Anxiety over WALKING?!



  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    If you decide to go it alone, be sure to bring a "weapon" like a golf club, bat, or even a sturdy tree branch... you could use it against a person or an animal! Actually, not a bad idea even when you're not alone... :)
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    I walk at night sometimes. I live in a safe neighborhood and I bring my dog. Even though he doesn't know how to be aggressive in any way I figure no one else knows that!! lol. Good luck!
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    I hope you at least have some pepper spray with you!

    I totally forgot about pepper spray! (I accidentally sprayed it in my face once, so I won't go near the stuff anymore!) :blushing:
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I live in a city area and it is not the best part of town, but my apartment complex all the way around is exactly half a mile so I typically stay in there in the evenings. But, if I do venture to the near by bike path, which is frequented by the community I live in, by myself for a walk/run, I usually have a little fanny pack that I strap on and take with me. Not exactly the most fashionable thing in the world but when it comes to my safety I don't mess around. I keep my driver's license, phone, key, a kubaton (self defense stick thing) and a little thing of mace in there. I carry a very hard plastic water bottle as well which doubles as a weight for my arms. I also have taken a few self defense classes which have helped me feel more at ease and more confident in myself, and I would suggest trying one if you can find it. Most important be aware of your surroundings, keep your eyes open, and don't let yourself get too distracted by music :-)
  • DJ_Moira
    DJ_Moira Posts: 1
    that depend if there is light or not. its day out side and after i get done with my schooling and im anty from sitting in a dest all day a lovely jog walk is amazing. and u can up the speed or down when you want to when your going by urself. i can understand the change from big city to tiny town... it took me FOREVER to get used to it. but some times you just have to do it...

    =^-^= mew
  • ajpequin
    ajpequin Posts: 10 Member
    Get a dog!
  • i live in a big city and my boy works at night so it's just me and my little pom puppy that do the walking!
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Don't feel bad about having that anxiety. It's actually completely rational.

    I do walk around late at night... I don't live in the best neighborhood either, but

    1) I do kickboxing videos, and I lift weights. Taking a self-defense course will also help.

    2) My dog. He will bite anyone not in my family, and he barks whenever he sees anyone approaching. (not so nice)

    I feel more safe because of that.
    Also, follow those safety precautions, like, if you're going to listen to music, only keep it in one ear, so you can hear anyone approaching. Walk with confidence, like you're not afraid. Vulnerable women are more likely to be targets.
    Bring your cell phone, but don't text walk, you'll be distracted.
    Walk somewhere well lit, and you can always bring a sort of weapon, such as a stick or bat. If you're worried about looking stupid, take a walking stick. And you could always conceal a knife somewhere, though that might not be most effective in the case that you are actually attacked.
    You can smack someone with a purse.
    Though perhaps I'm overthinking it.
    Good luck on your walk~
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have a large dog (115lbs) and I have walked her plenty of times past midnight. Just recently, I tried taking late night walks without the dog, and it is kind of eerie. Where I live, I'm more concerned about black bears or crazy deer than about people.

    Ask if your husband will go with you? Or start out by walking around the house. Always take your cell phone if you're alone, even during daytime; you never know what could happen (like if you fall and sprain your ankle).
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    You should stay home and maybe think about walking during the day or getting video's... Leslie Sansone's Walk away the pounds is fun an inexpensive. Better to be safe then sorry!!
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    Get a dog!

    I second that!!

    However, no matter where you live, big city, small city, country, whatever, weirdos are everywhere. As women especially we need to be prepared day or night. At least get yourself some pepper spray. I also dont usually go for any work out without my cell phone (what if you trip and sprain your ankle and cant make it back home?)
    At the same time, dont be toooooo paranoid. Just try to be smart, aware of your surroundings, and prepared, so you aren't caught off guard.
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55
    Used to live by an interstate and get up at 4:00 a.m. and do my walk -- then I watched too many 20/20 - 48 Hour Mysteries shows about women being abducted and figured I was nuts. Bought myself a treadmill that next day. Easier and safer.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I have no issues walking if it's daylight outside, I always have my phone (I use pandora on it) so if I need assistance I have it. The route I take has plenty of cars and people using it, so I'm not worried about getting abducted or anything. I am terrified of even walking from my car to my house at night, so I would never go out alone at night. My boyfriend on the other hand routinely walks very late at night (anywhere from 11pm-2am). I walked with him once and I was freaked out the entire time, I didn't let go of his hand! (Perhaps a ploy??). I guess he's not as scared of being hurt as I am, but then again he is 6'5 and a dude. I'm so paranoid!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I guess I've watched too much CSI type shows. I am not comfortable walking in the dark by myself. Maybe if I had a big mean dog - LOL! If you don't have a gym close to you, you might think about getting a mini-trampoline - it's a pretty good work out for your legs and abs and butt - doesn't take up much room in your home and is pretty inexpensive to purchase. Or if you can afford it and have the space - get a treadmill. Then you can work out at your convenience and in the safety of your home. Good luck!
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