional value and I don't eat any food I don't like regardless of it's nutritional value, but if I'm eating them strictly for pleasure and no other reason, it's a treat.

    This definition from Google describes what I mean best:

    noun: treat; plural noun: treats
    1. an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    That ends up kind of circular doesn't it? The question is how often or how many treats a day do you eat. If all that counts as a treat are those things I rarely eat, then fewer than one per day, for sure. (Although I still don't think that means I ought to eat them as rarely as possible. Pie is a treat for me and I eat it on holidays and maybe 5 times a year otherwise. I'm sure I could be just as happy eating it just on holidays and cutting out those other 5, but why would that be a positive?)

    Anyway, I guess I need to know what OP considers a treat to answer the question.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited July 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That ends up kind of circular doesn't it? The question is how often or how many treats a day do you eat. If all that counts as a treat are those things I rarely eat, then fewer than one per day, for sure. (Although I still don't think that means I ought to eat them as rarely as possible. Pie is a treat for me and I eat it on holidays and maybe 5 times a year otherwise. I'm sure I could be just as happy eating it just on holidays and cutting out those other 5, but why would that be a positive?)

    Anyway, I guess I need to know what OP considers a treat to answer the question.

    She did, about halfway up the page:

    Sorry, to be more specific I mean high in fat and sugary foods like cake, chocolate, sweets etc. No matter what quantity

    Eat treats how ever often you like. I was just stating my opinion.
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    Theres a fine like what people consider treats and not. I don't put a number to them, I have as numerous a day if my calories fit them.

    To me a treat is peanut butter and celery but to others a treat could be a deep fried oreo. Its what ever you can make fit in your macros, and most importantly don't punish yourself over the number of treats you eat one day, it just means they could fit! Hope this helps

    Quality over Quantity in this case
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That ends up kind of circular doesn't it? The question is how often or how many treats a day do you eat. If all that counts as a treat are those things I rarely eat, then fewer than one per day, for sure. (Although I still don't think that means I ought to eat them as rarely as possible. Pie is a treat for me and I eat it on holidays and maybe 5 times a year otherwise. I'm sure I could be just as happy eating it just on holidays and cutting out those other 5, but why would that be a positive?)

    Anyway, I guess I need to know what OP considers a treat to answer the question.

    She did, about halfway up the page:

    Sorry, to be more specific I mean high in fat and sugary foods like cake, chocolate, sweets etc. No matter what quantity

    Ah, I totally missed that, thanks.
    Eat treats how ever often you like. I was just stating my opinion.

    I didn't think otherwise. I think we are simply understanding "treat" differently, though, so I was interested in that.

    IMO, two of the biggest treats of the year are the first strawberries and the first corn.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member

    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    Most days for me that's none -- if I don't eat it I don't want it. But on holidays and special occasions where food is a part of the celebration I would not be happy to abstain so I eat considerably more.

    Fair enough, I would obviously exceed my treat intake by alot on celebrations.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I typically have 2 treats. I'm trying to meet protein, fat, and fiber goals. Too many treats get in the way of this. I do eat exercise calories back to maintain my "original" deficit. So in a sense I do exercise for treats.

    Limiting the number of treats makes me pick and choose. What is the thing I'm craving? Not a cookie here, a few Hershey Kisses there....whenever thing. That mindless treat thing got me here....that has to change FOREVER.
    Sounds good having 2 treats, sorry to be a pain but is that 100kcal treats or more/less?
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    I always save calories for something salty in the evening... Doritos or my new favorite, Kellogg's Salt & Vinegar Cracker Chips. But I track the calories, even if I go over. Serves me right when I see those numbers telling me that my Calories In were more than my Calories Out for the day.

    Snacking without being accountable is what got me into this mess.

    My snacking bought me here :neutral: Doritos sound good tho I do prefer sweet things. I think the calories in being more than the calories out us a shared problem. Thanks for the feedback
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I don't quantify it. If I want cake and have the calories for it I eat it. Sometimes it fits my macros and sometimes it doesn't.
    I guess most do however sometimes I really do misjudge just how many calories things have x I will make sure to keep it low calorie to make sure I have no more calories than my goal x Thank you!

    I tend to plan my day ahead and leave 20% of my calories for unexpected things.
    I do for breakfast since I agree it's a good idea to keep calorie intake low therefore making workouts not so hard. Lunch and dinner however I do not since I like to see how I feel at the time :blush: I do however plan my snacks out.
    I appreciate the advice!

  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    MFD7576 wrote: »
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    Theres a fine like what people consider treats and not. I don't put a number to them, I have as numerous a day if my calories fit them.

