Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • Adbrown1956
    Adbrown1956 Posts: 72 Member
    count me in plz...
  • TheOnlyMe
    TheOnlyMe Posts: 23
    Ooh, Forgot to say I'm not putting a date on when I want to have achieved these goals because too many times I have failed and been sooo dissapointed in myself........ I just don't want to feel disapointed anymore, so i am just going to celebrate the losses however small or (hopefully lol) large they are.

    GL xxxx
  • gray2405
    gray2405 Posts: 33 Member
    I wish the iPhone app would let you visit the community pages :( anyway, I am from Alabama, where are y'all from?
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    I wish the iPhone app would let you visit the community pages :( anyway, I am from Alabama, where are y'all from?

    My brother was just showing me all the cool things you could do with his iphone. .. all I wanted him to show me was the fitnesspal app!
    I want one!! I still have the granny phones, it calls and it rings. :grumble:

    I am in Oregon - where it will not stop raining !!
  • gray2405
    gray2405 Posts: 33 Member
    We need the rain but not the storms
  • Maya1979
    Maya1979 Posts: 37
    So does anyone mind if I add them?
    Feel free to add me. I could use the support and motivation also.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Hey ladies im new to this group i have over 70lbs to lose. what are some of your best eating habits that you can share with me? thats where i think i go wrong.

    Wish I had a magic answer for that, lol. For me, it is all still a struggle. I just find that if I have healthy food in my home, either fresh or frozen, then I can manage well. But these "habits" have worked for me (as a single person with no children, so no family to feed):

    1) Individually wrapped/ frozen portions (like chicken, beef, or other meats) really help me out with portion control. No need to measure. Just take out one portion for lunch and dinner.
    2) Frozen fruits are prefect alone or with low fat yogurt for great smoothies. Low in calories and help with sweet cravings.
    3) I still snack so I am always sure to have some sort of "100 calorie" goodie around to help satisfy that craving.
    4) I drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day and make it a habit to refill my Brita pitcher every night before bed.
    5) I always eat breakfast. RARELY do I miss it. If I do, the whole day is just downhill.
  • hey guys .. im so happy my posting this became a very big success...!!! Today was the first day in 2 weeks i had a bit of a downfall.. even though i was under my calorie's for the dayyyy i still was over my sodium by a lot because i decided to eat pizza for dinner! bad choice let me tell u !!! however i do blame a lot of it on pms .. ahhaa gotta love being a girl huh!!!

    just worked out for 45 minssss in the heat!!!! it was horrible! but worth it

    Take Care xox
  • mellimeter
    mellimeter Posts: 102 Member
    I've got 90 pounds to lose, so please count me in!
  • freefalling83
    freefalling83 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey ladies im new to this group i have over 70lbs to lose. what are some of your best eating habits that you can share with me? thats where i think i go wrong.

    Wish I had a magic answer for that, lol. For me, it is all still a struggle. I just find that if I have healthy food in my home, either fresh or frozen, then I can manage well. But these "habits" have worked for me (as a single person with no children, so no family to feed):

    1) Individually wrapped/ frozen portions (like chicken, beef, or other meats) really help me out with portion control. No need to measure. Just take out one portion for lunch and dinner.
    2) Frozen fruits are prefect alone or with low fat yogurt for great smoothies. Low in calories and help with sweet cravings.
    3) I still snack so I am always sure to have some sort of "100 calorie" goodie around to help satisfy that craving.
    4) I drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day and make it a habit to refill my Brita pitcher every night before bed.
    5) I always eat breakfast. RARELY do I miss it. If I do, the whole day is just downhill.

    To add to this,:
    Whenever I am going to cook a meal I always make lots of extra. When I put it in the fridge I portion it out into individual servings. That way when i'm on my way to work I just grab one tupperware instead of having to try and divide it up when I'm in a rush.
    I buy a watermelon once a week or so and have it all cut up and divided for snacks. My 2y/o daughter LOVES watermelon so I can't go wrong with it.
    I just do my best to have food ready for my work week. It takes some effort on my last day off, but it is so worth it to eat well and not have to think too much about it during the work week. Makes life a lot easier.
  • joie919
    joie919 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in!!:)
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I am in. I have 130 pounds to loose!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Hey ladies im new to this group i have over 70lbs to lose. what are some of your best eating habits that you can share with me? thats where i think i go wrong.

