(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    :devil: :devil: Burned over 1000 calories today take that Monday challenge!!!!!!!!! Gonna hit my goal this week :devil: :devil:

    Holy body burn! That's great!!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Went camping for 5 days and it resulted in a 1lb weight gain for this week. Not great, but not horrible too, I'll just work my butt off this week to lose that pound and some more! :bigsmile: There was a LOT of meat and not so many veggies, but when those veggies did come around, I piled my plate up. Can honestly say I am very excited for salads for my lunches this week and to start my runs again. We were at Chocolocca Mt in Alabama, which is an ORV park so all the boys can play with their jeeps and drive them up the mountain side and such. The running didn't work out because there was no where to run. It wasn't just hilly, it was hard to walk on it, plus with all the vehicles driving around, not so safe. But, it is a new day and I am all over this! Good Luck to everyone for this week!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I love the daily challenges also. I know it's probably way more work than weekly though. :(

    Different moves like giving the dog a bath, weight lifting reams of paper in the office, parking 20 parking spots away, clean the tops of your fridge, whatever random thing you come up with can make you move even in a different way. Everyone maybe try to send some more ideas for Kristy. She needs our help too. :)

    My favorite snack is probably either sliced apples or pork rinds.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I haven't had a lot of luck with the bloating. I have it a LOT in the summer, so I understand how frustrating it is. If I drink at least an extra bottle of water (2 glasses), minimize my sodium and caffeine intake, it takes the edge off.
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    I am totally LOVING this BOB challenge! The support system and the positive energy that everyone gives is priceless. It's great to see so many people on one accord...when it comes to dropping unwanted pounds...and living healthier lifestyles.

    I was able to complete yesterday's challenge of burning at least 150 calories. I actually burned 1079 calories from doing 75 minutes of Wii games such as Zumba Fitness, Just Dance 2 and Michael Jackson Experience. I was also able to stay under my calorie goal...yay!

    Instead of pigging out on BBQ and fried chicken on Memorial Day, I split a salad and shrimp cocktail with my BFF! I'm starting to see results and I'm soooo proud of that. I know that there may be some stumbling blocks ahead. But I'm glad to know that I have such an awesome team behind me! :wink:
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    Will have no problem with the jumping jacks... doing the 30DS! :happy: Since I was feeling so rotten with a summer cold, I'm also planning on burning yesterday's calories x2 today, to get yesterday's challenge in! Happy Tuesday! Happy to have joined this week!
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    I agree that the DAILY challenges are a great way to make sure that all members are logging in. It's very easy to get really busy and fall of the band wagon. So DAILY definately helps for me! :happy:

    My favorite cal snack is the YO CRUNCH yogurt by Breyers...yummy!
  • agilegazelle
    my favorite snack is string cheese, 80 calories and if i eat it slowly i lose my hunger. Also instant oatmeal packets are like 100 calories and really fill me up for a meal so that's always a possibility. Dang i haven't done jumping jacks since highschool lmfao, guess i better get on that!
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
    I like the daily challenges, although I may not log in with my results everyday I do check what the challenges are and they are always in the back of my mind throughout the day. LOVE THEM...

    Thanks for all the hard work Kristy!!!
  • journey2size10
    Found the new topic!!

    I like the daily challenges because like you said it motivates us to log in daily and log and it holds us more accountable.
    I did the 150+ calories yesterday and went to the restroom and completed the 50 jumping jacks! lol
    git r done
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I have a question...It may be silly, but I'm asking anyway. The amount of calories you get back from exercise, are you expected to eat that amount as part of your daily intake?? I'm trying to zig zag and wasn't sure...Thanks!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I didn't make the 150 calories burned since yesterday was a rest day. But I did stay under my calories and even enjoyed some wine, too!
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    I burned over 700 calories yesterday mowing lawn and doing my first day of 30 Day Shred. I will be able to do 50 jumping jacks today no problem with day 2!

