What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    People are so cruel! I would love to be your weight!! My ah-hah moment was at the doctors office recently! I got on the scale and could not believe that I was 250 lbs! I've always been curvy, but this is crazy! My doctor sat down with my and basically said, *kitten* or get off the pot. Haha! Anyway, screw that guy that said you aren't fit enough for a sports car.
  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think it was the knee cellulite for me.

    Hahahah, you're killing me! But yeah, I'm basically one walking cellulite dimple.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    Somebody snapped a picture of me, and I saw it on FB.
    I looked like a rooting hog.

  • deselle22
    deselle22 Posts: 13 Member
    my moment was when my sister won't allow me to be her bride's maid cos I was fat.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Maintained at 200 pounds for years eating whatever I wanted (still obese, but I didn't want to have to deprive myself when I wasn't gaining anyway), until the scale showed 213 and I realized it was time to consider doing something about it... Then I made myself sick of food by stuffing my face during the Holidays and decided that it was time to do something about it.
  • goosiegoose
    goosiegoose Posts: 16 Member
    MissAmyx wrote: »
    My "Aha! moment" is actually kind of grim.
    After YET ANOTHER job application rejection I was just in a bad place and felt miserable about myself and my life and i can remember just kind of saying to myself one day "OK your life sucks, your job sucks, you're fat, you can't change the first 2 things but the one thing you can change is your weight! If you're going to be a failure in this life you might as well be a skinny failure rather than a morbidly obese one!"

    and that super motivational speech did the trick, I still keep getting rejection letters, Im still stuck in the same dead end job, BUT I am losing weight! :)

    I'm thinking about stitching my little speech out on a throw pillow so i can see my uplifting words each and everyday emblazoned in golden thread :wink:

    Given your wit, I'm surprised you haven't found a better job—you must be overqualified
  • michelkkennedy
    michelkkennedy Posts: 12 Member
    Im looking at photos of my recent vacation. It's 90-100 degrees outside and I'm wearing a thin jacket because I felt like I needed to cover my big belly. The cute little pigtails my boyfriend likes and the fun pink shoes just look awful on this pudgy 5'1 153lb girl I see in the photos. Theres jyst nothing fun size or petite about me left. Today I got out the camera and with my bra and underwear on I took a picture of what I really look like. It's a photo I never want anyone to see. But if I have to keep looking at it to not eat the icecream and cookies and nachos anymore that's what I'm going to do. That and I just keep telling myself... nothing tastes as good as skinny feels... go drink some more water.
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    deselle22 wrote: »
    my moment was when my sister won't allow me to be her bride's maid cos I was fat.

    Oh that's so mean!
  • hlpmelos
    hlpmelos Posts: 13 Member
    Doctor told me he was going to send me to a specialist for diabetes if I couldn't get my sugar in control. I didn't want to go on insulin, because when my father in law was put on insulin, he went down hill fast and ended up having to be put on dialysis..When he went in to have a stent put in his arm, he had a heart attack and never woke up and ended up passing not long after.. Thinking about that, scared the cr-p out of me and I started using my fitness pal to try to lose some weight.. I started in March after seeing my doctor and my A1c was 8.8 and in June when I went back my A1c was 6.9..
    After seeing him though, I have hit a wall and have not been as diligent in my eating habits.. A lot of stress and being ill has put me in my old habits of eating carbs and other things I shouldn't be eating.. I have to get myself back in gear or I will be in the same boat as before.. It feels like being on a rollercoaster.. Good Days and Bad Days.. Never and Even Keel ... Anyway, I went from 175 to 150 and still working on it trying to get to 145 or 140 and then I am done. I just want to be healthy.. Got to stay away from those snack foods.. They are a killer.. To me anyway... Bad food, Bad....
  • GabriellaRose_V
    GabriellaRose_V Posts: 5 Member
    I just got so sick of being called fat in ballet by teachers and other dancers. I've had several ballet parters who have called me fat and too heavy to lift. I just got sick of it. Now that I am moving to NYC to start college (I have a scholarship to play soccer), and I'll be dancing for a ballet company, I want to start over and I just don't want to be called fat my entire life. So I need to lose a bit of weight.
  • FrancineDesign
    FrancineDesign Posts: 67 Member
    Love reading though these

    My moment was when I was so close to 100kg and I just didn't want to reach that number and also I had just passed my boyfriend in weight and I didn't feel like a woman. I want to be cute and feminine and something my boyfriend can be proud of. If anyone would like to talk etc I'm a good person :)
  • xqzmuah
    xqzmuah Posts: 4 Member
    Wow. That comment must have hurt.

    No total asshat has said anything to me yet (probably because I am still carrying around/strolling a baby most of the time).

    For me, I am getting intensely motivated because at close to 200 lbs post-baby I could no longer enjoy holidays and trying to look nice. Nothing looks good at that weight! My boobs arms and butt were/are huge with my tiny pea head. I had used pregancy as a giant excuse to binge and I was obese prior to getting pregnant. I gained 40 lbs on top of my pre-pregancy 184. Woof. I am regretting the gelato, the yummy yummy gelato and the crazy amount of it that I consumed.

    Also I am not working (stopped recently) and my husband is finishing up his fellowship and I will be a "doctor's wife" soon and I don't want to have people think that he could do better, you know?

    I am down to 189 but want to be at a BMI that keeps me in the normal range ultimately. It is going to be a long time and baby #2 might be conceived before I hit that goal.
  • UniqueScorpio85
    UniqueScorpio85 Posts: 7 Member
    My moment was when I tried to play with my son and couldn't keep up. Just imagining the possibility of me leaving him sooner than I have to, all because of poor eating habits, was enough for me. :-( .
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When I was too fat to get into my hammock.

  • plaffo786
    plaffo786 Posts: 71 Member
    When I was asked when was I expecting........ I wasn't pregnant
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • annakellett11
    annakellett11 Posts: 15 Member
    Pictures are really what made me really want to start losing. I have never in my life been this size. Now I'm one pant sizes away from my goal (started out 3)
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    I was looking at statistics online and found that almost 50% of all premed students never actually make it into medical school. Being first generation college student and being female gives me higher chances, but being obese makes it so that it would be almost impossible without perfect MCAT scores and a perfect GPA, plus about a million hours of volunteer work. Getting from the obese weight range to a healthy weight range more than triples my chances of acceptance.
  • vlovell24
    vlovell24 Posts: 61 Member
    My moment was a combo thing. First, it was that I am healthy as a horse. My BP is 90/70, my A1C is super low, and my cholesterol is well under 100. My hematologist told me that I needed to stay healthy by losing the weight. And, he was right. The second was my boyfriend of 11 years. He is a doll, and loves me totally. I think it's high time that he got to see me at my real potential.
  • gardnerslater
    gardnerslater Posts: 42 Member
    kbwilson76 wrote: »
    My boyfriend (who's younger shorter and skinnier than me) and I were having breakfast at our usual mom and pop diner on a normal Saturday morning. He as usual ordered an insanely huge breakfast (seriously...how???), and some guy was giggling at his order (with his own belly btw) and said to the owner (in Portuguese...not knowing the owner is a good family friend and ratted him out later):

    "He needs so much food to lift his big woman."

    To this day that man is on my s"?t list.

    I wasn't that big to begin with, husky yes, but big woman??? It's nice when we go in for breakfast on Saturday mornings, my @ss is getting tighter and his belly stays the same.
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?