Girls Only! Around 5' 5, Needing to Lose 30-70 lbs. We motivate each other!!!

ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi! I'm 5'5, I weigh 175.4 lbs, and I have no clue what'd I'd look like thin. I've been fat for so long I'd like to know what it's like to look in the mirror and like what I see. I'm here for anyone that wants/needs motivation and I hope you motivate me too!


  • pravenel
    pravenel Posts: 3 Member
    About the same as you only i weigh 170. Hope to lose 30 lbs. it is a slow consistent path to success.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Yea it's hard when all the stuff you like to eat the most is what you shouldn't eat..
  • NattySchmatty
    NattySchmatty Posts: 103 Member
    Hey! 5'3. Started off at 178. Current weight 161. Hoping to reach 140. You guys feel free to add me!
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    The sad part is that I have a knack for making sweets. I've made cheesecake a couple of times and they were soooo good.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    One more thing.... I have no clue how to add anyone! Xc
  • jenniecampbell1
    jenniecampbell1 Posts: 15 Member
    Im 5'5" and trying to lose around 70lbs.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Ok I think I know how to add hang on..
  • lilcole08
    lilcole08 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 191 lbs. I've never been this weight before and it disgusts me. I'm having a hard time losing weight since having my last child. Feel free to add me! I need motivation to keep going.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Yay! Lets do this, Ladies!!! :D
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Alright first lets start with how long we've been like this and what we want to do once we're thin.

    I have been overweight ever since I was little. It's been a long time since I've even been under 150 lbs. I want to know what it'd look and feel like to be thin and healthy.
  • Delisha_Renee
    Delisha_Renee Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'5 around 230. Trying to get serious about making a lifestyle change and losing 30-70lb by the end of the year (I think that's realistic). Joined MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I'm eating and for support. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    please add me!5'3 started @195 5 weeks ago now 184& counting. want 40 gone total. went from sedetary to running 10,000+ steps.
  • Delisha_Renee
    Delisha_Renee Posts: 4 Member
    ArtsyLinZi wrote: »
    The sad part is that I have a knack for making sweets. I've made cheesecake a couple of times and they were soooo good.

    How about starting off making a "Lightened" version of your favorite desserts? That way you can still eat what you love in moderation and not feel deprived
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Ooohhh I gotta start looking at replacements for the not so healthy parts of cheesecake hahaha
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Thx Dr :3
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I'm 5'2 and need to get back on track since my hysterectomy. Gained bunches of weight back and need to lose about 35 pounds. Feel free to add me!!!
  • amzypritchard
    amzypritchard Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'5, started off at 200lbs and I'm now 138 so feel free to add if you need any support & motivation!! :)
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 5'5", I was 160, now I'm 145.
  • akcolli
    akcolli Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 220lbs trying to lose 60-80lbs and just really start living healthy for me! Please add me. Could use support and motivation.
  • MarineWife821
    MarineWife821 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'5" and about 205 right now. I am happiest at 160. I know that sounds heavy for some but I have a very muscular build, my father calls me his little pit bull lol. I have an almost 4 year old and my son will turn 2 in December. After my first pregnancy I lost all of the 55 lbs of pregnancy weight and got back in shape in 5 months. After the second pregnancy I did the same but it seemd like I had to work 10 times as hard to get there. Once my husband came home from deployment I got lax on my workouts and wasnt on my strict 1200 a day calorie diet but I dont feel like I ate bad food or ate too much. Within the last year I have gained 45 lbs back and I am so unhappy. I am always tired, emotional, uninterested in sex, easily agitated...just not myself. I had my hormones tested and am apparently very low on estrogen. Has anyone experienced a hormone imbalance after having children? If so, what did you do? I know I need motivation to lose this weight. Any helpful suggestions how to stay motivated?? Anyone have any experiences like me?