    As for the challenges... I like them daily!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello Everyone:

    So far I just did 50 jumping jacks. :wink: I have to say its not easy doing them,:sad: BOY! :noway: I'm not in shape when it comes to jumping up and down. Will do the rest later tonight. I also, like string cheese for a low calorie snack or a fuji apple sliced and cored. I would like to keep the challenges coming on a daily format. Hope everyone did well on their weigh loss this week.:bigsmile:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    hey all! had great fun jumping jax this morning, I did the old-timey kind, (LOL)
    you know, one whole jack then arms halfway up for a half-jack, counts as one full J.J.
    haha & more bang for your buck I say!
    BOB and I are becoming fast friends....how 'bout you guyz???
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    I have a question...It may be silly, but I'm asking anyway. The amount of calories you get back from exercise, are you expected to eat that amount as part of your daily intake?? I'm trying to zig zag and wasn't sure...Thanks!

    yes - you are suppose to eat all your alloted calories - especially what you burn through exercise (I cant always get to the total calories...I mean I could if I pigged out, but I always try to stay a little under to practice self control!)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    :bigsmile: Soufsidekitho LOST 14 LBS THIS WEEK!!! (6.80% of her body weight!) BIGGEST LOSER IN BOTH CATEGORIES!! :bigsmile:

    Runner ups:
    % Body Weight – :happy: IamBrande (she lost 2.73% of her body weight!) <fyi this is always calculated based on your SW>
    Weight – :happy: mikeykeith7 (he lost 6 lbs during week 2!)

    :bigsmile: Rabbitslave LOST 6 lbs and (4.17% of body weight!!!) BIGGEST LOSER IN BOTH CATEGORIES!!:bigsmile:

    *if you have a #value in a cell it means I’m missing your goal weight or a weighin (lots of week 2 weighins missing!!!) Send me whatever is missing!

    Last week BeachGurl815 had most % BW lost and ready4achange1 had most weight loss. We had people check in after the post and mrsjones806 turned out to be the biggest loser in both categories (hence the difference in color shading on the chart). So we had 3 TOP BIGGEST LOSERS LAST WEEK!!! :bigsmile: GOOD JOB!:flowerforyou:

    We had quite a few people who lost so much weight already they already reached their June 20th Goals and upped their June 20th goal to keep pushing themselves – YOU ALL ROCK!!!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    :bigsmile: WEDNESDAY JUNE 1ST - DAY 18! “TWIST AND SHOUT!”
    (We’re on week 3 of 15)

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK (this is new) – This week we are going to focus on physical activity! Challenges each day will be physical in nature.

    How many people did 50 jumping jacks yesterday? (Man my thighs burned and I got out of breath quick…wow!) Today’s challenge we are gonna focus on our quads, glutes and thighs while celebrating our weigh-ins!!! Listen to the songs below and twist and shout, wiggling around – twist up and twist down to the ground…get those thighs workin!!! (let’s see who can twist throughout the entire songs!). If you’ve got kids get them in on it – it’ll be fun! If you have a webcam or camcorder record yourself twisting and we can post it so others have someone to twist along with ;-)

    1. THE TWIST – Chubby Checker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZAtzcthSxM
    2. TWIST AND SHOUT – Beatles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA9maAERDAs
    3. LETS TWIST AGAIN – Chubby Checker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVQ0MXp-8ds
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    We’ve got a few peeps who lost big last week but gained this week….then we have a few who didn’t lose much last week but lost a lot this week…then we have others who are consistently losing a good amount of weight – what is your situation and what did you notice you did differently week 1 compared to week 2 that you think made the difference??? What are you going to do week 3 to change or maintain that?

    *WE WILL CONTINUE TO DO DAILY POSTS!!! :happy: WARNING! :wink: AFTER THE JUNE 20TH WEIGHIN EVERYBODY will be required to do one daily post - so get ready for it!!!:bigsmile: (there's 105 days in our challenge - so if everyone does 1 after June 20th we will be covered until the end and it will lighten up my load some! - besides I'm sure you guys got some good ideas so it will be your moment to shine!):drinker:

    So be checking our daily posts (and you will have our archives on the page to work from) I will try not to use up all the songs between now and then!

    To beautylovetruth who shared with me that she has lost 7 inches and 6.5% body fat since starting!!!
    To all our new BOBers starting with us this week (friend em!!):

    STAY MOTIVATED: Visit www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Congratz go out to everyone belonging to the BOB Challenge!
    We're ALL winners!

    I wanted to say, for the record, my 6 pounds of weight loss is tracked from the time I joined MFP in April. I joined Bob last week and didn't officially weigh-in until May 30th. I did a measuring for BOB last week for the first time too.

    Thank you for the honorable mention Kristy! It gives me even more inspiration for my next weigh-in & measure sessions :wink:
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    Congrats to the biggest losers! 14 pounds is an amazing loss!

    Couldn't do the jumping jacks because of a problem with my hip. I did do another 5 miles (3.3 kms) today though and burned 300 calories.