    Wish I had a magic answer for that, lol. For me, it is all still a struggle. I just find that if I have healthy food in my home, either fresh or frozen, then I can manage well. But these "habits" have worked for me (as a single person with no children, so no family to feed):

    1) Individually wrapped/ frozen portions (like chicken, beef, or other meats) really help me out with portion control. No need to measure. Just take out one portion for lunch and dinner.
    2) Frozen fruits are prefect alone or with low fat yogurt for great smoothies. Low in calories and help with sweet cravings.
    3) I still snack so I am always sure to have some sort of "100 calorie" goodie around to help satisfy that craving.
    4) I drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day and make it a habit to refill my Brita pitcher every night before bed.
    5) I always eat breakfast. RARELY do I miss it. If I do, the whole day is just downhill.

    To add to this,:
    Whenever I am going to cook a meal I always make lots of extra. When I put it in the fridge I portion it out into individual servings. That way when i'm on my way to work I just grab one tupperware instead of having to try and divide it up when I'm in a rush.
    I buy a watermelon once a week or so and have it all cut up and divided for snacks. My 2y/o daughter LOVES watermelon so I can't go wrong with it.
    I just do my best to have food ready for my work week. It takes some effort on my last day off, but it is so worth it to eat well and not have to think too much about it during the work week. Makes life a lot easier.

    Excellent suggestions! I usually slice up oranges and put them in little baggies. THat way I have some fresh fruit with me when I am on the go.

    Keep 'em coming everyone. Good to see the "healthy habits" of others!
  • If I can I want to get in on this, I'd lost 18 lbs to start and I know some of that has crept back on! Want to lose at least 60-80!
  • Andie940
    Andie940 Posts: 2
    I have 40lbs to loose. Getting married in the fall and need to get it off!
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    Love the tips ladies.

    I have been making sure I have a snack (apple, 90cal pack exc) in my purse if I am out running errends, at school, shopping exc, so when all of a sudden I am starving I dont stop anywhere and eat something I didnt mean to eat. It has helped. hubby calls it my purse food. :happy:

    Also I have been starting dinner sooner, chopping fresh takes more time and if I wait till I'm starving I snack and taste and before I know it I have eaten 300 cal.
    I try not to wait until I am really hungry to eat, this way I never feel like i am starving. Its worked so far.

    Buy yourself a cool water bottle, and bring it everywhere! I have one that I can put in my purse and make sure I have it wherever I go.

    happy snacking :drinker:
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I am in! I have about 70-80 lbs to loose!!!!!! I have lost 10 so far and 13.5 inches from my body! I am so excited. I was on weight watchers before and lost 28 lbs. I then gained it back . WW is so expensive and I love this site, it is so motivational and there is so much support!!!! I am also a mom of 4 so it is hard to get time to myself to exercise because they are right there when I exercise they do what ever I am doing and they think it is fun! It makes me happy to see them enjoying exercising instead of treading it like I used to as a kid. This site has help out on more than weight loss. :happy:
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! Don't forget to drink your water and get your butts moving!
  • uberbusymomma
    uberbusymomma Posts: 37 Member
    I am also a mother of four. I completely understand what you are saying about finding time to yourself to exercise. Today is my 3 oldest kids last day of school, so starting tomorrow I will have 0 time to myself (I am just hoping to fit in a daily quiet shower at this point lol). My plan so far for the summer is to go for a walk with all of the kids right after breakfast. That way if the rest of my day is crazy I will have a least gotten in a little bit of cardio. My in laws have a pool, so I am hoping to spend a lot of afternoons there staying cool and burning calories...all while my kids are entertained!

    Have a good day ladies!
  • I am in... if it isn't too late! I would love to get and give support. Anyone is free to add me.

    I started my journey at nearly 220lbs (219) and I am now 164.6lbs and would like to get down to 130lbs. I hit the gym 5x a week (I take the weekends off) and have just started using the elliptical as well as the treadmill. I need to start working on the hanging flab - that waves when I wave... oh so embarrassing... my hand should do the waving & not my arms!