    To me a treat is peanut butter and celery but to others a treat could be a deep fried oreo. Its what ever you can make fit in your macros, and most importantly don't punish yourself over the number of treats you eat one day, it just means they could fit! Hope this helps

    Quality over Quantity in this case

    Thanks for the advice x I think it's great your treat is quite health but I would define it as a very yummy snack, unless it us hard to get. "However when you say it just means they could fit" This is not always the case for me
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.
    If you were to have 3 what might you have? x
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That ends up kind of circular doesn't it? The question is how often or how many treats a day do you eat. If all that counts as a treat are those things I rarely eat, then fewer than one per day, for sure. (Although I still don't think that means I ought to eat them as rarely as possible. Pie is a treat for me and I eat it on holidays and maybe 5 times a year otherwise. I'm sure I could be just as happy eating it just on holidays and cutting out those other 5, but why would that be a positive?)

    Anyway, I guess I need to know what OP considers a treat to answer the question.

    She did, about halfway up the page:

    Sorry, to be more specific I mean high in fat and sugary foods like cake, chocolate, sweets etc. No matter what quantity

    Ah, I totally missed that, thanks.
    Eat treats how ever often you like. I was just stating my opinion.

    I didn't think otherwise. I think we are simply understanding "treat" differently, though, so I was interested in that.

    IMO, two of the biggest treats of the year are the first strawberries and the first corn.
    I guess I should change the title to fatty foods
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    How do you define a treat?

    I guess I'd define it as a food where the calorie count is substantially greater than the nutrient benefits, at least compared to other alternatives. Using that definition, I'd include something like cheese in that, as well as higher calorie/fat meats (liked pulled pork), at least in part.

    It's impossible to count up a specific number, though, especially since it makes a huge difference how much you eat. A lunch place near me sells squares of different sorts of high quality chocolates. Eating one of them for, say, 80 calories shouldn't count the same as eating a 600 calorie piece of cake.

    Anyway, I find it impossible to quantify--instead I think of it as eating mostly nutrient dense foods and satisfying my nutrition goals (but always in a tasty way!) and then incorporating some extras for just taste (for example, some butter on fish, some cheese in my omelet), as well as some kind of extra--maybe a Quest bar as a post workout snack and/or dessert (usually about 200 calories of ice cream or sometimes cheese post dinner).

    How much I can fit it depends on my overall calories. I fit in less when I was doing 1250 calories as now, when I've been doing 1700 or so. I fit in more when doing maintenance and on a biking trip!

    I don't specifically "work off" the treats I eat--I really don't think that's a healthy way to approach workouts or food, for that matter. I do factor my activity level and workouts into my calorie goal.

  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    How do you define a treat?

    I guess I'd define it as a food where the calorie count is substantially greater than the nutrient benefits, at least compared to other alternatives. Using that definition, I'd include something like cheese in that, as well as higher calorie/fat meats (liked pulled pork), at least in part.

    It's impossible to count up a specific number, though, especially since it makes a huge difference how much you eat. A lunch place near me sells squares of different sorts of high quality chocolates. Eating one of them for, say, 80 calories shouldn't count the same as eating a 600 calorie piece of cake.

    Anyway, I find it impossible to quantify--instead I think of it as eating mostly nutrient dense foods and satisfying my nutrition goals (but always in a tasty way!) and then incorporating some extras for just taste (for example, some butter on fish, some cheese in my omelet), as well as some kind of extra--maybe a Quest bar as a post workout snack and/or dessert (usually about 200 calories of ice cream or sometimes cheese post dinner).

    How much I can fit it depends on my overall calories. I fit in less when I was doing 1250 calories as now, when I've been doing 1700 or so. I fit in more when doing maintenance and on a biking trip!

    I don't specifically "work off" the treats I eat--I really don't think that's a healthy way to approach workouts or food, for that matter. I do factor my activity level and workouts into my calorie goal.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    It varies day to day. Today, my treat was a very late and very big breakfast. Eggs, hashbrowns, cheese, ham; all wrapped up in two warm tortillas. Other days it's an ice cream bar. But I have a "treat" every day! It keeps me happy.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited July 2015
    Most days I have 1 treat in the evening.

    I typically pre-log a 100 calorie fudge pop for the evening and then make everything else fit. I sometimes have some goldfish crackers, if they fit my calorie goals, but I've been known to grab a handful (almost half a serving...) if I'm craving them. I'd eat a whole bag of them though if given the chance.

    On the weekends I typically grab a few M&M's (20-50 calories worth, so really not much at all) on top of the evening snack.

    I'm 18lb down and plan on sticking at my current calorie goals until we go on vacation (in 3 weeks). After vacation I plan on going to 1lb/week instead of 1.5lb/week. Those extra 250 calories/day will probably get consumed as goldfish crackers :naughty:

    EDIT: even if I grab extra snacks, I make all my other food fit within the calories (on average, per week).
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    85% cocoa dark chocolate is a treat and good for your heart.

    I have some every morning with coffee, rarely ever miss.

    A diet disaster isn't a treat. But a there are indulgences I can manage.

    I can grab a brownie with a cup of coffee at Starbucks before a morning bike ride and it is burnt off is 7 miles or so.

    Of course I give myself treats. I deserve it!!

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.
    If you were to have 3 what might you have? x

    3 would be something like fruit, nuts and chips/salsa ; or cocoa roast almonds, strawberries with goat cheese and a snack size snickers

    It just depends on what strikes my fancy that day.