Those who have cheat/treat days

Do you count your calories? Even in hindsight?

I won a meal for 2 in a radio competition (I know, who actually phones the radio?) so I decided to enjoy it. Then my boss phoned in pizza for lunch && the whole day just went to pot.

No big deal, back on it today.

But I decided to retrospectively count my calories for yesterday and I was just wondering if this is the done thing or do you generally just draw a line?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Yes. I track calories versus loss and exercise, so I need to track all of my calories.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I always do. For me it's pointless to track my food if I can't use the data, and I can't use the data if I don't track as accurately as possible.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't do cheat days, as I'm not doing anything wrong. If I happen to go over, I go over. Everything gets logged.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Everything gets logged, and if I have a higher calorie day, I try to offset it with exercise.
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Instead of cheat days, I have diet breaks about every 3-4 months where I eat maintenance calories. Still track and log all the food.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I think it sets the wrong frame of mind for the whole day. Instead I have maintenance days. I eat everything I'm allowed and see it as preparation for when I get to maintenance. Of course you have to be vigilant to make sure you're checking you calorie goal is correct as you lose weight with this method.
    If I go over. I go over. Everything is logged. No point lying about. My body still knows what I've eaten.
  • dreamof_perfection
    dreamof_perfection Posts: 26 Member
    I think that if someone struggles with severe overeating it's similar to an addiction. If you're an alcoholic in recovery, you wouldn't even have one drink. I try to keep that mindset. Overeating was a big problem for me, and just one "cheat" meal can turn into something bigger that derails all my hard work building healthy habits.

    Now this is not the case for everyone. Some people have wills of steel, so a cheat meal might be okay. But if you have issues with self control I would say avoid cheat meals or days.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I don't record or log food/calories/Macros (except in my head). This has helped me learn about nutrition and I just glance at the values on the back of packets etc. A cheat day for me might be that I've not hit my protein goals and induldged in to many carbs. I'm always usually around maintenance at the worst. Strangely, I have a feeling that religiously tracking food, making it into a big deal etc might lead to more problems for people down the road. Almost making the joy of food obsessive/time consuming. It obviously works for many people though to keep it strict and accountable.
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm sure some people stay within their calories for the day consistently, but for me, it is more that I stay within my calories for the week or even longer. I love spreadsheets so its the law of averages.

    Some days I will be over my calories and some days under. It usually depends on what I'm doing that day. I don't have cheat days because I just try to work what I want to eat into my day. For the most part, I eat foods that have a lot of nutrients and dense calories, but I love sweets. Most things I can moderate, but some things not so much like marshmallows. I just don't keep them in the house.

    But I log everything because if I don't, my numbers aren't accurate and I cannot learn from them.

    For me, its about logging and then looking at the information I've collected. Then I can make changes as needed. Otherwise, its just a guessing game.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah. The day of sometimes I will use separate quick add entries for everything. Sometimes I even think I'll keep it that way. But often I'll go in the next day and try to figure things out. Keeps me accountable and sometimes I can stay in line with my weekly goal. Though this is not really a cheat day for me. I always allow for a high calorie day by shaving off a few hundred calories during the week.
  • ClareDoherty42
    ClareDoherty42 Posts: 26 Member
    Okay, so question -

    Yesterday I had 2,500 calories(ish). My daily goal is 1,200 which I've been sticking to each day. Today I've had around 300 cals so far, I'm just not hungry - because I gorged yesterday!

    Should I aim to be under my 1,200 today? Or should I eat my 1,200 even if I'm not hungry? Logic tells me I should eat (healthily) what I want to eat and if it comes to less than 1,200 then that's fine 'cause why eat for the sake of it?

    I've probably answered my own question.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    edited August 2015
    Do you count your calories? Even in hindsight?

    I won a meal for 2 in a radio competition (I know, who actually phones the radio?) so I decided to enjoy it. Then my boss phoned in pizza for lunch && the whole day just went to pot.

    No big deal, back on it today.

    But I decided to retrospectively count my calories for yesterday and I was just wondering if this is the done thing or do you generally just draw a line?
    No, I have a weekly cheat day where I eat whatever, rest from exercise and don't look back.
    For some reason I can't explain, it never set me back. I eat like a government mule, and within 3 days I have bounced right back, and on day 7 I was usually 1 pound less.

    My doctor told me it was my internal thermostat trying to maintain weight which is about as scientific as bead shaking and voodoo rattles :D
    I lost around 100 pounds and have maintained this for 3 years. And as I have maintained weight, my fitness level has transformed.

