Starting over, looking for support and friends

Haven't been very well, not eating and then eating too much! Need a new start, start feeling healthy and good again! Anyone interested in supporting each other and motivating me add me! :)


  • Tintin13
    Tintin13 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm very good at eating well for awhile and then eating way too much especially around the time of my cycle. I'm going slow this time around and making more of a lifestyle change rather than pressuring myself. Good luck
  • Janhan57
    Janhan57 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the feeling. I was logging my food and exercise faithfully for about 15 months and lost 65 lbs. I thought I could stop and keep doing fine. Wrong! I have gained back 40 lbs in the past year. I just started back logging food and exercise and have lost 4 lbs first week back. It really makes a difference.
  • Ctbiggs
    Ctbiggs Posts: 99 Member
    I've recently started again as well. Anyone can add me for support.
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    Back at it again as well ... it really does work ... I don't get why I just don't stay with it. Sure, it would be great if I didn't have to but... I know myself and I don't have the greatest will power so I need this to keep me on track please add me for support if you wish!