Restarters: What's different this time?



  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I'm in a different state and different house trying to recover from the death of my father and deal with probate, etc. I started logging to be sure that I was getting enough nutrition to keep going, not to restrict myself. Somehow it all feels a lot different going at it from this angle.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I have restarted twice.

    My first time was a year after my Son was born. I was counting calories and exercising everyday I was eating veggies chicken and eggs everyday. I lost 10lbs and weight just stopped coming off. Yes I hit a platuea and yes I gave up because I deprived myself of the foods I loved.

    The 2nd time I started was a little over a month ago. Started counting cals again and exercising all the time. But was stuck. Id fluctuate everyday. 185 then 183. Then 184. Then 185. Then 182. Then 181. So I stopped again. Felt like I was going nowhere. I was having the signs of hypothyroidism. So I went to a primary Dr to find out why I couldnt lose weight. All test came out normal. Other then my thyroid is enlarged and my T4 numbers were high not low. Which means it should be easier for me to lose weight. He also said I was vitamin d defecient. My hearr, lungs,kidneys. Everything was healthy.

    6 days ago I restarted. Im pretty much eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday. 3-4 Egg whites cheese wheat bread and a piece of cheese. A chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread and dinner I have whatever my family wants for dinner but I use portion control. I also got vitamin d supplements. Exercise 5 days a week. 1 day strength. The rest cardio. In 6 days I went from 185 to 183 to 182 to 181 to 180 to 179.

    So what am I doing this time?

    This time I am logging everything accurately. Drinking more water. Taking vitamin d supplements everyday. Exercising 5-6 times a week. I also have 1 cheat day where I eat what I want but stay in my calorie range. And the biggest thing I am not giving up. There was always an excuse. Oh its my birth control making me gain weight. Oh its my thyroid. But really in all honesty it was me. I do not need 5-6 cans of pepsi everyday. I do not need 4-5 pieces of pizza drizzled in ranch dressing everytime we eat out. I do not need 2 servings of whatever were having for dinner.

    When I first started MFP I logged a typical day of what I would eat. Pop included. 4500 calories a day was approx what I was consuming. That number made me sick to my stomach.

    No excuses this time. No giving up. Thats whats different.
  • ashypashy7
    ashypashy7 Posts: 50 Member
    I started at over 350 lbs. I lost weight the first time mainly by restricting my calories under 1000 if not some days not even eating. It came from a place of anger and hate.

    I got down to 290 and then got pregnant and got back up to 324. Then I lost all the weight and was back to 290 for my six week post baby appointment.

    I had my daughter in May 2014 and I told myself by fall I'd be lighter. I attempted but not really in all honesty. I got back to 300 lbs and in Nov I said no more, enough is enough.

    To start off my diet wasn't the best and I didn't work out often. I am now at 220, I work out 7 days a week. (7th day being more of an active rest.) I eat mostly unprocessed foods and I am mindful of portions along with counting calories.

    What I am doing now isn't a diet. Its something I can do for the rest of my life and I will. I was always chubby, even as a kid. But I'm done with excuses and blaming my weight on other people. I got fat because I would eat until I wanted to puke. It might not have been bad for you food, but it was a LOT of it. I got unhealthy because I didn't move my body and always had some excuse.

    30 minute work out is 1/48th of my day. Even if I don't want to, I remind myself, If I had X amount of time to sit on my butt online, I have time to work out.

    I started doing it to be an example for my daughter, I now do it because I love myself and I want to take care of my body.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Good question! I closed my diary in hopes that I can overcome the urge to stop logging entirely whenever I overeat significantly.
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    If I fail this time, I can basically kiss my dream of becoming a doctor "goodbye" since obese people are less than half as likely with those with the exact same stats to get accepted. On top of that, I'd be throwing away close to $40,000 that I used to get my Associate's and Bachelor's.
  • Jillish23
    Jillish23 Posts: 226 Member
    edited August 2015

    1. What's different about the diet you're using this time?

    2. What are you doing differently this time to make sure you can stick to it long term?

    1. Nothing, just trying not to beat myself up if I have some days at maintenance. I try to remind myself that at least it's not a gain and I'm still doing better than the days of not logging at all.

