(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Jumping jacks done... not easy for me as have achilles tendon problems but done, along with some walking. Challenges are great.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    I just spent an hour on Just Dance, shimmying and jumping my (not so) little butt off!
    And a bit of a NSV - when I was dancing I looked down at my legs and though "DAMN! Those legs are starting to look GOOD!"

    I was one of the people who did significantly better in week 2 than week 1 - the difference for me was in the exercise.

    Also learning to love things that used to bug me - like running errands, making trips between up and downstairs in our house, and cleaning. My partner's mum is coming over tonight, and our house looks like a bomb hit it. This morning I found out she's actually coming HERE rather than us all going OUT for dinner, so it's BIG clean-up time - instead of being annoyed, I"m glad for the chance to burn some extra calories! Is there just a "cleaning" thing in "exercise" log?

    CONGRATS on all the weigh-ins, everyone's doing so well!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Yay! I finished my remaining 100 jumping jacks. :bigsmile:

    SW - May 16, 255.6

    Week 1 - May 23, GW: 252 Actual: 252.8
    Week 2 - May 30, GW: 248 Actual: 249.4
    Week 3 - Jun 06, GW: 244 Actual:
    Week 4 - Jun 13, GW: 240 Actual:

    Week 5 - Jun 20, WEIGH-IN GOAL: 235
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    Hey BOB buddies!!!! I got my 50 jumping jacks in today =) Holy WOW that was fun!!! Congrats to our Biggest Losers this week =)
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Didn't do the jumping jacks but i did do 50 situps to star the day, then went swimming at lunch and swam for 42 minutes. Hit the 150 calorie burn and then so. This is awesome as are daily challenges but need to keep the challenges simple but challenging to not discourage the newer folks.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I did do the 50 jumping jacks. I had to do them in increments because of knee injury, but I did them!!! And I did my strength training, taking a break from my regular cardio workout for a day, which seemed to have made a difference because I rocked it this morning! Can't wait to Twist and Shout when I get home this afternoon :) I'm getting so frustrated with the scale because I'm working my butt off....but I feel good. That's the important thing, right???
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Really going to get back with it today...been going through A LOT of stuff personally and it has affected my eating and exercise so today Im really trying to get focused and not let those things make me slack off...after gaining over the weekend I've realized I really need to step it up a notch so doing the physical fitness this week I feel will really help me...I didnt get to do the jumping jacks yesterday because i completely forgot but today I am going to complete the challenge and finish my food diary and not go over my calories.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Wow.... Some people are really winning at this challenge. WAY TO GO. There are some very impressive losses on the chart. So happy and proud of everyone, especially Kristy for committing so much time to all of us. I can not say thank you enough.

    Did my 50 jumping jacks when I got home from work. Check in the yes column. Not sure I will be able to do the twisting(bad ankle) but I will try between work and family coming.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Congrats to the BIGGEST LOSERS this week! Some great weightloss is going on!

    I didn't do my jumping jacks but only because I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and immediately after I took a one-hour weightlifting class. I am feeling it today!

    What I am doing differently this week - I had a very nice loss in the first week but a few ounces gained in the second week. I am going to plan my meals better and I bought a HRM over the weekend, so I am getting an accurate count on the calories I am burning.

    Good luck and great job to everyone in the challenge! Welcome to all the new joiners! Thanks for the inspiration from you all.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    hey all! had great fun jumping jax this morning, I did the old-timey kind, (LOL)
    you know, one whole jack then arms halfway up for a half-jack, counts as one full J.J.
    haha & more bang for your buck I say!
    BOB and I are becoming fast friends....how 'bout you guyz???

    Old-timey, LOL.

    BOB is definitely my new best friend. I get the itch if I haven't "checked in" or read any posts for a while.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I didn't do jumping jacks, but I was busting a move on XBOX 360 playing Kinect Adventures. I really need to get an HRM. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Hey everyone I hope you are all having a great day. I got in a morning workout before work. 388 calories burned in my mile and a half. I did not do the jumping jacks bc I forgot soooo I am going to do them today. And I will be twisting away at work today Good job on the weight loss everyone. We all dserve our health.

    Happy Losing,
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    :bigsmile: soooo - I run an international program for med students and we had 2 kids from thailand here who came the beginning of May...I havent seen them until yesterday and the girl said "did you lose weight since I seen you?"... IT SHOWS!!! Some of my work slacks are a little more loose and I noticed my arms are a little less fat ...OHHH YEAH!:bigsmile:
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    :bigsmile: soooo - I run an international program for med students and we had 2 kids from thailand here who came the beginning of May...I havent seen them until yesterday and the girl said "did you lose weight since I seen you?"... IT SHOWS!!! Some of my work slacks are a little more loose and I noticed my arms are a little less fat ...OHHH YEAH!:bigsmile:

    That is the greatest compliment anyone can one, when you trying to get back into shape. It makes you stick to what you doing and get to your goal.. WTG.
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    Stupid question...
    What are the average NET calories of everyone doing the challenge??
    That is including exercise...
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    :bigsmile: soooo - I run an international program for med students and we had 2 kids from thailand here who came the beginning of May...I havent seen them until yesterday and the girl said "did you lose weight since I seen you?"... IT SHOWS!!! Some of my work slacks are a little more loose and I noticed my arms are a little less fat ...OHHH YEAH!:bigsmile:

    Whoo Hooo that is so awesome!! Congratulations!!!!! I can't wait until people notice I'm losing weight... it is the best feeling!!! Congrats!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    So I am pretty happy to say that this morning I woke up and did my routine morning weigh in, and I was up .5 of a lb... not a big deal really but i was like W.T.F. thats the WRONG way....................... then this afternoon that TOM showed up... (I get no pms /cramps/mood swings...No warning signs)............ So I was happy with that .5 of a lb LOL

    I wont weigh again until Monday now..cuz whats the point? Really?

    I have no idea why I am typing this....but I am.. :laugh:
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
    So I am pretty happy to say that this morning I woke up and did my routine morning weigh in, and I was up .5 of a lb... not a big deal really but i was like W.T.F. thats the WRONG way....................... then this afternoon that TOM showed up... (I get no pms /cramps/mood swings...No warning signs)............ So I was happy with that .5 of a lb LOL

    I wont weigh again until Monday now..cuz whats the point? Really?

    I have no idea why I am typing this....but I am.. :laugh:

    Because its good to share!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    I just got my loving friend too today and I lost but for some reason not sure if I trust my scale. Wed is my weigh in so I took the weight
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    Hey everyone..I joined this week..looks like a great group!
    I did the jumping jacks (wasn't happy about it but got it done). I also jumped rope today..talk about some burning calves!!