July 2015 Running Challenge



  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/1 - 1.75mi Today was going to be a rest day because my quads are tight and sore but I did it. It was slow and I went on a sandy path instead of pavement to see if it helped and I do feel a little better.
    7/3 - 3.1mi Did my usual hilly path thru the park. Waited until evening to go but it was nice. Completed the first of 2 virtual 5k's. Now I have the rest of the month to improve my time LOL.
    7/6. - 1.6mi Went for a birthday run with my son, which, While I love spending time with him I hate running with him because i am to much slower than him and he always wants to walk LOL.
    7/7. - 3.1 mi Got up at 4:30am to get a run in before work and make up for yesterday. Think I will skip yoga today, I am sure I will pay for it later this week.
    7/10 - 1.85mi Couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and I paid for it. Very humid, slow run on a hilly trail. I knew I couldn't do the 3 miles I had planned so I worked on powering uphill and maintaining the faster pace after the downhills on the hilly trail I picked.
    7/15- 3 miles Started off badly by forgetting my watch and decided not to turn around and get it. Was also still stiff and sore for my fitness test on Monday. All the strength stuff was "to failure ". But I am glad I went, I saw a doe and fawn and another doe farther down the path. It started out cool and drizzly but stopped halfway thru and ended with nice temperature
    7/17 - 1.6mi Started off in the rain which was nice but after a half mile I started getting a headache which kept getting worse. I threw in a few walk breaks to see if it would help but gave up early. I will try again Sunday.
    7/19 - 3.0 mi Crazy hot and humid and it made my RAD act up worse then it has all summer. Could not get my lungs to clear out and of course forgot my inhaler because I have not needed it yet. So more walking then running but still I was moving.
    7/21 - 2.0 Late posting this, went for a run during lunch and used the dreadmill to see if it made a difference in how I felt when I ran and of course it was much better. No humidity and air conditioner apparently = happy lungs. Only had time for 2 miles because my new boss was on site and I didn't want to disappear for to long but felt like I could have gone 2 more which is a nice change instead of dying in the second mile and barely finishing the third LOL.
    7/24 - 2.5 mi Did my usual double loop of the park today and saw 2 wild turkeys on the path. Neeko was very good and locked in them but didn't move or bark which was nice. Had an upset stomach today which is a first for me but also have been under a lot of stress with a reorganization at work and getting JJ ready for an elite goalie camp this weekend so I am treating it as a one off and not worrying about it.
    7/26 - 3mi. Used the treadmill in my living room unfortunately air conditioner is broken so it got very warm very fast. Was supposed to do 4 miles but ran out of time before I had to take JJ to camp. Bad planning on my part.
    7/28 - 3.1mi Used the treadmill at the gym at work today.90 degrees plus humidity is way to hot to be outside for me.
    7/31 - 1.5mi Went out after work to finish off the month. I hate running this late but it was actually a little cooler and less humid then normal. Was able to average about 30 seconds faster on my per mile pace too so that was a nice bonus.

    31.1done 0 to go 1.1 over goal
  • Erin9607
    Erin9607 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for the suggestion :)
    Erin9607 wrote: »
    10/15km complete

    Blister on the ball of my foot. May not run tomorrow. I need better socks

    Ouch. Get some moisture wicking and that should solve your problem. My daughter swears by Swiftwick, but I'm an Under Amour girl.

  • Erin9607
    Erin9607 Posts: 31 Member
    5km walk/run intervals
    9/100 and counting
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Erin9607, did you mean to post that in the August thread?
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    ding ding
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    BTW congratulations to ALL!
  • HerbertCL
    HerbertCL Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2015
    Woo-Hoo! Finished my first running challenge and actually exceeded my goal. Think I'll keep it up :)
    Here's How it went down:
    2.16 - 07/01
    3.02 - 07/03
    3.02 - 07/13
    3.15 - 07/16
    3.10 - 07/17
    3.00 - 07/20
    3.10 - 07/22
    2.80 - 07/24
    3.20 - 07/27
    2.65 - 07/29
    2.29 - 07/31

  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    July 1 - 1.75 miles
    July 3 - 1.96 miles
    July 4 - 4.15 miles

    July 6 - 1.8 miles
    July 8 - 1.91 miles
    July 10 - 1.78 miles

    July 11 - 3.1 miles (Color Run)
    July 14 - 2 miles
    July 15 - 2.2 miles

    July 19 - 3.3 miles (Ele's Race)
    July 21 - 2.1 miles
    July 22 - 2.15 miles
    July 25 - 5.52 miles

    July 28 - 2.25 miles
    July 30 - 2.21 miles

    Made goal! :smiley:



  • ElleB8
    ElleB8 Posts: 1 Member
    Just getting back into running. Will do 50 miles for August!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    Just joined and hope to do 50 miles in August. I've completed 19.7 miles as of now, so, I have a long ways to go. But love this challenge! Not sure how to post the ticker, but here is a try: http://www.tickerfactory.com/exercise/wvwRuW5/
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2015
    snha wrote: »
    Just joined and hope to do 50 miles in August. I've completed 19.7 miles as of now, so, I have a long ways to go. But love this challenge! Not sure how to post the ticker, but here is a try: http://www.tickerfactory.com/exercise/wvwRuW5/

    @snha We are already onto the August challenge. Join us there.


    As far as directions for the ticker, re-read the very first post of the thread and if you still don't got it, message me.

    It looks like your image file should look like:

    so just surround it with the [ img] and [ /img] tags (minus the extra space I put in just after the opening bracket).
  • eadean
    eadean Posts: 2 Member
    I'm getting back into running after letting myself slack off for too long. I don't want to hurt myself, so I'm going to go for 35 miles in July.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    I'll join for thirty!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    This is the July 2015 thread. July 2016 should be up in the next few days :)
  • Domilg23
    Domilg23 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm running every day for about 40 minutes, feels so good after run!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member