    Cheat days work for me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    A day over here and a day under there will not make or break anything. The bigger picture should be to lead a healthier, sustainable diet that helps you reach your goal. Think more long term about the bigger picture. Even on a short term basis, look at your overall numbers (macros/cals) for the end of the week rather than on a daily basis.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    Do you count your calories? Even in hindsight?

    I won a meal for 2 in a radio competition (I know, who actually phones the radio?) so I decided to enjoy it. Then my boss phoned in pizza for lunch && the whole day just went to pot.

    No big deal, back on it today.

    But I decided to retrospectively count my calories for yesterday and I was just wondering if this is the done thing or do you generally just draw a line?
    No, I have a weekly cheat day where I eat whatever, rest from exercise and don't look back.
    For some reason I can't explain, it never set me back. I eat like a government mule, and within 3 days I have bounced right back, and on day 7 I was usually 1 pound less.

    My doctor told me it was my internal thermostat trying to maintain weight which is about as scientific as bead shaking and voodoo rattles. Whatever...
    I lost around 100 pounds and have maintained this for 3 years. And as I have maintained weight, my fitness level has transformed.

    Cheat days work for me.

    You had your cheat day while you lost and in maintenance right? Do you keep a running tally of your calories or use any moderation at all in maintenance during a cheat day? Do you eat a little lighter during the week?

    Not to derail the thread, just a quick question.
  • ClareDoherty42
    ClareDoherty42 Posts: 26 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.

    Usually I'd agree, I clearly have no issues eating 1,200 calories or I wouldn't be overweight - haha! But today I'm just not hungry! I guess I might be as the day goes on, though, it's only 2pm after all, but I'm usually on around 7,000-8,000cals by now!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.

    Usually I'd agree, I clearly have no issues eating 1,200 calories or I wouldn't be overweight - haha! But today I'm just not hungry! I guess I might be as the day goes on, though, it's only 2pm after all, but I'm usually on around 7,000-8,000cals by now!

    Feel it out. It's okay to be a little under one day but listen to your body. Don't start playing games with yourself thinking you NEED to be under 1200 calories to fix your high day. I recently tried to get back into a deficit and swear I went a little whacko trying to do that stuff.
  • ClareDoherty42
    ClareDoherty42 Posts: 26 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.

    Usually I'd agree, I clearly have no issues eating 1,200 calories or I wouldn't be overweight - haha! But today I'm just not hungry! I guess I might be as the day goes on, though, it's only 2pm after all, but I'm usually on around 7,000-8,000cals by now!

    Feel it out. It's okay to be a little under one day but listen to your body. Don't start playing games with yourself thinking you NEED to be under 1200 calories to fix your high day. I recently tried to get back into a deficit and swear I went a little whacko trying to do that stuff.

    Noted - thanks! Under eating is definitely not a problem for me :)

    I've lost around 40st so far following weight watchers but just trying to shake it up a bit for my last 14lb so I'm fairly new to calorie counting.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.

    Usually I'd agree, I clearly have no issues eating 1,200 calories or I wouldn't be overweight - haha! But today I'm just not hungry! I guess I might be as the day goes on, though, it's only 2pm after all, but I'm usually on around 7,000-8,000cals by now!

    Feel it out. It's okay to be a little under one day but listen to your body. Don't start playing games with yourself thinking you NEED to be under 1200 calories to fix your high day. I recently tried to get back into a deficit and swear I went a little whacko trying to do that stuff.

    Noted - thanks! Under eating is definitely not a problem for me :)

    I've lost around 40st so far following weight watchers but just trying to shake it up a bit for my last 14lb so I'm fairly new to calorie counting.

    Ah yes! I think now is a great time to switch to calorie counting. I know weight watchers has helped so many people but I think understanding CICO is so important to maintaining your loss. Conrats OP.

    p.s. I'm sure you've already done your research but don't forget to weigh and log your fruits and veggies (after coming away from a program that doesn't count them!)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You should eat 1200 calories. Come on. Take care or yourself. 1200 isn't that much. If you eat 1200 every day and you're aiming to lose a pound a week, with your high day, you might lose .5 lbs per week instead. That's fine.

    Usually I'd agree, I clearly have no issues eating 1,200 calories or I wouldn't be overweight - haha! But today I'm just not hungry! I guess I might be as the day goes on, though, it's only 2pm after all, but I'm usually on around 7,000-8,000cals by now!

    If you're not hungry now, don't eat.
    If you get hungry later, eat.

    If not eating starts to become habit then do eat more. If it's a rarity, it's not going to do you harm.