    2. I've started lifting weights this time after a lot of advice I've read on MFP. Last time I 'only' walked which actually resulted in Plantar Fasciitis in one foot which is still causing bother. I've had better results this time in that I've come down a trouser size within about a month although my weight loss is slower. Last time I was losing the weight but not the clothing sizes.
  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    This time is different for me is that I will not be perfect and not eat everything right. I realized that eating something good sometimes don't make or break your diet. It don't negate everything that you did. I use to think well I ate those cookies its time to give up I can't do this. I realize those times are part of the process to get going. Life is about work and rewards.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If you're here because you're restarting, have previously tried losing weight, but didn't quite work out and so now you're trying again... then i have two questions about how you are ensuring success this time :smile:

    1. What's different about the diet you're using this time?

    2. What are you doing differently this time to make sure you can stick to it long term?

    Guess, I can technically answer this twice. :laugh:

    First Restart 2013:
    1) My first attempt at losing weight was full of mistakes. I over restricted what I could eat and with as fast as I lost weight I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating near enough. I wasn't counting calories and only ate from a very small pool of foods. I am positive I wasn't eating enough because I lost 60 (possibly closer to 70, but I know I had lost at least 60 lbs) in a 6 month time frame. I was only able to do it for about 6 months before I couldn't stand the restriction any more (also happened to be around holidays in 2012). I ended up regaining about half of what I had lost before my restart on March 13, 2013.
    So what changed, I started counting calories/using MFP in March 2013. My only restriction this time around was to try my best to stick to MFP's calorie goal. A few months later, I added in a food scale and a fitbit as well. I followed MFP's plan for weight loss (eat goal + eat exercise calories).
    2) Following MFP's plan was easy and definitely something I could do long term. No other changes needed.

    Second Restart 2014:
    1) Nothing. I'm continuing where I left off in 2013.
    2) Avoid getting pregnant. That's the reason for this "restart". I had to stop for 9 months due to pregnancy. That said, the plan I had started in 2013 was easy to jump back into. It's been 14 months since my restart this time around and I am down to my last couple lbs before switching to maintenance (working on a plan for that currently).
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    1. Nothing
    I decided to stop dieting and to make sustainable lifestyle changes instead

  • lynlen
    lynlen Posts: 42 Member
    I'm trying not to have unrealistic goals and I don't eat under 1200 calories. I'm also looking at this as a long term process and I don't have an end date anymore
  • cairnsmom
    cairnsmom Posts: 93 Member
    I like evaluative questions....

    1. What's different about the diet you're using this time?
    Basically, I 'm doing the same as last summer: counting calories, but there are a few differences:

    No foods are off limits as long as the calories are available. If it goes over calories and I still want it, I log it and move on. But this is occurring less and less.

    I have drastically cut back on diet soda at my husband's request after he read an article bemoaning its evils. For some reason, (not because he makes me feel like I should) I always let him know or ask him if I can have one. I feel so much better not drinking them. Water or teas are my preferences now.

    I am making better choices when eating away from home.

    Weighing vs measuring..

    2. What are you doing differently this time to make sure you can stick to it long term?

    The biggest change to what I'm doing is that I retired from teaching. My day is now determined by me instead of a schedule arranged by someone else, so "no time" to exercise doesn't work. I can eat according to my hunger instead of the clock, and lunch lasts longer than 15-20 minutes. Now I have to make good on "I'll lose weight when I retire".

    This time, goals are more realistic. I'm am looking at success is small increments, as well as different ways...some of them silly.

    Focus is on health.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it....this time.

