Do you buy clothes that are in your goal size?



  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    Nope. I wear different sizes depending on the manufacturer. For example I have a pair of size 7 shorts that fit me well (a little loose - the way I like then) and size 2 shorts that fit me well (again a little loose- the way I like them).
    So even at my goal weight... I'm just working on burning a little bit more fat... I have no idea what size I wear! I have to try on everything!
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    hummm.. I may try this. But will not go to a 4 maybe a 6.
    I usually dig out old clothes with a smaller size.
    Now I only have a few pounds to lose and it is terrible hard.
    Maybe a goal piece of clothing will help motivate me more.

    Found out most of my summer clothes are to large..yeah... but I cannot wear my shorts with a belt. (no loops). I really need to go shopping.. :) Chain Stores are a good hour drive to get to for me.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    No, because I don't know what size I'll be when I reach my goal weight. Sometimes I'll buy a size down on clearance (the perks of working in the women's department of a store).
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    Wait...dress size can be really different from pants size depending on your body type. I'm a pant size 0, but I'm a dress size 4. I would not be able to breathe in a smaller size. Then again, I properly worry too much since no one knows your body type better than you.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    I have about 50 pounds to go, but I can't wait to start buying clothes in a size 6 or 4!! I already have some from when I was thin. And, I've bought the cutest Lilly Pulitzer dress on Ebay, with a pink perfume bottle print, in a size 4. I have never really been a clothes person, until I got so fat I couldn't wear cute clothes.

    Is this a bad idea?? Have you bought clothes that are too small, hoping that you will fit into them one day?

    I wouldn't do this unless I was pretty close to my goal...maybe 10 lbs away. I think I'd have a pretty good idea of the size that would fit then.
    Buying too small of clothes hoping they will someday fit is not motivating to me. I'd rather buy something that fits right away or pretty soon.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I have in the past (I've lost weight multiple times) and it can be discouraging, rather than a goal to work towards. right now, I have all my size 4-6 pants that I was able to wear just 6 months ago in the closet. Laughing at me.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    No, because there's no real way to predict your size when you drop 50 pounds. By all calculations I should have been a 6, but I'm a 10-12 depending on the brand due to hips and muscles.

    Plus, it's more fun to shop for and see the clothes on yourself when you are at your goal.


  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 276 Member
    I get a lot of clothes donated to me (usually large black trash bags... cause I'm a broke as hell college student) and if clothes look like they're close to fitting (I'm in a size 16, so I'll save a size 14 or 12 for later) I keep them stored somewhere. Recently, I got close to 10 pairs of "new" jeans this way. I set aside a bunch of size 14 to 18's when I was in a size 22, and now that they fit, I don't have to buy new clothes (or a reallly good belt). If I know that I won't fit in them for a really long time (if ever.. like a size 2 or something ridiculously small) I pass them on for someone else to wear.

    I did buy one pair of "too small" pants on purpose. I'm more comfortable in size 18, but fit in size 14, so I grabbed a pair of size 16 Khaki pants for work. They fit now, but I don't want to have to run out and buy another pair of pants when I lose more weight, because I really cannot afford it, so instead of buying 2 size 18s, I got an 18 and a 16. The pants were ridiculously expensive and I had to drive for like an hour to go buy them, which is where my justification comes from.

    However, I wouldn't recommend buying too much in a "goal weight" size, because what will you do if you gain muscle mass and find that those clothes just will not fit right? One or two sizes smaller should be okay, but much more than that, I'd discourage (unless you find it really motivating)
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    No, because I have no idea what size I'll be when I do reach my goal weight. I have 19 lbs left to lose until I reach goal and right now I can fit into a pair of size 9 in juniors. I haven't attempted to try on size 8, but I don't think I'm ready for that size just yet.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I was just shooting to be back in my size 4 petites. Not sure exactly what happened, but I breezed right past that closet full of 4's and ended up in 0's and 2's when I reached my goal weight
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited July 2015
    I lost about 50lbs a couple years ago and didn't fit below a size 12/10 (started at 18/16) when I thought I would be a size 8/6. You never know how your body will look.. so no, I don't buy goal clothing. I do have my favorite old jeans and tops that i would like to fit into tho.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I don't buy in my goal size. I'm still too far away to know what size it would need to be and what will look good on my body at that size.

    My body shape has changed a lot in the last 10 lbs, so styles that used to look good, don't anymore. And styles that used to look ridiculous on me are cute now. I don't know what shape I will have when I get to goal.

    That being said, I do buy clothes one size down sometimes. I've been shopping at thrift stores quite a bit lately and there's some really high end clothing at these stores in my area. If I find a nice pair of designer pants that can zip up, but are too tight to wear out in public right now, I'll still buy them. They're $5 and I'll be able to wear them in a few weeks or months. I wouldn't go more than one size down though.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I used to, but found out that didn't work for me. When I got to goal, the clothing FIT, but it was no longer a style that I'd tend to reach for. My body look - just doesn't always go with the clothing. I used to love tops with a ruffled neck (deep V) and now it just doesn't look right. Also, things hang differently. It's better, in my opinion, to just wait and have fun when you get there!
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 701 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    Nope. I never imagined I'd wear such a small size when I got to where I wanted. I'd have a bunch of too big clothes if I had bought at the size I thought I would be. As is it I own mostly scrubs and work so much most of my clothes are old and too big but I'm afraid to change them out in case I gain again (it's only a 12 lb difference between them and where I am now).

    Exactly this. My goal size was an 8/medium. I actually bought a bunch of jeans, pants, and shorts in a size 8 and shirts in medium when I got there, thinking that was the smallest size I could be with my frame. Well, 10-15 lbs later and I'm a size 4/small and swimming in those clothes. I've discovered once you get down in the single digit sizes, they're all surprisingly close together. I've had to replace my entire wardrobe, so I highly recommend only buying a few things while your still in the losing stage, even if you only have 10 lbs to go.
  • sunnyazgirl
    sunnyazgirl Posts: 271 Member
    I am not buying in my goal size as I have no idea what that will be. I was wearing a size W24 - W26 a year ago, so I have changed a few sizes. Yesterday I went shopping for an upcoming vacation. I ended up with a size 16 capri and a pair of size 14 shorts. Both fit the same, but the cuts are different. I don't thnk I have worn a size 14 since I was 14 years old, though...and I am 62 years old now! Of course, they are bermuda shorts, not short-shorts like then. ;) Both pairs are a bit snug, but can be buttoned and zipped! I am not buying clothes now that are a "perfect fit" because I still have a long way to go on my weight loss and I know that I will only be wearing them too short of a time if they fit just right now. I just sent a batch of pants to GoodWill that fit me snugly 6 months ago when they were new and look like clown pants on me now.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    so i have done that in the past, and what i learned's not a great idea! I have some dresses that fit me now, but they don't look good! Just because you're at the size, doesn't mean everything fits the same, will look good, etc.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Nope, I'll wait. I do buy clothes one size down before, and that works for me.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I typically do not buy clothes that I cannot wear. I did recently buy a pair of jeans online that I thought would fit me (I have other jeans of the same brand so I ordered the same size). They arrived, I tried them on and they are too tight. I have decided to keep them since I like them and they will fit someday. I probably need to lose 10-15 pounds. Maybe more since weight doesn't budge from my hips and thighs as quickly as other parts of my body.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Nope - who wants a bunch of clothes that are out of season, out of style or just don't fit correctly when you get to goal?! I buy clothes I look good in and flatter my figure - not everything in the same size fits the same or looks the same on.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I think it's a good idea if money is not an issue. A couple of months back I bought a really cute blouse and a pair of short that were several sizes too small. I hang them on a rack next to my mirror. I can now squeeze into them and in about 45-60 days they will fit rather nicely. For me it allows me to see progress besides just the scale. If you're the type of person stop dieting on a whim then don't do it.