  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I finally dropped all my bullsh*t excuses.
    Yes, I can make time to work out.
    Yes, I can find the energy to cook healthy food after a long day at work.
    No, I don't have to turn to food when I'm stressed, sad, angry, bored.
    No, having a full time job and 2 small children is not an excuse to continue to be unhealthy.
    And so on and so forth.
  • pmaia
    pmaia Posts: 42 Member
    I am planning on this time being different. I just got a smart phone, which has made it easier to log. I just started logging everything again. It helps me stay focused, especially when I make lunch for myself, then my daughter asks me for something...then an hour later my son asks for something. It seems I am always in the kitchen. From what I am reading, I think I need to add a food scale to be more accurate.
  • lissiestel
    lissiestel Posts: 6 Member
    Doing it my way, not following a book. Instead of focusing on how much I hate my shape, started focusing on,the positive and realizing the strengths I still have. I have read so much on diet and nutrition since age 12 it is ridiculous lol. But what doesn't work for me is when it gets complicated. Don't get me wrong, love to cook, but needing 20 different ingredients for every meal is just not gonna happen. I am busy with two little children, nanny 3 days a week, bake from home, etc. So after a couple fails, I figured out I just needed to slash added sugars and simple carbs. I am on day 21. Even had two fall off the bandwagon days (childs bday and a daytrip with family)but the diffetence was I jumped back on. I keep it simple, take food with me, bfast is the same everyday, lunch is by week (for example, basic grilled chicken on vegetable salad, just switch up dressing), I put my energy into more creative dinners. I have goals, but this is a lifechange not a 'diet' as in for a little while. I learned the difference between simple and easy. So while it isn't easy, I made it simple. Got a rec center membership too, started going to classes. Started putting my fitness and nutrition goals BEFORE things like laundry, instead of after my to-do list was done (it is NEVERending lol).

    So in short, made it a priority, made it simple, made it sustainable.
  • angieruley78
    angieruley78 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're here because you're restarting, have previously tried losing weight, but didn't quite work out and so now you're trying again... then i have two questions about how you are ensuring success this time :smile:

    1. What's different about the diet you're using this time?

    2. What are you doing differently this time to make sure you can stick to it long term?

  • angieruley78
    angieruley78 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. My name is Angie! I am also restarting this journey again. The diet I am using this time is portion control. Most other times I have placed heavy retest ructions on myself and I think that was my downfall. I think my answer to the second question is more of a why than what am I doing differently this time. I have severe osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease and nothing has seemed to work. I a. Convinced that if I lose a lot of my excess weight I will decrease my pain tremendously. At this point I can barely move day to day and I am pretty much running my household from a chair. I am 36 and have four children......this is no way to live.
  • JustME1611
    JustME1611 Posts: 112 Member
    This is my 2nd time around. I lost 50 lbs 2 years ago with help from MFP, counting calories, and exercising. Then I quit exercising and stopped watching what I ate and eventually gained 30 lbs back. Breaking my ankle and leg and being inactive for 2 months didn't help. This time I want it to be a lifestyle change and after I reach my goal I'm going to work hard to maintain it.
  • franfran1821
    franfran1821 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm not eliminating my favorite foods. Last time it drove me crazy to just eat "clean". I gave up. Also last time I didn't really use the support this community has to offer. I have added lots of friends and joined a few groups
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Last time I lost my 40 lbs and got to goal I calorie counted via MFP, followed an intermittent fasting protocol (Eat. Stop. Eat. - Brad Pilons style). I did some walking and light running but most of my exercise was daily elliptical.

    This time around I am still using intermittent fasting because it fits my schedule perfectly. I gave up the elliptical and decided all my exercise was going to be training for fitness goals and mostly outdoors because I find that more enjoyable. I love running so that is my exercise of choice now because I'm training for road races and several mudruns.

    I know why I gained if back. I went on vacation and started eating in my old habits of huge portions and lots of sweets and stopped exercising. After the trip I never got back on board and spiraled back down my old path. So this time I am hoping to continue setting new fitness goals so I see constant improvement and don't stop working out.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    This time, the guys on my friends list are the only real difference and the community support. Working well so far!